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Mark Has The Drive For Success!
July 10, 2007 - Mark Delgarno recently started Drive Master - an underbody car parts speciality supplier in Nanango - and the business has grown so quickly that he will be soon relocating to the old Butter Factory in George Street.

Drive Master offers CV shafts, steering and suspension parts as well as gearboxes and differentials and high performance engine parts.

Mark can be contacted on (07) 4163-3185 or by email
Business Workshops Scheduled For Kingaroy
July 9, 2007 - The Department of State Development will be holding a series of workshops in the South Burnett later this year for people interested in starting a small business or already in business:

  • August 22 or October 30 - Starting a Business. This free workshop covers the issues and processes involved in starting a business.

  • November 14 - The Marketing Edge. This workshop is designed to improve marketing practices to give your business a leading edge. Cost is $33.

    The workshops will be held in Kingaroy at a venue to be announced. For more information, or to register, phone 13-26-50
  • Matthew HaydenHayden To Open For The Peanut Van
    July 6, 2007 - Kingaroy's favourite sporting son Matthew Hayden, (right), more used to opening for Australia on Test wickets around the world, will be opening The Peanut Van's new outlet at Chermside this Saturday.

    Hayden will be doing the honours at owners Rob and Chris Patch's first store in Brisbane ... their third overall (with plans in the pipeline for more to come).

    The Chermside store is located at 725 Gympie Road (on the eastern side of the street) and will sell all the great tasting, fresh peanut products available at the Kingaroy and Childers vans.
    Art Prize For Peanut Festival!
    July 5, 2007 - Attention artists! The Kingaroy Information, Art and Heritage Precinct will be holding an acquisitive art competition in September to coincide with the 2007 Peanut Festival.

    First prize (traditional) and second prize (contemporary) are both $400 and the winning paintings will be added to Kingaroy Shire Council's art collection. All paintings will be displayed at the Kingaroy Shire Art Gallery during September 2007 and awards will be presented on Festival eve, Friday September 7.

    Closing date for entries is 3pm, August 31. For more information, phone Fran or Paul on (07) 4162-6273 from 9am-3pm Monday or Friday or download an entry form (18kb PDF)

    PS. Catch tourism highlights from the South Burnett this Saturday at 5:30pm when Channel 7's Weekender visits Shady Lane Vineyard Cottages
    KCCIKCCI Meet and Greet at Mission
    July 4, 2007 - The KCCI's next Meet'n'Greet will be held next Monday (July 9) at Mission Australia's offices in Youngman Street, Kingaroy.

    Guest speakers will be:
  • Cameron Bisley from the Wide Bay Area Consultative Committee who will be discussing the Regional Partnerships Program;
  • John Box from Ergon Energy who will explain the changes to the electricity market which occurred on July 1;
  • An update from the South Burnett Visitor Information Centre on the business opportunities linked to Cycle Queensland's stay in Kingaroy; and
  • Karen Miller will explain the role of Mission Australia

    Cost is $11 for KCCI members and $14 for non-members which includes all food, wine and drinks. RSVP by Friday (July 6) for catering purposes to John Carey at the KCCI on (07) 4162 8466 or by email
  • South-East Queensland Country Touring Guide 20072007 Touring Guide Released
    July 3, 2007 - Tourism Queensland has just released the latest version of its 120-page South-East Queensland Country Touring Guide 2007, (right), which details all the attractions which lure tourists every year to the South Burnett, Bunya Mountains and surrounding areas.

    This year's guide, which will be distributed at Visitor Information Centres and other locations, features short articles on each town in the region as well as highlighting the South Burnett Wine Trail, lakes and national parks.
    SBBiz On The Move!
    July 2, 2007 - wishes to apologise for the disruptions in its news stories last week but promises we're back to normal now!

    AM Publishing, which looks after this website on behalf of the Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Kingaroy Shire Council, has relocated to the South Burnett Enterprise Centre at 6 Cornish Street, Kingaroy.

    We may have missed a few emails over this period, so if you have sent us any changes which have not been completed please contact us on (07) 4163-6854 or 0419-739-689.
    Tourism Volunteers
    Discover the South Burnett
    June 22, 2007 - The latest of the “Taste and Uncork the Magic of the South Burnett” sessions for visitor information centre staff and volunteers was held in Noosa recently.

    Kingaroy Tourism, Art and Heritage Manager Carolyn Knudsen provided an insight into Kingaroy and South Burnett at the workshop held at the Noosa Blue Resort.

    She said the day was very successful with more than 40 volunteers - the important people who actually deal with tourists! - attending. They were impressed with the variety and depth of tourism experiences and products available in the South Burnett.
    Psychologists Schedule Free Workshops
    June 21, 2007 - Kingaroy psychologists and counsellors Aggregate Corporation have scheduled a series of free workshops at Nurunderi TAFE College, Cherbourg, for South Burnett professionals and residents:

  • Tuesday June 26 - 10am-3pm, Domestic and Family Violence (for professionals)
  • Wednesday June 27 - 10am-3pm, Men's Issues (for men)
  • Wednesday July 4 - 9am-noon, Spiritual Healing and Mental Wholeness (substance abuse, mood, connection)

    For more information or to register, phone Elizabeth Benson-Stott on 1800-118-912. These workshops have been funded by the Federal Department of Health and Ageing.
  • Traveston CrossingDam Good Opportunities
    For Local Business?
    June 20, 2007 - The Australian Industry Engineering Manufacturing Network Ltd will be running an information forum in Kingaroy next month to help local businesses identify business opportunities associated with the construction of the Traveston Crossing Dam south of Gympie.
    The forum will be held at the Kingaroy RSL Club on Thursday July 5 from 10:30am.

    To attend, contact the Department of State Development on (07) 5437-1300 or send them an email.
    NAIDOC Week Films in Kingaroy
    June 19, 2007 - As part of this year's NAIDOC Week commemorations, the Kingaroy Information, Art and Heritage Precinct will be presenting Looking Forward, Looking Blak ... a collection of 10 short films from the Australian Film Commission's Black Screen program.

    The films range in length from 10 minutes to 52 minutes and will be shown on:
  • Monday July 9 from 9am,
  • Thursday July 12 at 9am and 6pm; and
  • Saturday July 14 from 10am
  • Chip In For The Kids!
    June 18, 2007 - Radio station Heart 10-71 has organised a Casino Night to be held at the Kingaroy Town Hall on June 30 to raise funds for the children's charity "Give Me 5 for Kids".

    Tickets for this classy night out cost $30 (which includes two drink vouchers) and are available from Heart 10-71 on the corner of Glendon and Alford streets, Kingaroy.

    Doors will open at 6:30pm, and there'll be show girls, great prizes to be won (holidays, electrical goods, mystery prizes) and an auction. Phone (07) 4162-1433 for more information.
    New Website For Kingaroy Business
    June 15, 2007 - Geoff Clayton from Kingaroy Holiday Park this week launched a new website for his touring business, South Burnett Country Tours.

    South Burnett Country Tours, based at 48 Walter Road, Kingaroy, offers regular bus tours to South Burnett wineries, the Bunya Mountains National Park and Maidenwell Observatory as well as flexible itineraries for group tours.

    Geoff can be contacted on (07) 4162-1808 or by email
    Dr Phil JaunceyWorld Class Dinner
    Speaker Coming To Murgon
    June 14, 2007 - The Murgon Business and Development Association, in conjunction with the Wide Bay Burnett Area Consultative Commitee and CROW-FM, is inviting local business people to enjoy an inspirational dinner with guest speaker Dr Phil Jauncey, (right), sports psychologist for the Broncos, Lions and Qld Bulls.

    Dr Jauncey, who also works with the QRL, Australian Institute of Sport and assisted teams at the 1992, 2000 and 2004 Olympic Games, will be at the Murgon RSL on June 28 from 6pm.

    He will speak about the six steps for success, the importance of taking action now, dealing with staff and customers, taking ownership (excuses are for losers) and avoiding "if only" and "but" statements.

    Cost is $25, which includes a two-course meal, and bookings are essential. RSVP by June 20 to Margaret Long on (07) 4168-2922.
    Funding Boost For 2007 Festival
    June 13, 2006 - The Queensland Events Regional Development Program has announced that the Kingaroy Peanut Festival - a project of the Kingaroy Chamber if Commerce and Industry - has been successful in its application for funding for 2007!

    The KCCI is extremely grateful for the on-going support of Queensland Events over the past few years. Their support - and the assistance of the Peanut Company of Australia and other loyal sponsors - is the main reason why the Peanut Festival has been able to go ahead in leaps and bounds.

    Watch for news about some of the exciting events planned for locals and visitors to enjoy on September 8!

    And don't forget ... this year's festival is being held at the Kingaroy Showgrounds and will have a whole new look and feel to previous festivals.

    Why not form a team and compete in the inaugural Strong Man Games! Phone the KCCI on (07) 4162-8466 for more details.
    New Workplace Licences From July 1
    June 12, 2007 - The training, assessment and licensing of high risk occupations will undergo a major change from July 1.

    Employment and Industrial Relations Minister Mr John Mickel said yesterday anyone wanting an occupational licence from Workplace Health and Safety Queensland must now undertake formal and informal training and be assessed for competency by a registered training organisation.

    Workers affected by the new legislation include scaffolders, doggers, riggers, crane and hoist operators, load shifting equipment operators and pressure equipment operators. Five-year renewable photographic licences, recognised in all States, will also be gradually introduced.
    Consultants reportProject Report Open To Public
    June 8, 2007 - Kingaroy residents interested in the proposed Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen Cultural Memorial Centre have been invited to peruse a copy of the consultant's report (right) at the KCCI Offices in O'Neill Square.

    KCCI President Mr Rob Patch urged people to view the 94-page report (plus appendices) prepared by the Pacific Southwest Strategy Group for Kingaroy Shire Council before criticising the project.

    The complex will provide a much-needed conference centre in Kingaroy, a performing arts venue and facilities for high school and TAFE students to use. The report suggests operating surplus will cover annual maintenance costs after four years of operation.
    $20m Boost For Power Station
    Stator arrives at Tarong Power Station

    June 7, 2006 - What weighs 180 tonnes, costs more than $20 million to supply and install ... and is proof that Tarong Power Station is not about to close down?

    This Hitachi stator, (pictured above), arrived at the station on Tuesday, part of Tarong Energy's asset renewal program which aims to secure the power station's long-term future by ensuring it can continue producing reliable electricity at an efficient price.

    Tarong Power Station Manager Bill Renshaw said transporting the stator from the Port of Brisbane to the power station had posed a significant challenge. Four prime-movers and a trailer with 112 tyres carried the load on its 60-hour journey.
    Skills For The Future Forum
    June 6, 2007 - The Wide Bay Burnett Area Consultative Committee (WBBACC) has invited businesses struggling with skills and labour shortage issues to attend a "Skills for our Future" forum to be held in Maryborough next Wednesday.

    The forum, at the Brolga Theatre, will examine practical solutions to this critical issue and challenge participants to convey their individual skills/labour challenges and advise government if there is more they should/could be doing in particular areas.

    For more information, see the WBBACC's May 28 newsletter.
    New Faces At Country Focus
    June 5, 2007 - Ross and Sandy Towell are the new faces at the Country Focus community newspaper which is distributed fortnightly in Nanango Shire, Yarraman and Cooyar.

    They can be contacted at 57 Drayton Street, Nanango, on (07) 4171-0753 or reached by email