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Maria Thoumine with GAAMA certificateKingaroy Museum
Earns State Award
September 17, 2007 - The Kingaroy Heritage Museum was presented with a special commendation award at the prestigious 2007 Gallery And Museum Achievement Awards (GAAMA) held on the Gold Coast on Saturday night.

The awards, organised by Museum and Gallery Services Queensland (the peak industry body for museums), celebrate the significant work of individuals in the museum and gallery industry and projects they have initiated.

"The Kingaroy Heritage Museum brought a very significant part of their collection, their peanut machinery, into the limelight. Previously hidden away in a back room, the machinery now forms part of a display exploring the history of peanut harvesting in the region," the judges noted.

ABOVE RIGHT: Museum Manager Maria Thoumine with the GAAMA award
Whitney BoomerangBoomerang Officially Takes Flight Today
September 14, 2007 - The all-new Whitney Boomerang, (right), built by Dean Wilson Aviation in Kingaroy will be officially launched at 2pm today at Kingaroy Airport in front of a large audience of invited guests.

The Boomerang is the first fully certified two-seat trainer in the world to face the new CASA crash test requirements. As a result it is now possibly the safest training aircraft in the world.

Dean Wilson Aviation says it is also only the fourth aircraft certified FAR 23 (a Federal Aviation Regulation airworthy standard for planes of less than nine seats) to reach production in Australian history. The company, which already has overseas orders for 15 aircraft on its books, eventually expects to produce one aircraft per week in Kingaroy.
Tourism Conference In Toowoomba
September 14, 2007 - South Burnett tourism operators have been invited to attend the third annual South East Queensland Country Conference which will be held at Picnic Point in Toowoomba on November 1.

The one-day conference encourages networking within the tourism industry and the sharing of ideas. Key topics to be covered this year include regional events, regional cuisine, product bundling and Visitor Information Centre networking.

For more details contact Kathryn Allen on (07) 3535-5470 or email her.
UAVs Ready For Outback Challenge
September 12, 2007 - Sydney-based company Silvertone Electronics has announced it will be taking part in the UAV Outback Challenge which will be held at Kingaroy Airport from September 24-27.

Silvertone manufactures remote control systems and has built a small fleet of its Red Flamingo UAVs for the competition.

The challenge is to rescue a stranded bushwalker in a search area south of the airport. "Outback Joe" (a dummy wearing khaki clothes and an Akubra) and a detectable heat source will be placed somewhere within this area. The teams must locate Joe and then safely deliver a minimum of 500ml of fluid to him within an hour.

More than 40 teams from six countries are expected to take part in the $60,000 competition.

Download schedule (349kb PDF) for the three days of competition.

Push the play button to see the Red Flamingo UAV in action
$500m Kunioon Mine Gets Green Light!
September 10, 2007 - After months of uncertainty, Tarong Energy announced today that coal from Kunioon will power Tarong and Tarong North power stations into the future.

Tarong Energy CEO Helen Gluer said $500m would be invested in the project and hundreds of jobs created.

"This decision is great news for Tarong Energy and great news for the South Burnett," she said. "Up to 750 jobs will be created during the construction phase ... and the new mine will provide more than 500 direct and flow-on jobs."

Tarong Energy will take over ownership of the existing Meandu Mine from Rio Tinto Coal Australia and will engage "an experienced mining company" to operate it until the Kunioon mine comes on line.

Click here for the press release (32kb PDF)
Book Now For Food Industry Workshop
September 10, 2007 - South Burnett Tourism Project Manager Narelle Colquhoun is organising an all-day Food Industry Workshop to be held at the South Burnett Enterprise Centre in Kingaroy on Tuesday September 18.

The workshop, led by marketing analyst David Higginbottom, will explore:
  • The current direction of the local food industry,
  • Opportunities and threats
  • Its integration with the wine and tourism industies, and
  • The possibility of establishing a local "cluster" of producers to help position the South Burnett as a strong regional food brand.

Cost is $40 which includes morning tea and lunch and all food producers within the South Burnett are invited to attend.

For more information, download the attached flyer (156kb PDF), or contact Narelle on (07) 4162-6271 or by email
A Little Rain Won't Stop Us Having Fun and Games!
September 7, 2007 - While no one in the South Burnett can complain about the recent damp weather, the organisers of this year's PCA Kingaroy Peanut Festival have their fingers crossed that tomorrow will dawn a little bit brighter (and warmer!).

But even if it is raining, the Festival will definitely still be going on, so come on down to Kingaroy Showground from 9am to join in the fun!

The day will kick off with the Strong Man and Farmers Breakfast at 9am. There'll be displays by working dogs, camel rides, a sky-diving demonstration and a Roulette performance.

The inaugural Queensland Strong Man Games will feature The Peanut Van Thresher Pull (a Guiness World Record will be set!), Queensland Strong Man Games, Mission Australia Junior Queensland Strong Man Games, and the Little Peanuts Games.

There will also be musical entertainment, comedy acrobats, food, stalls and amusement rides. Popular local band Blues Excuse will be onstage from 4pm.
So come to Kingaroy and enjoy all the fun!
Andrew FraserMore Confusion Over Merger Polls
September 6, 2007 - Local Government Minister Andrew Fraser, (right), says the Australian Electoral Commission has ruled out the possibility of holding a poll on forced council mergers in conjunction with the upcoming Federal Election.

He praised the AEC for "resisting pressure from Prime Minister John Howard", the ABC reported today. Mr Howard has offered to pay for the ballots and the Local Government Association of Qld had nominated October 20 as the preferred date.

Wondai, Nanango and Rosalie shire councils have all indicated they are interested in participating in such a poll.

However Mr Fraser said today the deputy electoral commissioner had told a Senate inquiry that October 20 was out of the question. The commissioner had also ruled out holding a vote on the mergers in conjunction with the federal poll.
McConaghy Buys $33m Shopping Centre
September 5, 2007 - McConaghy Properties Pty Ltd, owner of Kingaroy Shoppingworld, has purchased a new $33.6 million shopping centre at Toowoomba to be known as "The Ridge".

McConaghy Properties also owns Westlands Plaza at Roma, Lismore Shopping Square and Castletown Shoppingworld at Townsville.

Managing director Jim McConaghy told QBR today that all the group's shopping centres had been refurbished in recent years "with the exception of Kingaroy" however Kingaroy Shoppingworld would soon be given a $10 million extension which would include a new Best & Less store and an extra 10 new specialty stores.
Weave Business Magic On The Web
September 4, 2007 - Do you want to grow your business by using the Internet? Radio4smallbusiness presenter Gordon Cramer will be explaining how at a free three-hour seminar in Kingaroy next week.

The seminar, to be held at the South Burnett Enterprise Centre on Wednesday September 12 from 12:45pm will cover:
  • The one-minute web site
  • On-line auctions
  • How to write great descriptions
  • How to position your business on the web
  • How to optimise for search engines

The seminar is free but bookings are essential. Please phone Angela, Jill or Peter at the Wide Bay Burnett ACC on (07) 4121-7099 or email Small Business Field Officer Peter Gregory.
Ministerial Forum To Meet In Wondai
September 3, 2007 - The Wide Bay Burnett Ministerial Regional Community Forum will be held in Wondai on September 24.

The forum, which follows community consultations earlier this year on ways to market the Wide Bay Burnett region, will be held at the Wondai Memorial Hall from 9:30am to 1pm. Emergency Services Minister Neil Roberts and Member for Mt Ommaney Julie Atwood are scheduled to attend.

There is no formal opportunity at the Forum for public input however the public can raise relevant points with Forum members during breaks.
Eateries To Feature
On New Wine Map
August 31, 2007 - The South Burnett Local Government Association and South Burnett Wine Industry Association are inviting local wineries, cellar doors and eateries to advertise in the new South Burnett Food and Wine Trail Map which is currently being prepared.

The new map will now also include eateries, especially those that utilise and promote South Burnett produce.

For more information, download the attached the flyer (80kb PDF) or contact Tourism Project Manager Narelle Colquhoun on (07) 4162-6271. The booking deadline is September 7.
Kunioon Decision Inches Closer
August 30, 2007 - A decision on the future of the proposed Kunioon coal mine project has moved a step closer with the closure of the comment period earlier this week for the Draft Terms of Reference (190kb PDF) for the project.

The Queensland Government's Environmental Protection Agency called for submissions on the draft TOR which closed on August 27. Final Terms of Reference will now be drafted and then the EPA will call for public submissions on a draft Environmental Impact Statement.

If it goes ahead, the Kunioon mine near Kingaroy will produce up to 7.5 million tonnes of coal per year with a planned mine life of 25 years. A coal handling and preparation plant and a tailings treatment plant would also be built as well as 15km conveyor to carry the coal to Tarong and Tarong North Power stations.
Swickers Wins Food Safety Award
August 29, 2007 - Swickers Kingaroy Bacon Factory has taken out an Outstanding Company award at the 2007 HACCP Awards announced at the 14th annual Australian HACCP Conference held on the Gold Coast earlier this month.

The judges noted that there is a strong commitment to food safety and quality requirements by all Swickers' staff and the company has invested huge resources into training to ensure quality standards are maintained.

The Australian HACCP Conference is the largest annual discussion forum for industry professionals involved in food safety.
KCCI Launches
2007 Business Awards
August 28, 2007 - The 2007 Kingaroy Heritage Business Excellence Awards were officially launched by the Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce and Industry last night at a function at the Heritage Building Society branch in Shoppingworld.

This is your chance to reward outstanding Kingaroy businesses and employees for their hard work during 2006-07. Closing date for nominations is October 5. There are five $50 Heritage accounts to be won for just nominating your favourite business!

There are also some new categories this year. Download the nomination form (227kb PDF) for more details and then mail it to the KCCI at PO Box 930, Kingaroy, 4610 or fax to (07) 4162-8431.
Nominate Your Community
For An Achievement Award
August 27, 2007 - Here's your chance to stand up and be counted ... on what regional events, businesses, communities and services deserve to be recognised across Queensland.

Nominations for the 2007 Regional Achievement and Community Awards for Queensland close on September 28.

There are awards in five categories:
  • Business Enterprise
  • Events and Tourism
  • Regional Service
  • Environment and Landcare
  • Community of the Year

Nominations can be made via the internet or on forms available at any Commonwealth Bank branch.
Barambah Wines Go
With Kingaroy Cheese
Relay For Life On This Weekend!
August 23, 2007 - The South Burnett Relay For Life community fund-raising event - which was such a huge success last year! - is on again this weekend but at a new venue from last year ... the Kingaroy Showgrounds.

The event will start at 3pm on Saturday and conclude at 9am on Sunday. Teams of between 10 and 15 people will each aim to raise $1000 to aid in the fight against cancer. Last year in Kingaroy 44 teams raised an amazing $71,000 for cancer research and patient services!

For more information about this year's event, visit the Relay For Life website or phone Storme Vunderink on 0411-339-772.
Wondai Takes Up Federal Offer On Merger Poll
August 22, 2007 - Wondai Shire Council has decided to take up a Federal Government offer so a poll of residents on its forced amalgamation with Nanango, Kingaroy and Murgon councils can finally go ahead.

Wondai Council will write to the Federal Government and ask that its ratepayers participate in a vote which would be held on the same day as the Federal Election.

Wondai was forced to axe its original poll of ratepayers - which was to be held last weekend - in the wake of new State legislation which banned councils from seeking the opinions of ratepayers on the merger issue.

Ironically, the State Government introduced an amendment today to annul its original amendment which gave it the power to sack councillors who held a poll.
Nanango Calls Public Meeting on Merger
August 21, 2007 - Nanango Shire Council will hold a public meeting this Friday night to allow shire residents to express concerns about the impact of local government amalgamations.

Nanango Shire will be combined with Murgon, Wondai and Kingaroy shires into one super South Burnett Regional Council under the forced amalgamations announced by the State Government late last month.

The Nanango meeting will be held at the Cultural Centre in George Street from 5:00pm.