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The Peanut Van To
Open Shop In Brisbane
SCOOP! May 22, 2007 - Almost two years to the day since we announced that Kingaroy's iconic tourism attraction The Peanut Van was expanding to Childers, another new outlet is opening ... this time in Brisbane.

Owners Rob and Chris Patch announced today that trading will commence at the new store, located at 725 Gympie Road, Chermside, on June 15 with an "official" opening planned for later in the month.

This is a traditional shop-front store rather than a van but will still feature the full range of peanuts and peanut products available in Kingaroy. A DVD will provide information about growing peanuts and the peanut industry.

Rob said there were also plans underway for a fourth outlet to open within six months elsewhere in Queensland.

And of course, it is still business as usual at Kingaroy and Childers!
QUT Team Challenges For UAV Title
May 21, 2007 - Competitors are deadly serious about the $60,000 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Challenge - Outback Rescue competition - to be held in Kingaroy from September 24-27 this year.

The Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation's competition is the first of its kind in Australia and is open to secondary and university students, as well as hobbyists and film makers.

A QUT team posted the following sneak peek of their entry on video-sharing website YouTube last week ... they've thrown down the gauntlet!

(press play button)

MP Proud of Investment in Swickers
May 18, 2007 - Swickers Kingaroy Bacon Factory and Barkers Creek Pork have featured at one of Asia's premier food and hospitality trade events, HOFEX 2007, held in Hong Kong this week.

State Development Minister John Mickel said he was proud to see Swickers at HOFEX 2007 and listed the State grants which he said at helped Swickers increase its global markets.

A grant of $50,000 enabled Swickers to implement an export development plan, then $657,000 allowed it to upgrade its domestic slaughter floor to export standard while a third grant of $100,000 helped it to implement world-class best practices, he said.
Coastal Displays To Woo Tourists Inland
May 17, 2007 - South Burnett Visitor Information Centre manager Carolyn Knudsen reports that the South Burnett now has a dedicated display space at Noosa Marina, Maroochydore and Kawana Visitor Information Centres and - as of next week - Caloundra.

The displays, designed to tempt coastal tourists inland, will be in place until the end of August.

The recently released Kingaroy map (right) will also be distributed in Visitor Information Centres at Maroochydore, Glass House Mountains, Pine Rivers, Lockyer Valley, Eidsvold, Maryborough Fraser Coast, Hervey Bay and all South Burnett VICs.
BiedoBIEDO Workshops Scheduled Throughout South Burnett
May 16, 2007 - The Burnett Inland Economic Development Organisation (BIEDO) will be offering a series of business workshops (52kb PDF) in the region over the next few months.

Workshops in succession management are scheduled for Kingaroy, Murgon, Kilkivan, Nanango and Wondai. Download a flyer (245kb).

Workshops in financial management are planned for Murgon, Blackbutt, Nanango, Kingaroy, Wondai, Proston, Kilkivan and Goomeri. Download a flyer (67kb).

For more information about this program, which has been funded by AusIndustry, contact BIEDO on (07) 5484-1652.
Women ... It's Time To Shine!
May 15, 2007 - The 2007 Queensland Smart Women - Smart State Awards are seeking nominations to shine the spotlight on women (or girls) achieving great things in science, engineering or information and communication technology.

There are 13 categories - and a total prize pool of $32,500 - so why not nominate yourself or someone you know!

Entrants can be secondary students, under-graduates or post-graduates, women in industry / business or women in the community / public sector.

For more information, visit the Smart Women Awards website or download the flyer (79kb PDF)
Super Seminar in Kingaroy
April 14, 2007 - Sunsuper is hosting a seminar for employers in Kingaroy next month to explain the Federal Government changes to superannuation which come into effect on July 1.

The employer update will be held from 9am-11am on June 1 at the Kingaroy RSL. It will focus on budget changes and financial planning from an employer perspective, with keynote speakers from the ATO and Commerce Queensland.

For more information, contact Dave Murgatroyd on (07) 5479-5399, visit the Sunsuper website or download a flyer (247kb PDF)
Drought Tolerant Plants in Murgon
May 11, 2007 - A new listing on SBBiz is the Delheidia Nursery at 15180 Bunya Highway, Murgon.

The business, run by Adele Shepherd and Dianne Pour, features drought-tolerant native plants and ornamentals and also sells water crystals to help keep plants healthy in these dry times.

Adele and Diana can be contacted on (07) 4168-3845 or by email
First Meeting of New Wine Club
May 10, 2007 - Do you love wine? Then the inaugural meeting of the South Burnett Wine Appreciation Society tomorrow from 7:30pm at the 1913 Council Chambers in Edward Street, Kingaroy, should be a highlight of your week!

The idea for the new group has come from Tony Harrington who was a member of a similar group in the Granite Belt before moving recently to the local area. The proposal is to form a social club which holds tastings, lunches, dinners etc and generally has a good time. Tomorrow night's meeting will discuss ideas for the new club.

For more information, contact Tony on 0428-982-703 or by email
Sunny Ridge Gardens
Re-Opens To Public
May 9, 2007 - One of the South Burnett's prettiest gardens and outdoor wedding venues, Sunny Ridge Gardens, at 118 Couchmans Road, Kingaroy, is back open to the public after a short closure.

Owner Kathy Masters said the gardens are now open 10:00am to 5:00pm on Thursdays to Sundays (entry by donation). Other times and light refreshments can also be arranged. Visitors are invited to wander through the acres of gardens which are also suitable for functions and photo sessions. Buses are also welcome.

For more information, contact Kathy on (07) 4162-7090.
Why Do You Love Living In Kingaroy?
May 8, 2008 - Children ... here's your chance to win great prizes during Kingaroy Shire Council's Queensland Week Colouring-In Competition.

All children in Kingaroy Shire are invited to submit a drawing on A4 paper depicting what they love most about living in the Kingaroy region. Attach your name, address, age, school grade and school name to the entry and either drop it into the Visitor Information Centre in Haly Street (opposite the peanut silos) or mail to PO Box 272, Kingaroy, 4610 by Thursday May 24. Also add a description of the drawing (up to 50 words).

The good news is you can enter as many times as you like! The entries will go on display at the Visitor Information Centre during Queensland Week (June 3-10)
Have Your Say On Council Amalgamations!
May 4, 2007 - Councillors, council employees, ratepayers ... in fact anyone concerned about the forced amalgamation of local councils (and the sudden axing of the voluntary Size, Shape and Sustainability review which would have involved a referendum in local communities) have been invited to have their say on a new website.

The Local Government Association of Queensland-sponsored website Local Democracy explains how you can make a formal submission to the State Government before the May 25 deadline and also includes a feedback form which will be forwarded to Premier Peter Beattie, Local Government Minister Andrew Fraser and State MPs.

This is an opportunity for all residents to have their say on what the future boundaries of our South Burnett councils should look like.
BiedoInterested in Learning a Trade?
May 3, 2007 - The Burnett Inland Economic Development Organisation has secured $74,000 from the State Government to co-ordinate trades training across the Inland Burnett.

The main focus is on steel fabrication (boiler making, welding, fitting and turning etc) however BIEDO will try to assist anyone interested in other areas. Different training options are available suited to different levels of maturity, experience & skill.

For more information contact Tracy Sutton on (07) 4163-6870 or by email. Download an application form (137kb PDF).
Rob Patch and Greg NordKCCI Golf Day Success!
May 2, 2007 - The 2007 KCCI Golf Day at Kingaroy Golf Club last Saturday was a huge success despite (or more likely because of) the slightly damp conditions. In a strong turnout, 75 players took to the greens to compete in the three-ball ambrose.

Winners were Russ Mackay, Michael Mackay and Greg Nord (pictured at right with KCCI president Rob Patch). Runners-up were Jason Naumann, David Hosking and James Bartlett.

Congratulations and many thanks to all the sponsors and competitors who took part!
Guest Speakers To Explain Sharemarket
May 1, 2007 - Interested in learning more about the sharemarket? A community education night at the South Burnett Enterprise Centre, 6 Cornish Street, Kingaroy on May 16 may be able to answer some of your questions.

The two-hour program, which begins at 7:30pm, will include general information about the sharemarket, the international and national economic outlook for 2007-2008, and an overview of the factors that drive the market. This will be presented by stockbroker Robert Hartwin. Commsec Business Development Manager Stewart Thallon will then explain the Commsec website and different investment options.

For more information, contact Valerie Sapin on (07) 4162-2542.
section carsThe Last Train To Kingaroy?
April 30, 2006 - Fourteen railway "section cars" (small self-propelled vehicles built to run on rail tracks) visited Kingaroy on Saturday as part of a run from Goomeri billed as "The Last Adventure" by the Australian Society of Section Car Operators.

Ros Hunting, (right), from Gatton said ASSCO had heard rumours the line was about to be removed so they believed this would be their last opportunity to run down this section of the track.

The small "trains" pulled into Kingaroy platform briefly before beginning their return trip to Goomeri.
Ch 7 To Preview Smashing Pumpkins
April 27, 2007 - Channel 7's Sunrise show is coming to Goomeri to preview the 11th Annual Goomeri Pumpkin Festival!

The Festival (and the Great Australian Pumpkin Roll) will be held on Sunday May 27 and the preview is expected to be filmed on Thursday May 3.

The Pumpkin Festival - which has been entered into the Fraser Coast South Burnett Regional Tourism Board's Hall of Fame - attracts more than 13,000 people to Goomeri every May to watch rolling pumpkins meet their doom.
Fig Jam Seeks Assistance
April 26, 2007 - Community-minded musicians Fig Jam Music are seeking sponsors and interested musicians for their Boggy Creek Slim Dusty Tribute weekend which will be held in June at Wooroolin.

Fig Jam are a bunch of local musicians who provide an outlet for younger and older players to jam as well as teach musical skills to those financially unable to do so.

For more information, contact Steve on (07) 4164-2311 or Tony on (07) 4164-2326.
Local Products To
Woo Coastal Visitors
April 24, 2007 - Carolyn Knudsen, from the South Burnett Visitor Information - Kingaroy, will be spruiking all things South Burnett next month at the first of the '"Taste the Magic / Uncork the Magic" information sessions for volunteers of Sunshine Coast Visitor Information Centres.

These are the people who can refer tourists our way, so it's vital that we make a good impression!

Carolyn is seeking local products and produce to take with her and is offering to purchase a limited number of consumerables at half price. Each supplier will be featured during the tasting sessions. She is also seeking support from accommodation providers in the form of discount offers and incentives.

If your business can help promote the South Burnett, contact Carolyn on (07) 4162-6272 by April 27.
New Faces at Leading Edge Electronics
April 23, 2007 - Well-known local businesspeople Kelly and Morty Douglass have taken over Leading Edge Electronics / South Burnett Computer Services in Alford Street, Kingaroy.

The computer parts and electronics store also offers computer and network repairs (with 24-hour support Monday to Friday), new computer systems, electronic toys and appliances, software and telephone and communication equipment.

Kelly will also be continuing with her own business KJD Digital which handles digital editing and photography; DVD editing; VHS to DVD transfers (specialising in wedding videos) and DV tape and 8mm film to DVD.