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HoneyHoney, Come Home!
January 24, 2007 - Has anyone seen Honey? While we don't usually publish lost dog requests, this one is special because it has a business twist.

Honey the golden labrador, (right), is an integral part of Deshons Retreat B&B in Kingaroy so it's not only the Deshon family that are missing her, the guests are traumatised too ... She wandered off on Saturday morning with a new blue heeler pup. The pup was returned yesterday, but no Honey.

She is very friendly, a little deaf and is wearing a leather collar and "Honey" tag. If anyone has any information please phone Jayne on 0438-040-548.
eBay Workshop in Kingaroy
January 24, 2007 - If you have Internet access (and, of course you must if you're reading this), you may have wondered at some time about selling on eBay.

Well, the State Development Centre has organised the workshop for you! The eBay for Small Business workshop will be held at Kingaroy RSL Club on February 7 from 6-9pm. Topics covered will include safe trading, how to handle disputes and growing your business.

Cost is $27.50 which will include light refreshments. Bookings are essential by email or phone 13-26-50.
Kunioon Mine - Have Your Say!
January 23, 2007 - The Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce and Industry is urging local residents to have their say on the proposed Kunioon Mine development. The KCCI is concerned about the economic effect on the region if the mine does not go ahead.

A list of people to write to has been published on Page 3 of today's South Burnett Times newspaper and is also available on the KCCI website.

However, if you do not have the time to write a letter, you can still make your voice heard. The SBT has also published a poll coupon which you can fill in, clip out and drop off to the SBT office in Haly Street, Kingaroy.

Have your say!
Luke Offers On-Site Welding Service
January 22, 2007 - Luke Cooke Light Engineering, based at Tansey, is one of the latest businesses to be added to SBBiz.

Luke, who can be contacted on 0438-221-558 or by email offers an on-site service for welding and repairs.

He also does machining and lathe work and has steel and industrial supplies for sale.
Hope Farm Is New B&B Retreat
January 19, 2007 - Kingaroy Shire has another new B&B ... Hope Farm Retreat which is located on top of the Booie Range at 637 Kingaroy-Barkers Creek Road.

Owners Karyn and Wayne Walker can be contacted on (07) 4163-6265 or by email.

Hope Farm Retreat is a fully self-contained two bedroom cottage which sleeps four. It features a fireplace and reverse cycle air conditioning plus 180 degree views overlooking the valley and bushland.
Preliminary Assessment
Suggests Council Merger
January 18, 2007 - The Preliminary Report from the Northern Downs Size, Shape and Sustainability review of Rosalie and Crows Nest Shire Councils has been released for public comment.

The report, which shows that a merger of the two Councils would have a "significant advantage" over other options, can be downloaded or is available at no cost at various locations in both shires.

An independent facilitator Mr Noel Playford was appointed by the two councils to assist them with the review. The four options assessed were:
  • Resource Sharing Through Service Agreements
  • Resource Sharing Through Joint Enterprise
  • Significant Boundary Changes
  • Merger / Amalgamation

Comments and suggestions must be received in writing by 4pm on Monday 19th February 2007 at Rosalie Shire Council, PO Box 50, Goombungee, 4354 or Crows Nest Shire Council, PO Box 35, Crows Nest, Qld, 4355. Public meetings will be held on Monday 5th February at the Community Hall, Old Homebush Road, Gowrie Junction and on Tuesday 6th February at the Memorial Hall, Munro Street, Cooyar.
Kunioon Mine Key To South Burnett Economy
January 17, 2007 - If Tarong Energy does not give the green light to the development of the Kunioon coal deposit near Kingaroy, the South Burnett economy faces the loss of up to 500 jobs and $100 million a year, the Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce and Industry has warned.

Kunioon is vying with mines at Glen Wilga (near Chinchilla) and the New Acland mine to be selected as the preferred coal supplier when the Meandu mine at Tarong closes in three years time.

KCCI President Rob Patch said the loss of jobs, both directly as mine employees and contractors, and indirectly in the local community would have an enormous effect.

Click here to read the full press release (51kb)
ScannerBreakthrough Technology At PCA
January 16, 2007 - The Peanut Company of Australia's innovative near infrared (NIR) scanning technology (pictured at right during testing) went "live" in the blanching plant at their Kingaroy complex last week.

This is the first time NIR scanning has been used anywhere in peanut processing. The scanner tests for moisture, oil and Hi Oleic content. PCA are also developing techniques to test for more product parameters.

Read more on PCA's website
Nominations Sought For Wide Bay Advisory Group
January 15, 2007 - This is your chance to get involved in the South Burnett's future ...

Nominations close this Friday (January 19) for people interested in becoming a member of the 10-person Ministerial Regional Community Forum which advises the State Government on regional issues. Forum members represent a broad cross-section of social, economic and environmental interests throughout the region and all Queenslanders are invited to apply.

This is a voluntary position but is an opportunity to get your voice heard. For more information or to receive a copy of the nomination form and information pack, phone (07) 4151-9747 or send an email
Merry Christmas and
a Happy New Year!
December 15, 2006 - would like to wish all our readers a very happy and safe Christmas and a prosperous 2007!

The website will be running as usual over the holiday break so please continue to send in any updates or changes to business listings, however our news briefs will be taking a short break until January 15.

A huge thank you to everyone who has assisted us over the past 12 months!
Crackerjack Drive
Through South Burnett
December 14, 2006 - We all know the South Burnett is a crackerjack spot ... but it's nice to know that Tourism Australia also thinks so!

Tourism Australia recently released their new "Your Great Australian Journey Starts Here" fly/drive brochure (right) which describes in their words "14 crackerjack drives" in Australia. And right up there with Uluru and Kakadu is the loop through the South Burnett and a special mention of our local wine trail.

Free copies of the brochure, which also includes drives through North Queensland and Central Queensland, are available at the South Burnett Visitor Information Centre in Kingaroy.
Nominations Sought For Health Council
December 13, 2006 - The State Government is calling for nominations from community members interested in serving on the new South Burnett Health Community Council.

The Health Department has created 37 of the new advisory bodies across Queensland which will replace existing district health councils. Health Minister Stephen Robertson said the councils would give communities a more direct say over the performance and quality of local health services.

There will be up to eight members (including a local GP) on each council and appointments will be for four years. Closing date for nominations is February 12, 2007.

For further information visit the website or phone 1800-077-308.
Team South Burnett Heading To Adelaide
December 12, 2006 - Team South Burnett, headed by local celebrity foodie Jason Ford, will be off to Adelaide next year to test their skills - and our region's produce - against the best Australia has to offer.

TSB will be competing in the 2007 Australian Regional Culinary Competition. Their efforts will highlight the South Burnett to a national audience via the popular cable TV channel Lifestyle Food.

Jason recently launched the TSB's own website to keep the media and everyone else up-to-date with what's happening in their competition bid. He's also keen to hear from local companies who are interested in coming on board as sponsors.
New Owners At Motel
December 11, 2006 - New owners have taken over Kingaroy's newest motel, the four-star Ascot Lodge Motor Inn at 69 Kingaroy Street (next door to Red Rooster).

Terry and Marilyn Cutler took over the business last Monday and in Terry's words "have hit the ground running".

The Ascot Lodge restaurant is open to the public for meals on Mondays to Thursdays from 6pm.
Dennis Has Q-Done It!
December 8, 2006 - One of the original trainees from the South Burnett Online project, Dennis Phethean, has started his own web business ... Quay-Design Internet Developments & iT Solutions.

Q-DIDiTs is based in Nanango and offers web design services, consultation, hosting, domain registration and IT support.

Dennis can be contacted on (07) 4163-3287 or by email
New Faces At Murgon Business
December 7, 2006 - Tucker's Smash Repairs at Murgon has new owners and a new name ... Murgon Paint and Panel.

The business is located at 13 Lamb St, Murgon and Kimberley and Mark Kunde can be contacted on (07) 4168-1868 or by email.

The business, which boasts a spray and bake oven, handles all smash repairs and is a recommended insurance repairer.
South Burnett Features
Again In Newsletter
December 6, 2006 - Passchendaele Farm and Mulanah Gardens feature in the Summer 2006 edition of South-East Queensland Country Club newsletter, (right), which is widely distributed to subscribers by Tourism Queensland.

There's also a free plug for the Wondai Christmas Carnival and the Kingaroy Christmas Carnival although unfortunately the dates printed are now incorrect. The Wondai Carnival is on December 24 (not December 23 as stated on Page 1) and the Kingaroy Carnival is on December 14 (not December 7 as stated on Page 5).
WorkChoices Seminar On Today
December 5, 2006 - Commerce Queensland will be holding another of their Employer Advice seminars on the Federal Government's WorkChoices legislation in Kingaroy this afternoon.

The seminar will cover agreement making, unfair dismissals, industrial disputes and right of entry and will be held at the Kingaroy RSL Club from 3pm-6pm.

Cost is free but registration would be helpful. For further details contact Gail Clifford on 1300-138-470 or download a flyer (72kb PDF)
Business Planning
Workshop at Moffatdale
December 4, 2006 - The Queensland Wine Industry Association, in association with the Federal Government's Building Entrepreneurship in Small Business Program, will be holding a business planning workshop in the South Burnett later this month.

The AusIndustry Business Enterprise Planning Workshop will be held at Clovely Estate, Steinhardts Road, Moffatdale (near Murgon) on Tuesday December 12 from 9:30am to 4pm. The workshop is targeted at the wine industry but other small business operators, especially in the tourism industry are also welcome to attend. Cost is $89 for QWIA members and $129 for non-members.

For more information, contact Trevor Watts on (07) 4631-2679 or download an information flyer (39kb PDF) and registration form (36kb)
Kingstons Office National Joins SBBiz
December 1, 2006 - There's been movement within our free poster pages this week, with a new one being launched, changes to another and a farewell to an old friend.

The new page is for Kingston's Office National which is located in Haly Street Kingaroy. Kingston's offers a full range of office supplies and office furniture.

John Cahill's Kingaroy Ridge Wines, a long-time resident on SBBiz, has released its tastebud-tempting 2006-07 Summer recipe which is available to download from its Cahills page.

And finally, we bid farewell to Kingaroy Cheese which has launched its own website. Kingaroy Cheese's poster page had been in service since 2002 providing the company with a free toehold in cyberspace.