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Cricket Stars To Help Launch Campaign
November 4, 2011 - Former Test cricketer Carl Rackemann will be launching his campaign for the State Seat of Nanango at a community barbecue next Thursday with the help of Federal MP Bob Katter and teammates from the Queensland Rail Bulls Masters.

The barbecue will be held from 5:30pm at the Kingaroy Cricket and Sports Club in Youngman Street.

A bar will be operating and there'll be children's entertainment including face-painting and a circus school.

Aidan McLindon, Member for Beaudesert and Queensland Leader of Katter's Australian Party, will also be in attendance alongside former cricketing greats Jeff Thomson and Andrew Symonds.

There'll be a raffle and an auction of Bob Katter's signed hat, with all proceeds going into the kitty for Rackemann's campaign.

"I have been trying to convince Carl to enter politics ever since he abused me for being part of the Government that allowed the cadmium tolerance levels in peanuts to be increased," Mr Katter said.

"I am also aware of the issues at Kingaroy regarding underground coal gasification. Landowners must have rights in these circumstances and our underground water must be protected."

Newman Punts On Country Racing
ABOVE: Margaret Golinski and Campbell Newman
at Tuesday's Kumbia Races
ABOVE: Cheryl Dalton, LNP Candidate for Nanango Deb Frecklington, Fashions on the Field winner Amy Smoothy, Lisa Newman and Rosie Schmidt
November 3, 2011 - Queensland Liberal National Party Leader Campbell Newman spent Melbourne Cup Day at Kumbia Races this week, providing an opportunity for the LNP to further explain their $1 million policy for country racing to local punters.

Mr Newman said the South Burnett was well placed to benefit from the LNP's plan to fund 20 extra country thoroughbred race meetings throughout Queensland

He said Deb Frecklington, the LNP's candidate for Nanango, had been pushing hard for more race meetings in places like Esk, Kilcoy, Nanango and Kumbia.

"Under the LNP's plan to rejuvenate country racing, Deb will continue working with the South East Country Racing Association and local racing clubs to deliver the best outcomes for country racing in the local area," Mr Newman said.

"An LNP Government will be taking advice from the eight Country Racing Associations in Queensland as to where this money should be spent to get the best outcomes for racing in Queensland. "

Mr Newman said the LNP policy recognises the enormous challenges the industry has struggled with in recent years like Equine Influenza and Hendra virus, and damage caused by flooding and other major weather events.

"Added to these difficulties has been the loss of many meetings under Labor's city-focused racing policies," Mr Newman said.

On Wednesday morning, Campbell Newman's wife Lisa hosted a breakfast for local businesswomen at Accents Restaurant in Kingaroy.
Farmers Say There's
No Difference Between
5% and 8% Paddocks
November 2, 2011 - The Kingaroy Concerned Citizens Group blames "administrative convenience" as the only reason why the State Government has rejected proposed changes to Strategic Cropping Land (SCL) legislation which would have protected South Burnett farmland.

Currently to be eligible for protection, a South Burnett paddock has to fulfil eight criteria, (see SBBiz, April 14, 2011), including having a slope less than or equal to 5%.

The KCCG says this poses a big problem for the red volcanic soil paddocks around Kingaroy which are naturally undulating.

"At 5%, only isolated pockets of soil in the Kingaroy, Wooroolin and Memerambi area will get protection," KCCG Secretary, and Independent Candidate for Nanango, John Dalton said.

But he said local farmers had the experience to prove that farming on a paddock with 8% slope is the same as farming on one with 5%.

The KCCG organised a visit by the SCL taskforce earlier this year to discuss the problem, and then followed this up with a submission to the State Government. In response, they received a letter from DERM saying the SCL criteria was "adequate" at 5%.

However the KCCG says this level will only protect 40% of South Burnett farmland; if the slope criteria was fixed at 8%, 95% of local land would be protected.

"The real reason for not protecting these 8% paddocks is probably one of administrative convenience," Mr Dalton said.

"That is why we are currently contacting all Queensland Members of Parliament to help get this right ... surely someone in George Street has the leadership to do this."

ABOVE: KCCG Secretary John Dalton with local farmers John Larsen, Keith Jessen and Allan Sommerfeld ... between them, the growers have 171 years of experience of farming in the Kingaroy area
Another Workshop On Social Media Networking ...
November 2, 2011 - Toowoomba Golden West & South Burnett Tourism will be hosting a Social Networking Workshop at the DEEDI Service Centre, opposite Kingaroy Airport, next Thursday (November 10).

The workshop, presented by Brisbane-based Simon Dell (from TwoCents) and Mel Kettle, will cover ways to implement social media into small businesses.

It will run from 3:30pm to 6:30pm and will include light refreshments. Cost is $25. RSVP to Emily at TGWSBT on (07) 4632-1988 or by email

* * *

The South Burnett Regional Council has been selected as one of six finalists in the Healthy Communities category in the State Government's Healthy Queensland Awards. The winning community will receive $750,000 with the five remaining finalists receiving $50,000 each.

The awards aim to recognise, motivate and reward groups and communities for helping Queenslanders enjoy healthier lives.

The winners will be announced at Parliament House on November 9.
Nigel Is A Proud Queenslander!
November 1, 2011 - Congratulations to Nigel Daisy, from Cherbourg, who represented Queensland at the 2011 Group Training Awards in Melbourne last week.

Nigel, who is working in community relations at Tarong Power Station, is about three-quarters of the way through his traineeship.

"For me, the traineeship has been a life-changing experience because it's a completely new career direction compared to what I had been doing, which was scaffolding," he said.

Nigel represented Queensland in the Indigenous Trainee of the Year category.

"Although a man from NSW ultimately took out the national award, it was an honour and a privilege to represent Queensland in the competition," he said.

Nigel was placed at Tarong Energy by Kingaroy-based apprenticeship company MRAEL.

He said the traineeship had provided him with many opportunities.

"I'd encourage all Aboriginal people to consider traineeships and apprenticeships if they are just starting out in their careers or, like me, are wanting to change their professional direction," he said.

Tarong Site manager Dennis Franklin said Stanwell was proud to be part of Nigel's journey.

ABOVE: Nigel Daisy, centre, with MRAEL CEO John Fordyce, host supervisor Darren Schmidt (Stanwell), MRAEL chair Christine Dixon, and Tarong Power Station Community Relations Manager John Carey
Agricultural Practices Blamed For Water Contamination
November 1, 2011 - Environment Minister Vicky Darling confirmed yesterday that contaminants found in water samples from a private property near Kingaroy (see SBBiz Septmber 23 & 24) were most likely from agricultural practices.

Ms Darling said the Department of Environment and Resource Management conducted an investigation after formaldehyde and thiocyanate were detected during routine water sampling at landholder properties and from groundwater bores.

"DERM's investigation has determined the most likely source of the contaminants was the result of recent or historical agricultural practices," Ms Darling said.

"The department took water and soil samples from multiple locations on the property and the nearby Cougar Energy site.

"Low levels of the contaminates (sic) were detected in a widespread area on the property, suggesting the most likely source is agricultural products and not the Cougar Energy site."

"It is also important to note this incident has no connection with coal seam gas or BTEX chemical compounds."

Ms Darling said both chemicals were common components in a range of agricultural products.

"Thiocyanate is often used in some herbicides. Formaldehyde can occur naturally and is also commonly used in a number of agricultural and industrial processes," she said.

"Neither formaldehyde nor thiocyanate was detected at any other off-site locations during the investigation."

Ms Darling said DERM would continue its routine water sampling in the Kingaroy area.

* * *

The Building Services Authority will be holding a Smart Building and Renovating Seminar in Kingaroy later this month.

The seminar will guide participants through basics such as planning a budget, understanding contracts and how to choose finance.

It will be held on Thursday, November 17 from 6.00pm at Kingaroy RSL Club.

For more information, and to register, visit the BSA website
Bill Hull Helps Get Young Drivers Safely On Road
October 31, 2011 - Bill Hull Care Centre in Kingaroy has given a local learn-to-drive program a huge boost with the donation of a Mazda2.

South Burnett CTC's Learner Driver Mentor Program aims to help young people obtain their Learner's Licence and clock up the necessary 100 logbook hours.

The program relies on the generosity of members of the public to volunteer their time to mentor young drivers.

The young drivers are given lessons with accredited driving schools to learn the basics of driving and the road rules. Then after consultation between the driving school and CTC, the learner is matched with a suitable mentor to begin logging their hours.

If you'd like to volunteer as a driver mentor, contact CTC Support Officer Sarah Vanderkolk, (pictured above) on (07) 4169-5260.

* * *

Brisbane-based consultants Garnish Marketing, in conjunction with the South Burnett Regional Council, are holding marketing seminars in Kingaroy and Murgon to give local businesses practical tips about effective marketing, social media, websites, search engine optimisation, networking and coal seam gas industry marketing.

The seminars will be held from 5:30pm to 8:30pm:
  • Thursday, November 3 at Kingaroy RSL
  • Thursday, November 17, at Murgon RSL.
The seminars are free but bookings are essential. To secure a seat, phone (07) 3482-4286.

* * *

What exactly is a "charity" ... you'd think we'd all know by now but apparently there's no statutory definition of what a charity actually is.

According to the Federal Government the current meanings of "charity" and "charitable purpose" are largely defined by common law.

To fix this "confusing and unclear" situation, the Treasury is seeking submissions from the public to help the government draft a statutory definition of charity, applicable across all Commonwealth laws from July 1, 2013.

They have released a consultation paper (991kb PDF) and more information is available on the Treasury website.

Some suggestions from the consultation paper include that the entity must have a dominant purpose that is charitable and that it does not engage in activities that do not further, or are not in aid of, its dominant purpose.

Submissions must be received by Friday, December 9, 2011.

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About 13,500 homes in Kingaroy, Nanango, Yarraman and Cooyar lost power during last night's thunderstorms. An Ergon Energy spokesman said power was progressively restored before 12:30am.

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More than 20 South Burnett organisations will share more than $70,000 in the latest round of the Federal Government's Volunteers Grants scheme. For a full list of the successful applicants, click here (137kb PDF)
Head Out On The Highway ... To Kingaroy Airport!
October 28, 2011 - Fasten your seatbelts ... there'll be heaps of petrolhead fun at Kingaroy Airport tomorrow at the inaugural South Burnett Motors in Motion.

Presented by the Kingaroy Peanut Festival, the motor spectacular will feature collectible motorbikes and cars, including vintage, classic, veteran, muscle, hotrods, ratrods and much, much more.

There'll also be steam engines, tractors, model aircraft, joy flights available, a flight simulator, entertainment for the kids plus food and drink.

Gates open at 9:00am. Highlights during the day include a car motorkhana at 10:00am, a motorbike gymkhana at 11:00am and 1:30pm, aircraft displays at 10:30am and 2:00pm and a ping pong ball drop at 2:20pm.

Women (and men) who aren't revheads should enjoy the Wearable Art Fashion Parade at 12:30pm.

Entry to the grounds is $5 (under 16s free).

The day will be topped off by a licensed cabaret which will start at 8:00pm ($25/head) and run until late in one of the airport hangars.

* * *

Nominations are now open for the 2011 Queensland Grain Industry Awards.

Hosted by AgForce Queensland, awards will be given in three categories:
  1. The Jason Rae Memorial Grain Grower of the Year Award honours an individual who has demonstrated an outstanding commitment to the sustainability of the Queensland Grains Industry.

  2. The Grain Industry Emerging Leader Award recognises a significant contribution by an individual aged between 18-35 years of age.

  3. The Bruce McClelland Memorial Grains Innovation Award rewards an individual or organisation for their commitment to enhance the long term sustainability and profitability of the grain supply chain through innovation, technology and development.
Award nominations close on November 11 and the presentation dinner will be held on December 9 at the Toowoomba Turf Club.

Nominations should be mailed to: Queensland Grain Industry Awards, c/- AgForce Queensland, PO Box 13186, North Bank Plaza, Brisbane, 4003.

For more information, and a nomination form, visit the Agforce website.

* * *

Cougar Energy says "misinformation" about its stalled Kingaroy UCG project is being spread by local farmers and politicians and is "politically motivated". Read more on the Sydney Morning Herald website
Bridge Closure To Force Daytime
Toowoomba Traffic Via Yarraman
October 27, 2011 - South Burnett residents who travel to Toowoomba via Maidenwell should take note that the bridge over Tanduringie Creek will be closed to ALL traffic for two weeks next month.

The bridge - on Kingaroy-Cooyar Road (which Google Maps incorrectly labels as Nanango-Tarong Road) - is located about 5km south of Maidenwell.

It was damaged during the January floods.

Main Roads confirmed to SBBiz this afternoon that the bridge will be closed between 9:00am and 2:30pm on week days from November 7-18.

Local Maidenwell resident Glenda Gillies said many people would be inconvenienced by the closure.

"Alternative routes for traffic are only via Yarraman as there are no local (passable) roads to detour this bridge," she said.

"There is a rough Forestry road around this bridge crossing which, no doubt some local people will use to access the Tanduringie School."

She said a temporary crossing over the creek – even if only restricted to cars and light trucks – would have been helpful.
Council Sets Goals
In 2032 Community Plan
October 27, 2011 - The South Burnett Regional Council has released a draft version of its Community Plan 2032, (right), for public comment.

SBRC Mayor Cr David Carter has urged all local residents to take the time to read the plan.

"I encourage everyone to read the plan to make sure the things that are important to the community have been captured," he said.

"The main challenges the community feels we will face over the next 20 years include adequate health services, transport, farming viability and retaining and attracting youth in our region."

Following a six-month community consultation process, Council staff have developed a number of strategies around four key themes:
  • Enhancing our Community Life,
  • Building our Economy,
  • Enhancing our Environment; and
  • Decision Making & Implementation.
Cr Carter said this was an extremely important document as it would guide Council decision-making.

Comments will be received until November 21, 2011.

The plan can be viewed at all Council libraries, Visitor Information Centres and Council Customer Service Centres or can be downloaded here (2.4MB).

* * *

Cement Australia - well-known in the South Burnett for their fly ash haulage operations from the Tarong power stations - has been highly commended in the 2011 Queensland Safe Work Awards which recognise excellence in workplace health and safety.

The company was recognised in Category 2 - "Best Solution To An Identified Workplace Health and Safety Issue" - after it identified that 14 per cent of injuries were occurring while getting into and out of the truck cabs or during mandatory pre-start checks.

This led to the development and implementation of a "Safer on the Ground" initiative allowing drivers to conduct their pre-start checks with their feet firmly on the ground.

* * *

The South Burnett Regional Council and Kingaroy Landcare Group will be holding a Giant Rats Tail grass management workshop Tuesday, November 8, from 10:00am at Morgans Road, Windera. Landholders who wish to attend should RSVP to Denise Whyte at Council on (07) 4189-9122.
Cougar Energy 'In Denial',
Says Independent Candidate
October 26, 2011 - Kingaroy Concerned Citizens Group secretary, and Independent candidate for Nanango, John Dalton, (right), has spoken out on the legal action being taken by Cougar Energy against the State Government.

Describing it as "probable posturing on behalf of shareholders", Mr Dalton told SBBiz that he believed the action, (see SBBiz, October 17), had little chance of success because it appeared to rest on whether the Government had a duty of care to the company beyond its duty of care to the community and environment.

"This is going to be very difficult to prove," he said.

"We hope that this isn't the future of Queensland with mining companies refusing to accept the authority of the government.

"Every time a company has a contamination scare they will attempt to bluff the government."

Mr Dalton said Cougar was "trying to become the victim".

"In their press releases they only mention the things they haven't done ... they are picking a very narrow PR spiel," he said.

Mr Dalton said the legal action was also adding to the "colossal waste of money" that has been spent in connection with the UCG project and what has occurred since.

"I've been told that it's $10,000 a pop for the water testing ... and this is just to get the samples analysed," he said. "Then there's three lots of legal action. It must be hard to justify throwing good money after bad.

"I pity them (Cougar) for their state of denial. Do they really believe they are the victim of a bad decision? I'd be amazed if some of the other mining companies aren't a bit embarrassed by them not accepting the government's decision."
Council Allocates Budget Support
For Kingaroy Performing Arts Centre
October 25, 2011 - The long-discussed Performing Arts Centre for Kingaroy is moving a step closer with the South Burnett Regional Council voting to allocate resources to the project.

At its October meeting, Councillors voted unanimously to allocate $42,500 out of the 2011-12 budget towards Stage 1.

For some years Council has been working in partnership with a number of organisations to progress the building of a performing arts centre in Kingaroy.

An earlier proposal that the Centre be built at Kingaroy Showground faltered in 2008 after the South Burnett National Show Society withdrew from the project citing financial constraints and an urgent need to replace current pavilions (see SBBiz, September 26, 2008).

Controversy also surrounded a suggestion at that time that the centre also include an interpretative area for tourists looking for information about former Queensland Premier Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen.

The current proposal is for a joint school/public use facility to be built in the grounds of Kingaroy State High School.

The school sought support from Council in regards to site preparation and earthworks.

Councillors re-affirmed their support for the project and also voted to allocate $257,000 in future budgets, dependent on the school and the P&C sourcing funding for the remainder of the project.

* * *

The 14,500 unemployed people in the Wide Bay Burnett region (as at August 2011) have been identified as a large pool of workers who could be trained to take up positions in the resource sector.

A report by Regional Development Australia - Wide Bay Burnett also identified the relatively low labour participation rate in the region (53.1 per cent) as an opportunity.

UPDATE Oct 27: RDA Wide Bay is holding a Resource Sector Opportunities Forum in Hervey Bay on November 10 to discuss the opportunities for the local region, including fly-in fly-out workers. Seats are limited and bookings must be made by tomorrow (October 28) by email or phone (07) 4125-9272.
LNP Makes $1m
Commitment To
Country Racing
October 24, 2011 - An LNP State Government would try to get more country race meetings into the South Burnett region, candidate for Nanango Deb Frecklington said last week.

Mrs Frecklington, (pictured, second from left, at this year's Burrandowan races), said the party had promised to revitalise regional thoroughbred racing by providing $1 million a year to fund 20 extra county race meetings across Queensland.

"We want to maintain Burrandowan and look at whatever other races we could get into the region," she said.

"Local race meetings at Wondai, Nanango, Burrandowan and Kumbia are essential for the local economy and are a fantastic social medium for local communities."

She said 250 country race meetings had been cut in Queensland in recent years.

"Instead of Labor's ruthless cuts to the point where country clubs are struggling to hold race days, the LNP will encourage more meetings," she said.

"Without country racing where would our horses and jockeys get a start? This is why our million dollar per year incentive plan is a good start."

* * *

Newly-formed not-for-profit organisation Growing The Burnett Inc will be holding the first of a series of 16 free "Fresh Food Forums" from 6:30pm tomorrow night at Blackbutt Memorial Hall.

The forum will examine how to grow fresh food, income generation and distribution methods. There will also be presentations from BIEDO and the South Burnett Regional Council's Economic Development Department.

Other forums will be held at Proston (Oct 27), Wondai (Oct 27), Booie (Nov 7), Nanango (Nov 8), Kumbia (Nov 9), Murgon (Nov 23) and Kingaroy (Dec 1). For more information contact Brian Jarvis on 0417-756-528.

The forums will be followed by a workshop and farmwalk on November 26. The workshop will be held at Kingaroy Town Common Hall from 9:00am with agronomist Adam Wilson; it will cover planning to grow, soil fertility, water use and crop management for small acreages. The cost of $25 includes a light lunch. The farm walk will start at 2:00pm at Terry Gordon's property on the Gordonbrook-Memerambi Road.

* * *

The Sunday Mail newspaper reported yesterday that Cougar Energy, who has initiated legal action against DERM and three public servants (SBBiz, October 17), is also contemplating taking action against "government personnel", presumably MPs. Read more on the Sunday Mail website

Corndale & Booie Shift Into Division 1
October 21, 2011 - A review of the South Burnett Regional Council boundaries by the Electoral Commission of Queensland has shifted Corndale and parts of Booie into Division 1 - currently represented by Cr Barry Green.

The South Burnett Regional Council sought the voluntary review by the ECQ as population projections suggested Div 4 was likely to be larger than the allowed quota by the time of the March 2012 Council elections.

The ECQ accepted a suggestion from Div 3 representative Cr Damien Tessmann that electors in the area of Kingaroy bounded by Haly Street, Tessmanns Road, Curtis Road and Schellbachs Road be moved from Div 4 (Cr Keith Campbell) into his division.

A small area of Kingaroy bounded by Rixon and West Streets has also been moved into Div 4 from Div 3.

Despite advertising locally, the ECQ only received one written submission in regards to the review - from Cr Tessmann - and only three people attended the public meeting held in Kingaroy on May 13 to discuss the proposed boundary changes (Cr Tessmann, Cr Campbell and then SBRC CEO Tony Hayward).

  • Maps of the new Divisions can be downloaded from the ECQ website
Campbell Newman Visits Murgon

October 21, 2011 - Queensland Liberal National Party Leader Campbell Newman, right, visited Murgon yesterday afternoon to speak to local residents. He was joined at Murgon
RSL by Opposition Leader Jeff Seeney and LNP Candidate for Nanango Deb Frecklington.
Meals On Wheels Urgently Needs Volunteers
October 20, 2011 - Kingaroy Meals on Wheels urgently needs to recruit at least eight new volunteers.

President Keith Campbell said ill-health had forced the withdrawal of some regular volunteers.

The service needs at least four new drivers with their own vehicles, plus a helper for each car to assist the driver.

Gaps in the roster are being filled at the moment by existing volunteers doing extra shifts but if more volunteers could be found this would lighten the load for everyone.

Occasional help is also welcome with people joining an "emergency" list.

For more information, calling Amanda at MOW office on (07) 4162-7302, Keith Campbell on (07) 4162-1249 or 0439-708-553 or visit the Meals On Wheels website
$32.5m Overhaul For Tarong North
October 20, 2011 - This month's $32.5m overhaul of Tarong North Power Station will inject more than $16m directly into the local economy, owners Stanwell Corporation says.

The overhaul, which started on October 7, is the second major overhaul at the station since it was commissioned in 2003.

Stanwell will spend about $22.5 million refurbishing the station's generating unit and a further $10 million in capital works.

Tarong Site Manager Dennis Franklin, (right), said the planned maintenance was an important part of Stanwell's stringent operations and maintenance practice, which required all generating units to be overhauled every four years.

He said Tarong North's thermal efficiency was the best in Australia for a coal-fired power station.

Stanwell Chief Operating Officer Wayne Collins said more than $16m was being spent with local contractors and suppliers, including motels and hospitality businesses.

The 42-day overhaul will involve more than 650 specialist contract personnel, 100 Tarong Power Station employees, 150,000 hours and more than 8000 work tasks.

The unit is scheduled to return to service on November 19.
KCCG Says This Is What's At Stake

October 20, 2011 - To mark the Lock the Gate Alliance's National Day of Action last Sunday, the Kingaroy Concerned Citizen's Group assembled a display of local food and wine "to show exactly what's at stake if mining and UCG invades the fertile soils around Kingaroy".

KCCG secretary and Independent candidate for Nanango John Dalton said farmers feed the cities.

"If consumers don't want benzene and toluene in their food and the water that grows it, we will one day have to choose between farming and UCG in this region," he said.

The display included wine, milk, beef, ham, peanuts, wheat, various other grains, and a range of organic vegetables - products all grown on the red soils of the South Burnett.

Mr Dalton said all the featured products were grown within a 3km radius of the gates of the Cougar Energy UCG site.

PICTURED ABOVE: Back Row: Kaitlin Blanch, Kirra O'Sullivan, Abigail Blanch, Jessica Blanch, Callum O'Sullivan; front row: Timothy Blanch and Clinton Blanch
Business Health Check For Christmas
October 19, 2011 - Local businesswoman Trudi Bartlett will be conducting another of her business workshops in the South Burnett next week ... this time concentrating on the best way to make the most of Christmas promotions.

She says the workshop, which will be held at the Kingaroy RSL on October 26 from 9:00am-5:00pm, will explain:
  • How to get free publicity in your local newspaper at just the right moment
  • How to get other businesses to promote your business for you
  • How to budget your Christmas marketing spend
  • A complete Christmas checklist
Trudi says businesspeople will leave with a sales budget broken down into daily targets, a list or proven promotions, a preparation checklist and "a complete plan to make more money with less stress" this Christmas.

Cost is $65/person or $100 for two. To register, contact Trudi on 0488-112-298.

* * *

The Burnett Mary Regional Group and the Better Catchment program are holding free Pasture ID workshops around the South and North Burnett next month.

Workshops will be held on:
  • Wednesday, November 2 from 9:30am-2:30pm at Monogorilby Hall
  • Thursday, November 3, from 9:30am-2:30pm at Abercorn Hall
  • Friday, November 4, from 10:00am-2:30pm at Maidenwell Hotel.
Free lunch and smoko will be provided at all venues so registration is necessary.

Guest speaker will be DEEDI Primary Industries & Fisheries Senior Extension Officer Damien O'Sullivan.

He will speak on improved groundcover management and grazing management practices. Attendees are invited to bring along any pasture species they would like to have identified (but specimens should be securely contained to avoid possible weed seed introduction).

For more information and to register, phone (07) 4169-0720.
South Burnett Groups Invited To Apply
For Powerlink Community Benefit Grants
October 18, 2011 - Applications for Powerlink's $130,000 Community Benefits Program close next month: Friday, November 18.

Queensland Energy Minister Stephen Robertson has urged South Burnett groups to apply for funding under the program which is to assist communities near the construction of a new transmission line from Kogan Creek to the the Halys Substation located near Tarong.

"Through this program, Powerlink aims to provide tangible and lasting benefits to local communities in proximity to the new line," Mr Robertson said.

He said the new transmission line was essential to ensuring a reliable supply of high voltage electricity is maintained to the growing Southern Queensland region into the future

South Burnett Mayor David Carter also urged local community groups to apply for a share of the funding.

"This is an excellent opportunity for services and facilities to be enhanced in the South Burnett area," he said.

"We look forward to working with Powerlink to allocate the funding to worthwhile community projects, and seeing truly great outcomes delivered over the coming months."

Community groups can obtain more information about the program by phoning Powerlink on 1800-635-369 during business hours, collecting an Information Kit and Application Form from South Burnett Regional Council offices or visiting Powerlink's website