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 You're Not Seeing Things ...
March 3, 2006 - Kingaroy optometrist Malcolm Lee See has temporarily moved up the road to 194 Haly Street ( which is a good thing as his old premises are now just a paddock!). All contact details remain the same. The Kingaroy Seafoods premises next door also disappeared almost overnight which left a few former customers scratching their heads today while looking around for fish and chips on a Lenten Friday. The South Burnett Times reports that a $1.5 million retail building will be built on the site.
 New Owners At Kingaroy Caravan Park
March 2, 2006 - Geoff Clayton took over yesterday as the new owner of Kingaroy Caravan Park and Cabins at 48 Walter Road, Kingaroy. The park has powered sites and a camping area as well as air-conditioned cabins and villas. Contact details remain the same and plans at the moment are to continue the popular bush poetry readings for visitors during the winter months. Bookings can be made on (07) 4162-1808 or by email
 Local Businesses Change Hands
March 1, 2006 - There's new faces at a couple of well-known local businesses. Glen Torry, from Auto Tint and Stripes at 3 Ivins Street, Kingaroy, recently handed over the reins of his business to Wayne and Kim Laurenceson. Auto Tint offers all kinds of window tinting (for homes, cars or commercial premises) as well as computer cut signs, magnetic signs, pin stripes and graphics. Amanda Feakins, ( right) has taken over the Country Video stores at 40 Fitzroy Street, Nanango and 15 Margaret Street, Yarraman. Both stores are open seven days. Amanda is an old supporter of SBBiz and assisted us in many ways when we first established the Tarong Business Program during the Tarong North construction project.
Good luck Mandy!
 New Spot To Eat in Yarraman
February 28, 2006 - The Timber Town Cafe has opened in the old Rick's Place building at 24 Toomey Street, Yarraman.
The cafe, run by Karen Langford, serves light meals six days a week as well as offering hand-made craft items and pottery as gift ideas.
The cafe is open 8:30am to 4:00pm on weekdays and 7:30am-1:00pm on Saturdays.
 SBBiz on Kingaroy Council Website
February 28, 2006 - Southburnett.biz is now also available on Kingaroy Shire Council's website with the unveiling of council's new-look website last night. This is the third South Burnett council website to broadcast this database (Kilkivan and Nanango shires went live last year) which means even more people than ever will be viewing the listings! So it is very important that all listings are as up-to-date as possible ... please contact us by email or phone (07) 4163-6854 if you spot any errors!
 Yallakool Anglers Get Hooked on Art
February 27, 2006 - The Barambah Valley Store, located at Yallakool Tourist Park on the banks of the Bjelke-Petersen Dam, is the latest new business promoting works by local artists. The mini art gallery features artworks by local indigenous artists (including the talented Steven Bond, Venus Rabbitt and Robyn Langton) as well as craftworks and produce from throughout the South Burnett region. Tours to visit local Moffatdale wineries can also be arranged and booked. Contact Felicity Evans on (07) 4168-4718 or by email
 Short and Sharp Training Ideas
February 25, 2005 - The Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce and Industry plans to hold some "short and sharp" training seminars in Kingaroy on Thursday March 23. You can choose to attend either one, two or all three of the sessions which will be held in the IT Centre at the South Burnett Enterprise Centre, 6 Cornish Street, Kingaroy. The training will cover Workplace Health and Safety Awareness; Communication - Body Language; and HR - Recruitment and Selection Essentials. Bookings must be made by March 4 to (07) 4162-8466. For more information, visit the KCCI website
 Latest WBBACC Newsletter Available
February 23 - The second edition of the Wide Bay Burnett Area Consultative Committee's electronic Regional Update is now available online. The electronic newsleter is designed to provide all the latest information on events, activities and grant opportunities distributed by the Federal Government. To join the email mailing list, contact Cameron Bisley at the WBBACC on (07) 4121-7099 or email him
 New Face At Blackbutt Surgery
February 22, 2006 - Dr Daphene Robertson has purchased the general practice in Blackbutt.
The Timbertown Medical Centre, located at 75 Coulson Street, can be contacted on (07) 4163-0023.
Dr Robertson took over the practice in January from Dr Ping Partridge who had been Blackbutt's GP for a number of years.
 Surveying the Web
February 21, 2006 - Kingaroy surveyors O'Reilly, Nunn and Favier now have their own website. The firm, located at 194 Kingaroy Street, undertakes projects throughout south-east Queensland and also maintains an office at Kilcoy. Merv O'Reilly, Roger Nunn and Jason Favier can be contacted on (07) 4162-2647 or by email.
 Smart Ideas For Horse Lovers
February 20, 2006 - Smarty Rugs, at Marshlands (near Mondure), sells custom-made horse rugs and equestrian accessories including hay bags and saddle covers. Owner Jolene King also manufactures dog coats and even offers a repair service for horse accessories. She can be contacted on 0438-432-745 or by email. For more information, visit the Smarty Rugs website
 February Tourism Talk
February 16, 2006 - South Burnett Local Government Association Tourism Project Officer Narelle Duggan has released the February edition of South Burnett Tourism Talk, a regular newsletter on tourism happenings around the region. This edition includes a round-up of regional events and market dates as well as more information about the new South Burnett Tourism Map and a workshop on insurance for tourism operators. Click here to download Tourism Talk (186kb PDF)
 Traditional Hams Direct From The Farm
February 15, 2006 - Kingaroy pork supplier Jestin Farms is a new entry on the Southburnett.biz database. Clinton and Julie Butler sell antibiotic and hormone-free pork and traditional wood-smoked hams and bacon wholesale and direct to the public from their piggery at 132 Trouts Road. They can be contacted on (07) 4162-7388.
 New Managers at Ascot Lodge
February 14, 2006 - Martin and Kimberly Smith recently took over as managers at Kingaroy's Ascot Lodge Motor Inn. The Ascot Lodge, located at 69 Kingaroy Street, is Kingaroy's newest motel, opening in September 2004. The motel's restaurant is open to the public for meals after 6pm from Monday-Saturday. Martin and Kimberly can be contacted on 1800-766-376 or by email
 Goomeri Updates Its Image
February 13, 2006 - Goomeri can no longer be called Australia's "Antiques Capital" following the closure of the last antiques store in town. A sign of the booming local property market, the owners of Goomeri Antiques at 28 Boonara Street are now operating Lawsons Realty from the same address. Nicki Rossi and Phil Lawson are long-time Goomeri residents who know the area extremely well. Lawsons Realty can be contacted on (07) 4168-4154 or by email. Also at Goomeri, there'll soon be a new face at the Grand Hotel with Joe Prendergast, from Dusty Hill Estate, in the process of taking over. The pub is open seven days, 10am to midnight.
 Get The Latest News About South Burnett Cuisine
February 10, 2006 - South Burnett cuisine is in the news at the moment ... what with The Peanut Van's "Nuts On The Range" charity dinner at The Belltower Restaurant tonight and Wine and Food in the Park just around the corner in Kingaroy. And as SBLGA Tourism Project manager Narelle Duggan told the KCCI's Women In Business lunch yesterday, it's also the focus of much local tourism development. So it's only fitting that South Burnett Online recently relaunched its South Burnett Cuisine website where chef Jason Ford keeps readers up-to-date with all the latest cuisine news. Stories are updated every three days. Click here to read more ...
 Somethings Changed Location
February 9, 2006 - Janelle Frohloff's Somethings Country homeware store has relocated from Kingaroy Street around the corner into Haly Street, Kingaroy. Somethings Country is now at 157 Haly Street (near Mitre 10) but all the contact details remain the same. The shop sells country homewares and crafts, gifts, rustic goods, caneware, glassware, ceramics, dolls, teddy bears, quilts and wall-hangings. It is open 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday and 9:30am-12:30pm on Saturdays.
 New Names For Wondai Shire Cafes
February 8, 2006 - Two popular cafes in Wondai Shire have changed their names ...
"Tickled Pink" at 76 Mackenzie Street, Wondai, is now the National Treasure Cafe. Owners Catriona and Wayne Pickering offer gourmet coffee, home-cooked meals, cakes and desserts.
The "Roadkill Cafe" at Hivesville has changed its name to the more appetising-sounding Hivesville Roadside Cafe. The cafe is still open seven days a week to 7pm and offers takeaway burgers, chips and other hot food.
 WBBACC Launches E-Newsletter
February 7, 2006 - The Wide Bay Burnett Area Consultative Committee has launched a new electronic newsletter called "Regional Update" to provide all the latest information on events, activities and grant opportunities distributed by the Federal Government. To join the email mailing list, contact Cameron Bisley at the WBBACC on (07) 4121-7099 or email himFor a preview of the first newsletter, click here