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Unemployment Rate Hits 8.5%
March 15, 2012 - Unemployment in the Wide Bay region has continued to rise - hitting 8.5 per cent in February.

Federal Member for Wide Bay Warren Truss said today the jump demanded immediate action from all levels of government.

"The unemployment rate in our region has been volatile, reaching a peak of 12.3 per cent in August last year before dropping to 5.3 per cent in November," Mr Truss said.

"The sharp rise to 7.5 per cent in January, to 8.5 per cent in February, indicates that action is needed to create jobs and strengthen the regional economy."

Mr Truss said the State and Federal ALP governments had broken their promises to create new jobs.

"The Bligh Labor Government could have created countless jobs in Maryborough by awarding its multi-billion dollar train project to local manufacturer Downer EDI instead of inviting offshore contractors to tender and create jobs in Asia," Mr Truss said.