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 Support Offered to Equine Industry
December 10, 2007 - The Department of Tourism, Regional Development and Industry is offering a business support program for businesses affected by the outbreak of equine influenza. The aim of the program is to help businesses in the "red zone" prioritise actions for recovery. Eligible businesses will be able to professional expertise for up to three consultation sessions. Businesses must operate in the equine industry or be part of the industry's supply chain; derive at least 25 per cent of their income from the industry; be located in the red zone; have experienced a significant downturn in business income (25 per cent or more); and have been operating when the EI outbreak occurred on 25 August 2007. For more information, visit the State Government's Smart Small Business website
 Pay Scales Set For New Council
December 7, 2007 - The Local Government Remuneration Tribunal has released the pay scales Mayors and Councillors will receive when the new boundary system comes into effect on March 15 next year.
Each Queensland Council - except Brisbane - has been placed in one of 10 categories based on criteria including area, population, assets and expenditure. Salaries have been set as a percentage of Queensland MPs.
The Mayor of the new South Burnett Regional Council will receive a salary of between $82,260 and $101,250 plus an amalgamation loading of $9180. The Deputy Mayor will receive $53,790-$69,610 plus $6170. Ordinary councillors will receive between $44,300 and $60,120 plus a loading of $5220
 Useful Guides For Community Groups
December 6, 2007 - The Wide Bay Burnett Area Consultative Committee has posted some very useful resources on the web to assist local community groups, service clubs ... in fact any group that holds regular meetings. The resources, a result of the recent Making Meetings Work seminars held throughout the region, include agenda templates, meeting rules, conflict of interest policies and budget samples ... in fact, all the things that groups never think about until something goes wrong. The information can be found at www.wbbacc.com.au/meetings
 Kingaroy Christmas Carnival Next Week!
December 5, 2007 - The Kingaroy Christmas Carnival - organised by the Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce and Industry - will be held next Thursday night from 5pm to 9pm. There'll be all the usual rides, market stalls and fun of the fair. The Endeavour "Christmas Lights" ceremony will be held at 7:15pm in O'Neill Square and it is expected that Santa will take a break from his busy pre-season preparations to drop by immediately afterwards.
Warren Truss Elected National Party Leader
December 4, 2007 - Former Kingaroy mayor - and third generation Kumbia farmer - Warren Truss, ( right), was yesterday elected Federal Leader of the National Party. Warren entered Federal Parliament in March 1990 as the Member for Wide Bay and was a Minister in the Coalition Government for 10 years with portfolios including Customs and Consumer Affairs; Community Services; Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry; Transport and Regional Services; and Trade. He was a Kingaroy Shire Councillor from 1976 to 1990, including seven years as Mayor and served as President of the Burnett District Local Government Association, Chairman of the Fraser Coast South Burnett Regional Tourism Board, Deputy Chairman of the Queensland Grain Handling Authority and was a member of the State Council of the Queensland Graingrowers Association. Warren is the son of another well-known local, the late Errol Truss, OAM, who was chairman of the Bean Growers Co-Operative from 1968-1991. Errol introduced one of the first tractors into the Kumbia area, a Model A McCormick Deering.
 Thiess Opens Temporary Office
December 3, 2007 - Thiess QNP Mining, who will be taking over operation of the Tarong Coal Mine from Rio Tinto Coal Australia on January 31, have opened a temporary office in Kingaroy.
The office is located at 95B Youngman Street, adjacent to the South Burnett Medical Centre.
Thiess QNP Mining can be contacted on 1800-048-341.
 Thank You Cliff!
November 30, 2007 - Well-known Kingaroy identity Cliff Hauritz received a special tribute for his service to the concrete industry at a changeover ceremony held at the South Burnett Concrete plant in Kingaroy last week.
Cliff, the retiring owner, was presented with a gift from Ostwald Bros CEO Brendan Ostwald, (above right), to recognise his 39 years service.
The new operator of South Burnett Concrete will be Ostwald Quarries, the concrete and quarries arm of Dalby-based civil construction company Ostwald Bros.
 Rudd Unveils Ministry Line-Up
November 29, 2007 - Prime Minister-elect Kevin Rudd, ( right), today unveiled his new Federal Ministry. Cabinet & Ministry:- Deputy Prime Minister, Employment and Workplace Relations, Education, Social Inclusion - Julia Gillard
- Treasurer - Wayne Swan
- Attorney-General - Robert McClelland
- Special Minister of State - John Faulkner
- Agriculture, Fisheries & Forestry - Tony Burke
- Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy - Stephen Conroy
- Climate Change & Water - Penny Wong
- Defence - Joel Fitzgibbon
- Environment, Heritage & Arts - Peter Garrett
- Family, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs - Jenny Macklin
- Finance & Deregulation - Lindsay Tanner
- Foreign - Stephen Smith
- Health & Ageing - Nicola Roxon
- Human Services - Joe Ludwig
- Immigration and Citizenship - Chris Evans
- Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development & Local Government - Anthony Albanese
- Innovation, Industry, Science & Research - Kim Carr
- Resources, Energy & Tourism - Martin Ferguson
- Trade - Simon Crean
Outer Ministry:- Ageing - Justine Elliot
- Competition Policy & Consumer Affairs - Chris Bowen
- Home Affairs - Bob Debus
- Defence, Science & Personnel - Warren Snowden
- Employment Participation - Brendan O'Connor
- Housing, Status of Women - Tanya Plibersek
- Small Business, Independent Contractors and the Service Economy - Craig Emerson
- Superannuation & Corporate Governance - Nick Sherry
- Veterans Affairs - Alan Griffin
- Youth and Sport - Kate Ellis
Parliamentary secretaries will be Maxine McKew, Greg Combet, Mike Kelly, Gary Gray, Bill Shorten, Bob McMullan, Duncan Kerr, Anthony Byrne, Ursula Stephens, John Murphy, Jan McLucas and Laurie Ferguson
 Kilkivan Meeting On Tourism Review
November 28, 2007 - The Stafford Group has been appointed by the State Government to undertake a review of the network of Queensland's tourism organisations.
The group will report on industry governance structures, roles and responsibilities, co-ordination, partnerships and relationships; and skill gaps and development opportunities.
The local regional tourism organisation, Fraser Coast South Burnett Tourism, has organised two consultation meetings in regards to the review to be held on December 11 at Kilkivan and Hervey Bay.
For more information contact Fraser Coast South Burnett Tourism on (07) 4122-3444.
 SB Futures Forum On Tonight
November 27, 2007 - The Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce and Industry's South Burnett Futures Forum will be held in Kingaroy tonight to allow community groups from current shires to network ahead of next year's "super shire" council amalgamation. The KCCI believes the formation of the South Burnett Regional Council will provide challenges (and opportunities) for local community groups which currently have relationships with councils which will no longer be in existence. The Futures Forum will provide an opportunity for these groups to network and make short presentations to Transition Chief Executive Officer Shane Gray and Mayor David Carter from the Local Transition Committee. The Forum will be held at the Kingaroy RSL Club's Tobruk Room from 6:30pm. Cost is $15 which includes a two-course meal. Please contact John Carey at the KCCI on (07) 4162-8466 for more information or download the attached flyer (62kb PDF)
 Funding Offer For Local Festivals
November 26, 2007 - Festivals Australia is calling for applications from local community and regional festivals for funding under two programs: - Festivals Australia - funds new arts projects at community festivals
- Festivals Australia Regional Residencies - funds communities to engage artists to help them develop new locally-themed projects for community festivals or celebrations.
For more information phone 1800-819-461, send an email or visit the Festival Australia website
 Don't Forget To Vote In The Other Poll ...
November 23, 2007 - The Australian Electoral Commission has begun posting out ballot papers to the estimated 700,000 eligible voters affected by forced Council amalgamations in Queensland. Local Government Association of Queensland executive director Greg Hallam has urged people to vote in the poll in an interview with ABC News today. "We think there could be a turn-off factor (with the Federal election)," he said. "We say to them, this is a once in a lifetime chance. Don't throw this opportunity away. People have fought incredibly hard to secure the right for you to have a vote on the future of your local government, please participate in the process." NB. The results of a plebiscite are not binding on the State Government
 New KCCI Executive Elected
November 22, 2007 - The Annual General Meeting of the Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce and Industry was held last night. The Executive Committee for 2007-08 is:- President - Rob Patch (The Peanut Van)
- Vice-President - Karyn Bjelke-Petersen (Bethany Cottages)
- Treasurer - Jenny Walters (Argue and Co)
- Secretary - Anne Miller (AM Publishing)
Executive Members:- John Boland (Shadylane Vineyard Cottages)
- James Bredhauer (Aussie Land & Livestock)
- Keith Campbell (Kingaroy Shire Council)
- Dave Chadwick (CQ Tec-Service)
- Jacqui Irwin (South Burnett Hire & Sales)
- Bruce Partridge (South Burnett Times)
- Leanne Stallwood (Realway Property)
- Chris Tuffield (National Australia Bank)
- Bernadette Upton (Kingaroy Veterinary Surgery)
Rob Patch congratulated new faces James, Chris, Leanne and Jacqui on their election and thanked resigning members Maria Lynch (Across Country BGA Real Estate), Trudy Muller (South Burnett Book-Keeping), Peter Ploetz (Star Tyrepower) and Sharon Sippel (NAB) for all their assistance over the past 12 months.
 Labor To Restructure ACCs
November 21, 2007 - The ALP would build the existing Area Consultative Committee regional structure into a new body called Regional Development Australia if elected at Saturday's federal poll. Regional Development Australia would: - Develop strategic regional plans in close consultation with local government, State, regional development bodies, private sector and regional communities,
- Support local projects in line with their plans,
- Identify infrastructure needs in their regions,
- Liaise across government about the needs of regional communities.
Labor would continue to support Regional Organisations of Councils but would make it mandatory that all relevant applications are developed in consultation with Regional Development Australia. Asked to respond to Member for Wide Bay Warren Truss's promise of $15 million regional funding over three years ( see story below), the ALP supplied their Regional Development For A Sustainable Future policy document (144kb PDF)
 KCCI AGM Tomorrow Night
November 20, 2007 - The Annual General Meeting of the Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce and Industry will be held from 5:30pm tomorrow night at the KCCI Offices in O'Neill Square, Kingaroy.
Everyone is invited to attend but only financial members of the KCCI are eligible to vote or stand for office.
Members of the Executive Committee must also be nominated and seconded by financial members. Nominations can be taken from the floor of the meeting on the night. For more information and nomination forms, contact John Carey on (07) 4162-8466.
 Truss Promises $15m If Coalition Re-Elected
November 19, 2007 - Southern Queensland - including the new North Burnett Regional Council area, the South Burnett Regional Council area and Cherbourg - would share $15m of Sustainable Regions funding over five years ... if the Coalition is re-elected in the Federal poll on Saturday. Trade Minister Warren Truss, ( right), announced the new Southern Queensland Sustainable Region in Kingaroy this morning. It will stretch from St George and Goondiwindi to Monto. It replaces the former Wide Bay Burnett Sustainable Region whose funding expired in June 2006. Several local businesses successfully accessed support under this program including Dean Wilson Aviation, Barlil Organic Poultry and Murgon Leather. "We have identified the Southern Queensland region as being in need of assistance, based on a range of socio-economic indicators including real incomes, education levels and diversity of economy. The impact of the drought has also been a big factor in choosing this particular region," Mr Truss said.
 Multi-Million Dollar Announcement on Monday
November 16, 2007 - SCOOP! Minister for Trade, Deputy Leader of the Nationals, Federal Member for Wide Bay - and former Kingaroy Mayor - Warren Truss will be making "a multi-million dollar regional funding announcement" in Kingaroy on Monday.
The announcement will be made in front of invited guests at the Kingaroy Visitor Information Centre on Monday morning.
 Annual Picnic at Bunyas
November 16, 2007 - The annual picnic of the Bunya Mountains Natural History Association - a modern Bunya Mountains tradition - will be held from 10am on December 1 at Cedarvale.
The annual get-together is for those people who live, or have lived, on the Bunya Mountains and surrounding areas. Free morning and afternoon tea, lunch and entertainment are provided.
For more information, contact Ruth Humphrys on (07) 4663-4744 or Audrey Sampson on (07) 4164-6198.
 Where Did That Three Hours Go?
November 15, 2007 - Meetings ... can't work with 'em, can't work without 'em ... the Wide Bay Burnett Area Consultative Committee promises its latest seminar will help you conquer the challenges of meetings and make them work for you. The four-hour seminar, which will be delivered by Our Community from Melbourne in Kingaroy on November 26, will cover: - Why and when you should meet
- Developing an agenda that works
- Use of sub-committees and reporting back
- Managing conflicts of interest
- The role of the chair - keeping the meeting on track
Cost is $10 and bookings are essential. For more information, contact WBBACC Small Business Field Officer Peter Gregory on (07) 4121-2300.
 Network Opportunity For South Burnett Groups
November 14, 2007 - The Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce and Industry has organised a South Burnett Futures Forum to be held in Kingaroy later this month to allow community groups from current shires to network ahead of next year's "super shire" council amalgamation. The KCCI believes the formation of the South Burnett Regional Council will provide challenges (and opportunities) for local community groups which currently have relationships with councils which will no longer be in existence. The Futures Forum will provide an opportunity for these groups to network and make short presentations to Transition Chief Executive Officer Shane Gray and Mayor David Carter from the Local Transition Committee. The Forum will be held at the Kingaroy RSL Club's Tobruk Room from 6:30pm on Tuesday November 27. Cost is $15 which includes a two-course meal. Please RSVP to John Carey at the KCCI on (07) 4162-8466 by November 26. For more information, please download the attached flyer (62kb PDF)