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Forum Discusses 'Roadmap' For Wide Bay Burnett Region
October 28, 2010 - Regional Development Australia - Wide Bay Burnett (the new joint State-Federal body established after the old Area Consultative Committee network was dissolved) held a forum in Kingaroy last night to gauge local opinions on a number of key issues.

RDA Wide Bay Burnett is a strategic advisory body to government rather than a funding body. It was established in late 2009 as one of 12 RDAs in Queensland. Since then the committee has held meetings to develop a draft "roadmap" for the region which was submitted to the State Government in August.

Last night's meeting in Kingaroy was the last in the a second round of community engagements to fine tune the roadmap before the first ever Wide Bay Burnett Regional Summit which will be held in Bundaberg on November 30.

So far RDA Wide Bay Burnett has identified five regional priorities and actions which formed the basis for last night's discussions. These are:
  • Strengthening our regional profile
  • Driving economic prosperity and job creation
  • Fostering natural resource management and sustainability
  • Advancing education and training
  • Supporting our community and social well-being

The Draft Wide Bay Burnett Regional Roadmap can be downloaded here - (but beware, it is a LARGE file - 20MB PDF)

ABOVE: Paul Francis (RDA Wide Bay Burnett), South Burnett Regional Council Mayor David Carter and RDA Wide Bay Burnett Chairman Grant Maclean at the Kingaroy forum
Ergon Energy Thanks Long-Serving South Burnett Duo
October 27, 2010 - Long-serving Ergon Energy employees in the South Burnett have been honoured for their service, dedication and commitment to the electricity industry in a ceremony held recently at Maryborough.

Tony Bygrave (work group leader, Yarraman) and Shane Raabe (live line linesperson, Kingaroy) were presented with a certificate recognising their individual contribution to the industry and, in particular, their service to Ergon Energy and their local communities for the past 25 years.

The pair were inducted into Ergon's "25 Year" club.

"It is a way for Ergon Energy to recognise their loyal service and contribution they've made to servicing the needs of electricity customers in their local communities,” General Manager Operations Southern Paul Jordon said.

* * *

About 30 police officers from the North Coast Region, including police from the South Burnett, were presented with Service Medals at an official ceremony in Gympie this week.

North Coast Region Chief Superintendent Lawrie Churchill presented medals and clasps to officers in recognition of their diligence and ethical service.
Ergon Envirofund Gives
$21,000 to South Burnett Projects
October 26, 2010 - Three South Burnett groups will share $21,000 from Ergon Energy's $100,000 Envirofund grant scheme.

General Manager Operations Southern Paul Jordon said Wondai State School would receive $10,000 towards establishing a Bush Tucker Trail linking the garden kitchen and permaculture garden, along with the installation of a rainwater tank.

"Local indigenous families will be involved in the design and planting of the trail, while Blue Care clients will assist with maintenance," Mr Jordon said.

"Wondai State School students will be educated on growing, harvesting and preparing food and will be able to take produce home to share with their families."

The Kingaroy State High School Waste Management Project will receive $1000 to install 20 bird-proof rubbish bins to stop birds scattering waste throughout the school grounds and surrounding community.

South Burnett Regional Council will receive $10,000 to host a week-long energy efficiency education event for local schools and community members at the South Burnett Energy Centre in Nanango.

"The Wise Up to Energy Use program will include a light bulb exchange program and a variety of information sessions on energy conservation methods and renewable energy alternatives," Mr Jordan said.
BIEDO Promises Action Day On Employment
October 25, 2010 - The Burnett Inland Economic Development Organisation (BIEDO) will be holding its first "Solutions Focused Forum" on December 1 in Kingaroy.

The forum will discuss employment, training and education issues in the Burnett region including micro-enterprises, recruitment and initiatives for young people outside the mainstream school system.

The forum aims to produce an "Action Focused Report" on what the region can do to progress effective employment solutions.

BIEDO has promised this will not be just another talkfest identifying issues but rather an "Action this Day!"

For more information, contact BIEDO on (07) 4169-7851.
Clip, Save and Win, Win, Win!!
October 22, 2010 - Have you joined the South Burnett's Secret Savers Club yet?

The third Clip Save 'N' Win coupons flyer was distributed recently to mail boxes throughout the region - it's pink this time!

The Secret Saver Club promises to offer members instant updates on local sales, limited offers and great deals in the South Burnett. Just fill in the form and drop it into any of the contributing businesses on the flyer.

People who join the club will also go into a draw to win accommodation at the Coral Beach Resort at Noosa.

NB: The saving coupons expire on October 31 so you'd better get clipping!!
Peanut Silos Added To Heritage Register
October 21, 2010 - Kingaroy's iconic peanut silos, (right), have been added to the Queensland Heritage Register.

Queensland Heritage Council Chairman David Eades said yesterday the silos in Haly Street demonstrated the large-scale development of the peanut industry in Queensland.

"The Kingaroy Peanut Silos is a group of three remaining concrete silos - numbers 2, 3 and 4 - that were constructed by the Queensland Peanut Marketing Board to store peanuts before their processing and marketing. Silo 1 was destroyed by fire in 1951," Mr Eades said.

Mr Eades said the silos were "a striking physical manifestation" of the Peanut Company of Australia and its precursor organisations.

"The Kingaroy peanut silos are important for their symbolic quality and aesthetic contribution to the South Burnett landscape," he said.

The silos were identified as part of a statewide heritage survey carried out by the Department of Environment and Resource Management's Heritage Branch.

PCA Director Supply and Operations John Howard said PCA was supportive of the listing.

"It has been a pleasure dealing with the DERM Heritage Branch officers during this process," Mr Howard said. "We realised that by working together and establishing the correct application parameters and exception certificates that heritage listing would not be an encumbrance on our operations, efficiency and stakeholders."

Places that are entered in the Heritage Register are considered of importance to Queensland's history and are protected under heritage legislation.
RDA Regional Development
Forum To Be Held In Kingaroy
October 20, 2010 - Regional Development Australia - Wide Bay Burnett - the joint State / Federal organisation formed after the scrapping of the Wide Bay Burnett Area Consultative Committee - is inviting South Burnett residents to air their views on regional development at a meeting to be held in Kingaroy next week.

Chairman Grant Maclean said the RDA Wide Bay Burnett team was seeking input on several topics critical to regional development including:

  • How can the Wide Bay Burnett can strengthen its regional profile?

  • How can economic prosperity be increased and jobs created?

  • What more could be done to foster natural resource management and sustainability?

  • What action is required to advance education and training?

The free Community Forum and supper will be held on Wednesday October 27, 2010 from 6:30pm-9:00pm at the South Burnett Enterprise Centre, 6 Cornish Street, Kingaroy.

To register, fill in the form on the RDA Wide bay website

* * *

  • The State Government has rejected a call by The Greens for a moratorium on Coal Seam Gas mining following latest contamination scare. See Brisbane Times report
  • Landcare Gets Down and
    Dirty With Sequestration
    October 19, 2010 - Do you remember Stanley the Soil Sample?? Back in April Landcare South East Burnett was publicising his embarrassing fungal problem.

    Well, now in a further (and final) adventure of Stanley, Landcare has found Stanley a wife, Carbonita, and they plan to settle down and sequester ...

    And if all that confuses you, you probably need to attend "What You Need To Know About Carbon ... Now!", a seminar that Landcare South East Burnett will be holding at Murgon PCYC next week.

    Guest speaker will be Alan Lauder, author of "Carbon Grazing", who will examine the importance of building soil carbon.

    The seminar will be held on Wednesday, October 27, from 8:30am until 3:30pm. Cost is $15 per person; $10 for seniors, pensioners, students and Landcare members; or $20 per family or couple (two or more from one property). Morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea will be provided.

    RSVP to Penny Kennedy on (07) 4168-6179 or 0419-442-325.
    Council Attractions
    Clean Up At Tourism Awards
    October 18, 2010 - Three South Burnett Regional Council attractions - Lake Boondooma Camping and Recreation Area, (right), the South Burnett Energy Centre and Wondai Regional Art Gallery - all won awards at the annual Fraser Coast South Burnett Regional Tourism Awards held in Urangan on Saturday night.

    As well, the South Burnett Region Timber Industry Museum was inducted into the Hall of Fame for the second time, this time for winning the "Regional Attraction" category three times in a row.

    2010 South Burnett winners:

    • Regional Attraction - Lake Boondooma Camping and Recreation Area
    • New Tourism Business - South Burnett Energy Centre, Nanango
    • Heritage & Cultural Tourism - Wondai Regional Art Gallery
    • Unique Accommodation - Redrock on Booie

    Boondooma Homestead was a runner-up in the Heritage & Cultural Tourism category.
    Free Webinar On New Business Laws
    October 18, 2010 - The Queensland Department of Employment and Economic Development is inviting small businesses to register to view a free webinar on changes to national laws that will affect almost every Australian business.

    On January 1 next year, all State Governments will introduce a single, national consumer protection and fair trading law to be known as the Australian Consumer Law (ACL).

    This will replace key sections of the Commonwealth Trade Practices Act 1974 and the Fair Trading Acts of all States and Territories, including Queensland's Fair Trading Act 1989.

    DEEDI warns the ACL will affect almost every Australian business.

    The free online information seminar will provide an introduction to the law and also an opportunity to put questions to an expert panel.

    The webinar will be held from noon (Queensland time) on October 26.

    To register to take part, click here.

    For more information on the Australian Consumer Law, visit the Consumer Law website or the Office of Fair Trading

    * * *

    The wild winds and rain on Friday night caused a heap of headaches for local Ergon Energy crews:

    • 200 customers near Kingaroy lost power from 10:05pm on Friday until 10:30am on Saturday when two poles came down in extremely wet locations

    • 150 customers in the Wondai region had a blackout from 5:35am to 1:50pm on Saturday when a pole top caught fire near Charlestown in an area without immediate access for Ergon crews

    * * *

    The Silver Lining Foundation training schemes at Ficks Crossing were featured on ABC Radio Wide Bay this morning.

    They're doing a great job a turning out workers who now just need jobs!

    Listen to the report by clicking here
    Tourism Awards In Urangan Tomorrow
    October 15, 2010 - The local tourism industry's traditional "night of nights", the annual Fraser Coast South Burnett Tourism awards, will be held in Hervey Bay tomorrow night.

    FCSBT marketing manager Danielle Andreuzzi expects more than 240 people to attend the calypso-themed event in Urangan.

    Awards will be distributed in 29 categories and usually the South Burnett end of the region does very well, scooping many awards.

    This year's awards night will be celebrated with the knowledge that this may be the last time South Burnett operators will be invited to attend the event as merger talks could see the South Burnett being severed from this region to be attached to the Golden West.
    Local Trainees & Apprentices Star in MRAEL Awards
    The South Burnett shone at the annual MRAEL Awards

    ABOVE: Trainee of the Year Maxine Scarffe (PCA) with MRAEL Kingaroy manager Frances Ross; Apprentice of the Year Benjamin Bird (Wards Electrical) with sponsor Ken Mills; Certificate III in Business Award winner Mia Forsyth (Kingaroy X-Ray); Tony Phillips, who accepted the Large Business of the Year Award on behalf of Tarong Energy

    October 14, 2010 - Wide Bay-based training organisation MRAEL held its annual awards night at Maryborough last Saturday but many of the awards flowed straight back to the South Burnett.

    Local electrician Benjamin Bird (Wards Electrical and Communication) received top honors, winning the highly contested Apprentice of the Year Award as well as the Industry Award for Electrical. Ben is a 4th Year apprentice completing a Certificate III in Electrotechnology Systems.

    Kingaroy trainee Maxine Scarffe (Peanut Company of Australia) was named Trainee of the Year and Most Consistent Trainee for her maturity, openness to approaching new tasks and high standard of work. Maxine has recently completed her Business Traineeship with PCA and has started full-time work with the company.

    Tarong Energy was awarded the Large Host Business of the Year Award.

    Small-Medium Host Business of the Year Award was presented to the ANZ Banking Group.

    Other award winners included:

    • Ben Trace (Tarong Energy) - 3rd year Apprentice

    • Matthew Goyen (Goomeri Homes & Renovation) - Industry Award - Construction

    • Mia Forsyth (Kingaroy X-Ray) - Certificate III in Business

    • Jarrad Dascombe (Tarong Energy) - Certificate III/IV

    • Aleisha Marriott (Tarong Energy) - High Achievement Trainee

    Outstanding workplace mentors included Terry Cole (Thiess Pty Ltd) and Tyler Scott (Tarong Energy).
    Government Crackdown
    On Unlicensed Builders
    October 13, 2010 - The State Government is cracking down on unlicensed builders with a statewide audit of building sites announced this week.

    Public Works Minister Mr Robert Schwarten said more than 100 inspectors from the Building Services Authority would be visiting randomly selected building sites.

    "This crackdown will ensure all persons doing building work are licensed or otherwise operating lawfully," he said.

    "During tough economic times, unqualified and unlicensed persons often believe they can make money in the building industry by competing unfairly against licensed operators. These rogue contractors also put consumers at risk."

    In 2009-10, BSA staff interviewed 9594 contractors at 2604 building sites across the State. As a result, fines totalling $88,000 were issued and 38 investigations are still ongoing.

    Any person caught unlawfully performing building work can be fined up to $25,000 while a company can be fined up to $125,000.

    If a builder is caught engaging an unlicensed subcontractor, the builder may be fined up to $8000 for a first offence, $12,000 for a second offence and $16,000 for a third or subsequent offence.

    * * *

    As previously reported on SBBiz, the BSA has also increased its compliance investigations into advertising by unlicensed contractors.

    Unlicensed contractors must state in any advertisement the maximum value of work they can perform without a licence, while BSA licensees must state their name and licence number.

    In 2009-10, the BSA conducted 2632 investigations, issuing 482 infringement notices to unlicensed-contractor advertisers and 34 fines to licensees for non-compliant ads.

    Several South Burnett-based businesses were amongst those issued with fines.
    $1m Boost For Algae Power Project
    October 12, 2010 - The State Government has committed $1 million for the carbon capture algae trial at Tarong Power Station (see SBBiz, November 20, 2009).

    Premier Anna Bligh said Tarong Power Station near Kingaroy would be the first coal-fired power station in Australia to try the technology as part of a $5 million trial by MBD Energy Limited.

    MBD Energy will build a one hectare algal biomass display plant beside Tarong Power Station. When completed, the test plant is expected to capture about 700 tonnes of carbon dioxide per year.

    * * *

    Coolabunia dairy farmer Damien O'Sullivan has requested the State Government test milk from his cows and drinking water from his property, located near Cougar Energy's UCG plant, after traces of benzene and toluene were detected in fat samples from his cattle.

    Mr O'Sullivan has also asked Queensland Health if he and his family should undergo biopsies to test for benzene and toluene.

    • Read more on the Queensland Country Life website
    Ergon Comes To The Rescue
    October 11, 2010 - Ergon Energy linesman Terry Allwood, (right), was called out to a very special emergency in Murgon last Friday.

    More used to dealing with downed power lines, Terry had to use all his wits to solve a furry problem which had Murgon residents worried.

    It's not the fact that the koala was up a gum tree - that's what koalas do, of course - but what had the locals upset was the fact that a family of magpies was desperately try to shift the snoozing marsupial into a new location.

    If he succumbed to the magpie blitzkrieg, the koala would have had to dodge highway traffic as he was resting in a tree in the median strip.

    Wildlife carers were alerted to the koala's plight and Terry and an Ergon crew responded to the call at 10am.

    After some clever thinking and swift manoeuvring, they had the koala out of harm's way and safely into a cage ready for relocation near the Murgon Golf Club.

    Busy Weekend of Fun Fund-Raising
    October 8, 2010 - This will be a big weekend for charity fundraising in the South Burnett.

    • The Kingaroy-Taabinga Rotary Club is holding its annual Bookarama at Kingaroy Town Hall on Saturday (9:00am-4:00pm) and Sunday (9:00am-noon). All proceeds will go to aid Rotary's community work.

    • The Maidenwell QCWA is holding a Cent Auction at the Maidenwell Hall from 10:00am on Saturday morning to raise funds for the RACQ Careflight helicopter and to purchase of gifts for local children which will be handed out at the Maidenwell Community Christmas Tree in December.

    • And last, but by no means least - in fact, it's probably the biggest charity fundraiser that will be held in the South Burnett this year - is the 2010 Relay For Life cancer fundraiser which will be held at the Speedway Oval in Kingaroy on Saturday and Sunday. There'll be live entertainment at the grounds, food stalls and a "Survivors' Walk" for people living with cancer.
    Council Provides Six-Month Discount To Swickers
    October 7, 2010 - The South Burnett Regional Council voted to discount for six months the cost of water supplied to Swickers Kingaroy Bacon Factory.

    At their Council meeting held on Wednesday in Nanango, councillors were told an increase in water consumption charges on top of a 52% increase in throughput and production at Swickers, had created "unintended outcomes and financial implications" for the Kingaroy-based company.

    Therefore Council resolved that for the first six months of the 2010-11 financial year, any water consumption recorded during this period that was in excess of 51,000 kilolitres would be charged at a rate of $2.77 per kilolitre.
    PCA To Launch New Peanut Variety
    October 6, 2010 - The Peanut Company of Australia, in conjunction with the Grains Research Development Corporation and the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation, will be officially launching a new ultra-early peanut variety, Tingoora, at a function in Kingaroy next week.

    The release is part of the joint Australian Peanut Breeding and Introduction Program for which PCA is the lead agency.

    Dr Graeme Wright (PCA Peanut Breeding, Seed & Innovation) said Tingoora was a Hi Oleic ultra-early Spanish-type peanut which matures in around 110-115 days. It will provide South Burnett peanut growers with a new high-yielding option which will help them avoid end-of-season droughts.

    The new variety has been in seed increase in North Queensland and the Northern Territory and PCA says it will have commercial quantities available for the 2010-11 season.

    • All peanut growers - and former growers - have been invited to attend the official launch of Tingoora, which will be held at the J. Bjelke-Petersen Research Station, DEEDI, Goodger Road (opposite Kingaroy Airport), from 10:30am-12:30pm on Friday, October 15. Phone PCA on (07) 4162-6311 for more information.
    Did You Get Your Membership Renewal Notice?
    October 5, 2010 - The Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce and Industry is urging former members of the Chamber who may not have received a renewal notice recently to visit the KCCI's website and fill in the online membership form.

    Members must be financial to vote at the KCCI's Annual General Meeting which will be held from 5:30pm on Wednesday, November 10, 2010 at the Chamber Office, O'Neill Square, Kingaroy.

    All positions on the Managing Committee will be declared vacant. Nominations are being sought now for the roles of President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Executive Committee members. A nomination form can be downloaded here.

    Current President Leanne Stallwood, Treasurer John Carey and Secretary Polly Birchall have previously announced they are unable to continue in these roles although Leanne and John have indicated they are willing to continue as general members of the Executive Committee.
    Have Your Say on
    the Draft Regional Plan!
    October 4, 2010 - South Burnett residents will have two opportunities this week to have their say on the draft Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan.

    This important State Government plan sets out the strategic directions for the region to the year 2031 - where people are going to live, land use options, growth areas, green space - in fact it covers everything from air quality and noise to economic development, tourism development, transport and waste recycling.

    For example, the plan estimates the planning population for the South Burnett Regional Council area in 2031 will be 44,100 (up from 32,500). Most of this growth will occur in Kingaroy which has the capacity to accommodate more than 5700 new houses.

    Estimated 2031 population for Cherbourg is 1500 with 130 new homes required.

    The Draft Plan also predicts economic activity is likely to drift from Nanango to Kingaroy with the opening of the Kunioon coal mine.

    Public information sessions on the plan will be be held at:

    • Kingaroy - Wednesday, October 6 from 6:00pm-7:00pm at the Kingaroy Town Hall Reception Room

    • Murgon - Thursday, October 7 from 6:00pm-7:00pm at the Murgon Town Hall Supper Room

    The draft plan can be downloaded from the Department of Infrastructure and Planning website

    It is open for public comment until December 24, 2010.

    This is a very important document that will guide government policy directions for the next 20 years.