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Top Choir In Kingaroy Tonight

March 7, 2012 - St Mary's Catholic Church in Kingaroy will be hosting a one-off performance by leading choir The Australian Voices from 6:30pm this evening.

Selected singers from the group will be performing a cappella choral classics by Mozart, Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky and Bach.

The Australian Voices is recognised as one of the finest classical a capella ensembles in the world and has won many international awards.

Cost is $20 for adults, $15 concession and $5 for students.

Tickets can be purchased online
Gympie Council Faces Huge
Repair Bill After Latest Flooding
March 7, 2012 - Gympie Regional Council, already struggling to complete road repairs from the 2011 floods, is facing another round of massive roadworks after the latest deluge.

Mayor Ron Dyne said yesterday millions of dollars worth of damage had been done to the region's roads.

The worst affected areas included Kilkivan, Woolooga and Goomboorian.

The council has advised motorists that even if roads are free of water, there could be structural damage, so drivers should take care and always obey police directions.

Road inspections are currently underway and repairs will being started where possible.

Unsafe roads can also be reported to Gympie Council on 1300-307-800.

The council is currently listing all local road closures on a low bandwidth version of its website to assist travellers.

* * *

So what did LNP Leader Campbell Newman actually say in Kingaroy last Thursday which has caused such a furore?

SBBiz has managed to get a transcript so our readers can judge for themselves:

Journalist: You've spoken about accountable government. Can I ask you, was the Bjelke-Peterson government corrupt?

Newman: Well that's the view that came out of the Fitzgerald Inquiry, absolutely.

Journalist: (LNP Member for Clayfield) Tim Nicholls says you can't call them corrupt if he wasn't tried to corruption? (sic)

Newman: Well it certainly was a period of Queensland's history where a lot of terrible things happened and there was clearly corruption and it's all there in the report of the Royal Commission and people have been punished for those things. But again, a tired Labor line.

This is how the city media then reported it:
* * *

Sick of all the electioneering? It'll all be over soon ...

Here's a list of polling booth locations for the March 24 State election:
Some other useful information:
Graziers Worried by Tick Outbreaks
March 6, 2012 - The old Boondooma Cattle Tick Control Committee and the Kingaroy Tick Control Committee have been reformed in response to concerns over management of the tick line.

The line, which divides Queensland into ticky and clean country, currently passes between Kingaroy and Nanango.

There is increasing concern among local cattle producers about the increase in tick outbreaks on the clean side of the line, possibly linked to the difficulty in controlling stock due to flood-damaged fences.

Boondooma Cattle Tick Control Committee president Tom Seiler told the Beef Central website that beef producers on the tick line were bearing a heavy cost to keep the southern country clean.

"In one case of tick outbreak in clean country, a stud incurred estimated losses of $150,000 in stock and potential income plus the expense of treatments for several years," Mr Seiler said told Beef Central.

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Independent Candidate for Nanango, John Dalton, has accused LNP leader Campbell Newman of backflipping over the Cougar Energy UCG project.

Mr Dalton, secretary of anti-UCG pressure group the Kingaroy Concerned Citizens Group, said Newman had stated the LNP would "only allow industries like CSG or underground coal gasification to go forward in this state with the strictest of environmental conditions".

However, Mr Dalton claimed the LNP had "reversed" this position by issuing a statement that it would now oppose the re-opening of the Cougar Energy UCG plant.

"Campbell Newman has stated that the industry wants certainty but he has stated two conflicting positions in three days. He says that he wants strong input from local communities, yet doesn't offer to meet informed community groups like the Kingaroy Concerned Citizens Group when visiting the town.

"The current ALP Government adds to the confusion by ordering the decommissioning of the Cougar operation, but sits idly by while Cougar just mows the grass instead," Mr Dalton said.

(On February 28, LNP Candidate Deb Frecklington told SBBiz that the KCCG had not responded to emails from the LNP offering to address a meeting)
ALP Candidate Urges Voters: Don't Turn Your Backs on Bligh
March 5, 2012 - Virginia Clarke, the ALP candidate for Nanango, has urged voters not to forget the strong leadership shown by Premier Anna Bligh during the 2011 floods.

Speaking at her campaign launch yesterday at Esk Memorial Park, Ms Clarke said she was very proud to be part of Premier Bligh's election team.

"Anna Bligh's leadership qualities were clearly on show during the devastating floods last year," Ms Clarke said.

"No one in the Brisbane Valley could forget her strength and compassion.

"And in the last year, Anna Bligh has ensured that flood recovery and reconstruction work in the seat of Nanango and all around the State are well advanced. Anna is a competent and decisive leader who gets things done for Queensland."

Ms Clarke said the ALP Government should also be applauded for its part in delivering valuable economic and social infrastructure to the region including the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail and the Warrego-Brisbane Valley Highway Interchange.

"Labor has steered Queensland through the significant economic impacts of the GFC and will return the budget to surplus ahead of schedule," she said.

Ms Clarke rejected LNP claims that the Bligh Government was tired.

"Anna Bligh has ensured that comprehensive plans for Queensland's economic and social future have been put in place," she said.

"Haven't they heard of the Queensland Infrastructure Plan or the SEQ Regional Plan or the Rural Futures Strategy?" she said.

"Anna Bligh has ensured that we have plans in place for the next couple of decades to ensure that our economy stays strong, that there are plenty of jobs into the future and that all Queenslanders can enjoy top quality services. Many of the projects identified in these plans are already being delivered. I hope that the people of the Brisbane Valley and the South Burnett do not turn their backs on Anna Bligh after all she has done for them."

ABOVE RIGHT: Virginia Clarke, centre, with ALP branch members Adam Hunt and Janet Butler at the Esk War Memorial on Sunday. Virginia told SBBiz she had a "special thing" about memorials as the heritage of local areas always needs protecting. She served on the Ipswich Heritage committee from its inception in about 1991 until 2002

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Katter's Australian Party State Leader Aidan McLindon says the resignation today of an LNP branch chairman in his electorate is proof that the "flawed" coal seam gas industry will be allowed to "rush ahead" if the LNP wins the upcoming State election.

The chairman of the Christmas Creek/Tamrookum branch, George Andrew, told the Logan West Leader the LNP was being "intentionally deceitful about the party's position on coal seam gas mining in the Scenic Rim Region".

Mr McLindon, who himself quit the LNP in May 2010, said the decision by Mr Andrew to resign "highlights that the LNP will not allow debate on coal seam gas until after the election".

"Campbell Newman's own policy states that no 'inappropriate' coal seam gas developments will be allowed in Beaudesert but when the local branch asked what would be deemed 'appropriate', discussion was shut down at the direction of the LNP heavyweights which has now resulted in the resignation of the branch chairman."

LNP spokesman Michael O'Dwyer told the newspaper he knew nothing about a stalled motion at the LNP branch but Campbell Newman had outlined how the Scenic Rim would be protected when it comes to CSG "and it is one of the strongest statements that has been made".

CTC Staff Plan To Blitz Gumnut

Gumnut Place has supported people with a disability for more than 25 years

March 5, 2012 - CTC staff will be rolling up their sleeves on March 23 for a blitz-style makeover of Gumnut Place in Murgon.

The 120 staff will come armed with paint brushes, rakes and shovels to transform the grounds and bring the much-loved building back to life with a fresh coat of paint and new furniture.

Stanwell and Thiess are helping the makeover project. Their funding has allowed CTC to line the ceiling and the walls in the common room area and refurbish the bathroom. CTC would also like to acknowledge Kewpie Stockfeeds, Total Building Solutions, South Burnett Hire & Sales, GWB Plumbing and Kingaroy Tree Services who have all donated or supplied goods and services at a discounted rate.

The general public can also help out. There'll be a monster garage sale of goods on the day and local residents are invited to come along and purchase items.

CTC is also trying to put together a descriptive history of Gumnut Place and would appreciate any information the community may have.

The house was donated by former Murgon mayor Bill Roberts to the former Murgon Shire Council to be used for people with disabilities. Although CTC has some information, the exact history of Gumnut remains unknown. If you have any details to share - or if you know anyone who may be able to assist in compiling the history - please contact Kirstie on (07) 4162-9000 or by email
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The Nanango community is mourning rural firefighter Brendon Goldsmith who died suddenly while taking part in a Rural Fire information session at the Nanango Cultural Centre last week.

Brendon was First Officer of the South Nanango Rural Fire Brigade and a father of four, including up-and-coming country singer Amber who performed recently at the "It'll Be Alright In The Long Run" tour.

He was aged 57. A celebration of Brendon's life will be held from 11:00am on Thursday, March 8, at the Nanango Showgrounds followed by a foot procession to a graveside service at Nanango Lawn Cemetery.

In lieu of flowers, the family has asked that donations be made to the Queensland Rural Fire Service.

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South Burnett Mayor Cr David Carter last week presented a cheque for $42,900 to the Murgon SES Support Group Inc, the proceeds of the joint Mayor's Flood Appeal / CROW-FM "5 towns in 5 days" campaign.

The donation will be used to purchase five PALS 2.0 lighting units and four PALS 1.0 units to be distributed to SES groups across the South Burnett.

The Murgon-developed Personal Assistant Lighting System (PALS™) are emergency lights which are light, simple to assemble and energy efficient.

The PALS project was awarded a Minister's Award for Excellence in Community Safety in July 2011 and a second award under the "ZEROharm" category in September 2011.

Anyone interested in purchasing PALS lighting products should contact the Murgon SES Support Group on 0438-871-111.
No Return Of Cougar To Kingaroy, Says LNP
March 2, 2012 - An LNP Government would not support a return of the Cougar Energy UCG trial to the Kingaroy area, LNP Leader Campbell Newman assured local residents today.

Responding to a story run by ABC Local Radio this morning, Mr Newman reaffirmed that the LNP believes Cougar Energy's pilot project was given the go-ahead in the wrong area by "a tired, 20-year Labor government" and should never restart in the South Burnett.

"If Labor had planned better, this project may well have been able to operate in a more remote location where there was less potential for impact on the local community, and less risk," he said.

"There are far better areas for carefully monitored trials of Underground Coal Gasification technology, and we support these trials in other areas, but we do not, and will not, support them at Kingaroy.

"This whole debacle is a good example of a resource project that was not appropriate to the area where it was approved by Bligh Labor.

"It is a good example of Labor's long-term failure to properly plan for the South Burnett region, and for other regions across the State.

"The LNP has a clear strategy to deliver certainty for the resources industry in return for world's best social and environmental outcomes. Part of this strategy is a strong plan to protect regional communities and strategic cropping land from inappropriate mining and resources developments.

"We will do this by implementing a new system of statutory regional planning across Queensland, with strong input from local communities about what developments and land uses are, and are not suitable for each area."

Mr Newman said yesterday he had felt constrained in what he could say given the current court action, but now he has clarification of the nature of that action he was able to be more direct about the LNP's position.

Cricket Stars Ready For Murgon Clash
March 2, 2012 - Kingaroy's favourite son Matthew Hayden and Goomeri's own Mick Polzin will join a star-studded Bulls Masters team for their Twenty20 clash against a South Burnett Invitational XI at Murgon tomorrow.

Hayden is one of five ex-Australian Test players in the Bulls Masters team, alongside Andy Bichel, Jimmy Maher, Jeff Thomson and Geoff Dymock.

Rugby league internationals Wendell Sailor and Gorden Tallis will be adding their weight to the squad and former England batsman Graeme Hick – who played a season for Queensland in the early 1990s – will be contributing an international flavour.

The South Burnett squad is made up of Michael Davies, Tony Dugdell, Anthony Eden, Liam Exelby, Chris Heness, John Kapernick, Wayne Kelly, Dan Learmont, Tim Linnane, Nigel Megaw, Dan O'Connor, Craig Patterson, Ashley and Damien Sippel, Jay Steinhardt, Kyron Tunstall, Jason Weber and Shane Winter.

Gates open at the Murgon Sportsground at 10:00am with a free coaching clinic for children from 12:30pm-1:30pm. The match starts at 2:30pm. Adults are $10 and Under 16s are free.

* * *

Katter's Australian Party is reportedly applying to the Supreme Court to force the Queensland Electoral Commission to reprint ballot papers for the upcoming State Election so that Bob Katter's name will appear on them.

Party leader Aidan McLindon told the Brisbane Times last week, (see SBBiz, February 27), that "The Australian Party" as cited during the ballot draw was just a "shorthand name" for the party and Katter's name would appear on the final ballot papers.

However this does not appear to be the case. Read more on the ABC's AM website

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Courier-Mail journalist David Costello and Bernie Cooper from Crane Wines at last night's official media launch of the 2012 Wine and Food in the Park Festival held at Clovely Estate's Red Hill cellar door in Brisbane. David, who writes the Fossicking column, will be interviewing local food producers in the PCA Tent throughout the day.
$10m LNP Pledge To Build Passing Lanes
March 1, 2012 - LNP Leader Campbell Newman was greeted with enthusiastic applause when he announced to supporters in Kingaroy this afternoon that the LNP would commit to building overtaking lanes on both the D'Aguilar and the Brisbane Valley highways.

A lunch, organised by LNP volunteers, attracted party members as well as local small business owners, members of the Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce and Industry, shire councillors, farmers and members of the public.

Mr Newman said LNP candidate Deb Frecklington had been highlighting to him the safety concerns of local residents about the D'Aguilar and Brisbane Valley highways.

"Today because of the lobbying of your prospective local member, I'm delighted to announce - and no one else has heard this yet - that we're committing today to $10m for overtaking lanes on your highways, your economic artery back towards Brisbane, between Blackbutt and Nanango, also between Harlin and Toogoolawah," Mr Newman said.

"That's what we want to do for you. That's what Deb's been fighting for. I make that promise to you today."

Mr Newman also unveiled more of the LNP's agriculture policy during his visit to Kingaroy (see story below). He said the party would:
  • Aim to double agricultural production by 2040

  • Establish a dedicated Agriculture Department. Mr Newman said agriculture was one of the most important industries in Queensland, with 90,000 people employed and worth about $5.4 billion to the State.

    One of the first tasks of this new department would be to go out and do an audit of agricultural land, to make sure it's being protected properly against other competing land uses such as mining, and then, in conjunction with people in the industry, look at how some of this land can be improved and brought into food production.

  • Increase the number of Biosecurity officers by 25% over the next four years; ie employ another 15 officers. He said Labor's response to equine influenza, Hendra virus and citrus canker had put primary industries and communities at risk.

Questioned about the Cougar Energy project at Coolabunia, Mr Newman said he could not talk too much about it as it was subject to a court case at the moment but the LNP did not believe it had been handled well.

"We don't know why they would have been allowed to come into this part of the world in the first place," he said.

SBBiz later put to Mr Newman that a Kingaroy Concerned Citizens Group member had expressed concerns on Facebook that the LNP could be considering "resurrecting" the scrapped plant.

Mr Newman said the KCCG and the Greens were missing the point. He said the Labor Party had put the project in place and they should be ones to get the blame if the court should find the company had any legal rights.

How the wider media has reported Mr Campbell's visit to Kingaroy:

ABOVE RIGHT: LNP Leader Campbell Newman was presented with a bottle of South Burnett wine during his visit to Kingaroy yesterday. He said he was very impressed with LNP candidate Deb Frecklington
All Stitched Up? In The Bag? Not Quite ...

ABOVE: LNP candidate Deb Frecklington, Campbell Newman and RBM Industrial Bags employee Kathy Jamieson, from Kingaroy.

March 1, 2012 - LNP Leader Campbell Newman visited Kingaroy today - with the national media in tow - to announce promises to boost biosecurity and establish a dedicated agriculture department to conduct a land audit.

Campbell, LNP Candidate for Nanango Deb Frecklington and Opposition Leader Jeff Seeney - and the media scrum - dropped into RBM Industrial Bags in Kingaroy to talk to owners, the Stallwood family, and employees.

Asked if it was important for the LNP to win Nanango, Campbell replied it was important for the voters in Nanango that the LNP won.

He said they had been neglected under Labor, and Independents and minor parties would not be able to make a difference.

But he warned: "It's going to be a tough fight."

Youth Choir Invited To Perform In Brisbane
March 1, 2012 - The South Burnett Youth Choir has been invited to take part in a joint choral workshop, "Next Generation Sings", to be held in Brisbane next month.

Conductor Jane Iszlaub said it was a very exciting opportunity for the choir members and about 15 children were expected to travel down to the Brisbane Grammar School on April 21 to take part.

Other choirs who have received invitations are the Brisbane Girls Grammar School Chamber Singers, the Hillcrest Christian College Bella Voce, the Glennie School Chamber Choir and the Brisbane Birralee Voices & the Birralee Singers.

Jane has also been invited to take part in an interactive forum on the day with other choir conductors.

* * *

ALP Candidate for Nanango Virginia Clarke will be officially launching her campaign for the seat on Sunday.

The launch will be held from 11:00am in the Esk Memorial Park, corner of the Brisbane Valley Highway and Highland Street.

Ms Clarke says she has a passion for social justice and "a fair go for everyone".

She has raised three children, mainly as a sole parent and is currently employed as a cleaner on the new Queensland Children's Hospital site in Brisbane.
Dismantle Cougar's UCG Site Now: KCCG
February 28, 2011 - The Kingaroy Concerned Citizens Group has called for the dismantling of the Cougar Energy trial plant at Coolabunia to start immediately.

Former CSIRO scientist Dr Rock Boothroyd, who lives at Coolabunia and has been advising the KCCG on scientific matters, said Premier Anna Bligh had "announced publicly on two occasions that the site will not be allowed to operate again and the company would no longer be able to operate in Queensland".

"If this is the case why has there been no dismantling of the site?" he said.

On December 21, the Planning and Environment Court dismissed an application by Cougar Energy seeking a stay of the conditions that required it to decommission and rehabilitate its UCG site. However the company announced earlier this month that it would still be proceeding with a Planning and Environment Court appeal.

Speaking to SBBiz this morning, Dr Boothroyd said a lot of people had expressed concerns because there was an election coming up and "people are worried that the Liberal National Party will overturn (the State Government's) decision and let them continue".

"The LNP is seen to have a more laissez-faire attitude to activities by these big companies than even the ALP has," he said.

He said Coolabunia residents were feeling distress "and a lot of angst" about the Cougar site.

"We would like to see some action."

Cougar Energy's appeal to the Planning and Environment Court is scheduled for mention in Brisbane tomorrow.

* * *

LNP Candidate for Nanango Deb Frecklington, (right), said this morning the comments about the LNP and the Cougar Energy site were "ridiculous".

"We have provided them with a clear response. The LNP does not support - and would never have supported - a project at that site," she said.

"Jeff Seeney - the Shadow Minister for Infrastructure and Planning - and I have offered to address a KCCG meeting but they have not responded to our emails. They have not invited us to their group."

The email to the KCCG also spelled out the LNP's position:

"In respect to UCG the LNP have supported the shutdown of the Cougar trial project at Kingaroy and believe any decision on the commercial development of this technology cannot properly be taken until after the completion of the other trials currently being undertaken in other parts of the State," the email said.

"Irrespective of the results of those trials the LNP will ensure that any such development of new unproven technology is located in areas well away from communities and areas of agricultural importance such as the South Burnett."

* * *

On Monday, Cougar Energy notified the ASX that it has entered into a two-year, $97 million funding agreement with The Australian Special Opportunity Fund LP, a New York-based institutional investor managed by The Lind Partners.

The funds will provide working capital for the development of projects and tenement holdings in Asia and Australia.

Cougar also released its half-yearly report on Monday. These show that the company had a net loss of $2.186 million in the half-year ended December 31. During the same period in the previous year, they suffered a $33.059 million loss, impacted by the writedown of the value of the company's Kingaroy assets.

The half-yearly report notes that in the present period, the Kingaroy assets have remained on care and maintenance and the company has launched two sets of legal proceedings (a) in the Queensland Planning and Environment Court to appeal the decision to halt the site UCG operations, and (b) in the Queensland Supreme Court against the Queensland Government and named officials seeking damages, interest and costs. A major portion of the costs incurred in this period, the report notes, relate to these actions.
Consultants To Co-Ordinate Tourism Merger
February 29, 2012 - Consultants EC3 Global and the The Stafford Group have been hired to make the merger of the "Toowoomba Golden West and South Burnett Tourism" and "Southern Downs and Granite Belt Tourism" regional organisations a reality.

The path to the merger has been rocky at times with critics speaking out against the "super group" (see SBBiz, August 21, 2011 and South Burnett Wine, July 19, 2011).

However it has always appeared to be a "done deal", particularly after the State Government announced $600,000 funding in August last year for the merger to proceed. This funding was announced prior to all members of the associations having an opportunity to vote on the proposal.

Similar confusion over merger funding arose during Stage 1 of the process when the South Burnett was severed from the Fraser Coast regional tourism area and merged with Toowoomba Golden West. It was first thought that funding was being sought to "investigate" a possible merger but it was later revealed the funding was to "implement" a merger (SBBIZ, August 9, 2010).

A Transition Advisory Board, chaired by South Burnett Mayor David Carter, has welcomed the appointment of the two consultancy companies.

"This is an exciting time for tourism as we join forces across the region," Cr Carter said.

"The merger is a great opportunity for both regions and guarantees to give the industry a stronger voice in what is a very competitive and challenging industry.

"No longer will we be perceived as a small, fragmented tourism industry west of the range."

The consultants will meet with tourism stakeholders from March to May.
Ballot Papers For State Poll Released
February 27, 2012 - The Electoral Commission of Queensland has released the final nominations - and Ballot Paper order for candidates - running at the upcoming State election.

The South Burnett is divided between two electorates, Nanango and Callide.

The ballot paper order for Nanango is:
    DALTON, John (Independent)
    THOMSON, David (Independent)
    NEWSON, Grant (The Greens)
    CLARKE, Virginia (Australian Labor Party)
    RACKEMANN, Carl (The Australian Party)

For Callide:
    PERCY, Camilla (The Greens)
    SCOTT, Duncan (Independent)
    ENSBY, Steve (The Australian Party)
    SEENEY, Jeff (LNP)
    NEWTON, Melissa (Australian Labor Party)

It was also announced today that Bob Katter's party has received official registration as a political party. It will run under the banner of "The Australian Party" at the Queensland poll however party leader Aidan McLindon told the Brisbane Times this was just a "shorthand name" for the party and it would appear on ballot papers as "Katter's Australian Party".

McLindon originally formed The Queensland Party after he resigned from the LNP in 2010. Last August, he announced that The Queensland Party would merge with Katter's Australian Party, although not all members made the switch.

The QP was de-registered by the Electoral Commission in December when an investigation showed it no longer had enough members to maintain separate registration.

Queensland Party candidates contesting seats at this election - including David Thomson for Nanango - are now running as Independents.
Community Bank Makes Uni A Reality
February 28, 2012: Teenager Patrick Walsh, from Nanango, is studying science / law at university this year thanks to a scholarship from the Bendigo Bank.

The Yarraman & District Community Bank Branch and Blackbutt Branch Scholarship is awarded to first-time tertiary students whose financial circumstances might mean a university degree is out of their reach.

Patrick, who scored an OP1 when he completed Year 12 at Nanango State High School in 2011, said the scholarship would allow him to start his studies in Bachelor of Science/Laws at Queensland University.

"It's great to know that I have financial support to start my degree, which means I don't have to worry about how I will pay to live away from home," Patrick said.

Patrick was one of 11 local applicants for the scholarship. This was the largest number of applications received by any Bendigo Community Bank branch.

Anyone interested in the concept of a Community Bank is invited to attend a Wine and Cheese night from 7:00pm tonight in the old Westpac building on the corner of Fitzroy and Drayton streets, Nanango (92 Drayton Street). This will be the location for the next Bendigo Bank Community Branch in the South Burnett. Wines will be from Moffatdale Ridge and cheese from Cheeseworld.

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The Bloomin' Beautiful Blackbutt Festival Committee has congratulated the team at the Blackbutt Visitor Information Centre for winning a BookEasy Queensland Visitor Information Centre of the Year 2012 award.

The team won Category 1, for centres staffed solely by volunteers.

Team leader Laraine Aniftos brought home the award on the weekend. The awards ceremony was held at Heron Island last week.

Bloomin' Beautiful chairman Jeff Connor said the award was a testament to the volunteers' dedication in promoting the region.

"It is this spirit that will keep Blackbutt alive and growing," he said.

ABOVE RIGHT: Laraine Aniftos with Scott Hampson from BookEasy

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The Department of Communities will be holding a free Succession Planning Workshop at the Nanango Cultural Centre on Wednesday, March 14, from 6:00pm.

The workshop will demonstrate how to develop and deliver on operational plans, strategic plans and succession plans - all integral tools for planning the ongoing success of clubs and organisations and ensuring their future viability.

The workshop will be facilitated by Leisa Donlon, who has extensive experience in the not-for-profit sector.

For more information contact the Department of Communities, Sport and Recreation on  (07) 4125-9399 or you can register online. Bookings close on March 9.
Senator Not Amused By Rackemann Media Release
February 27, 2012 - A media release from KAP candidate for Nanango Carl Rackemann (SBBiz, February 20) has sparked an angry rebuttal from National Party Senate Leader Barnaby Joyce.

The release "thanked" Senator Joyce for "endorsing" the former cricketer in his bid to win the State seat.

"Carl, I will give you a tip, don't let your media adviser write your media releases," the Senator retorted today. "They say smarmy things that turn people off.

"Carl, quite obviously I am not going to be endorsing you because you are not in the LNP and I genuinely don't believe that you will have the capacity to have any power in the government that will be running Queensland in a matter of weeks."

Senator Joyce said that if Rackemann was elected "the people of the South Burnett are going to be even further away from having a fair chance of getting a fair outcome".

"Carl, I have no doubt that you are a good farmer, and that you have a great family connection in the district, and I respect your sporting prowess," Senator Joyce said. "But Carl, that is not an endorsement of your political capacity.

"Most people would understand that the realities of politics ... requires an ability to gather the numbers and influence the decision. Carl, the sad reality is you are not going to be part of the numbers. You are going to be a good bloke in the grandstand not a player on the field.

"Deb Frecklington will be a senior member of an LNP government. To deliver for Nanango you need someone at the table, someone close to the Treasurer with the cheque book. A vote for Carl Rackemann will not remove the Labor party. Only a vote for the LNP and Deb Frecklington can bring a change for Queensland."
The End Of A Food Era
February 27, 2012 - It was the end of an era for good food lovers in the South Burnett on Saturday night when Kingaroy cafe Burning Beats closed its doors for the last time.

Owners Paul Stoddart, (right), and Kerry Cotter established the small "hole-in-the-wall" restaurant almost 11 years ago in Kingaroy Street.

Along the way, they picked up many fans, including celebrity chefs such as Alastair McLeod who would drop in on visits to the region.

The restaurant was also featured in the 2004, 2005 and 2006 Good Life Restaurant Guides.

At the 2004 South Burnett Wine and Food in the Park regional cook-off, Paul won the award for the "most innovative use of peanuts or peanut products" with his deep-fried silver perch with chilli and holy basil.

At the 2006 competition, his pork with peanuts and Asian herbs in a Vietnamese claypot won the coveted "Best Overall Dish" title.

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LNP candidate for Nanango Deb Frecklington says the party has pledged $4 million to support Queensland community groups with grants up to $5000 and volunteer groups with grants up to $15,000 if it wins power at the State election.

She said the "Caring for our Community" program would provide community and volunteer groups with small grants over three years to help them buy equipment to support Queenslanders in need.

"The LNP understands that many of our generous volunteers reach into their own pockets to fund equipment, a cost they can hardly afford as the cost of living spirals," she said.

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Home and Community Care (HACC) program providers in the South Burnett have received $64,000 in one-off Federal Government funding to help them deliver services.

Funds will go to Graham House ($35,000), Murgon Meals on Wheels ($13,000) and Blue Care Murgon ($16,000).

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The co-founder of Centacare South Burnett, Margaret Potter (Todd), died in Toowoomba on February 18 after a long illness. 
During the 1990s, Margaret and the late Fr Kevin Ryan worked together to identify areas of need in the local area, particularly for women.
Their first venture was a playgroup, then a craft group and the Bread Run. The pair began to successfully access grants, and more projects began, including the conversion of an old classroom into a meeting area now known as "the Biscuit Tin". 

More and more social functions were held and groups formed, including the South Burnett Filipino-Australian Caring Group and the South Burnett Women's Service.

When the need for an accredited counselling service was identified, Centacare was invited to establish in the parish. Margaret also helped to bring the St Marys CACPs aged care program to Kingaroy.
She is survived by her husband Brian, children Liam, Megan, Brendan, Katie, Jane and Michael, and nine grandchildren.
APN Announces $45m Loss
February 24, 2012 - APN News & Media, publishers of the South Burnett Times newspaper, yesterday announced a $45.1 million loss after tax.

Total revenue overall was up 1 per cent but profit was down 148 per cent.

The company's Australian regional media arm suffered a 5 per cent drop in revenue and a 27 drop drop in earnings before interest and taxes.

APN reduced publishing costs by $25 million over the period and closed three printing sites.

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Three charges against Cougar Energy, alleging breaches of the Environmental Protection Act at the company's Underground Coal Gasification project at Kingaroy, were adjourned again yesterday in Kingaroy Magistrates' Court to May 24 for further mention.

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The 12,868ha cattle property 'Melrose', located north-west of Kingaroy, has been passed in at auction today after a $5.1m bid. Read more on the Queensland Country Life website

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The Department of Transport and Main Roads has advised motorists that the D'Aguilar Highway through the Blackbutt Range will be closed from 1:30pm-2:30pm on Monday, March 5, to allow blasting as part of reconstruction works. Up-to-date information on traffic disruptions is available by phoning 13-19-40.

UPDATE March 1: This closure has now be cancelled.
Stanwell's On The
Ball At Chelmsford
February 23, 2012 - Chelmsford tennis players will have to find a new excuse for missing the ball now that the local tennis club has new court lights thanks to sponsorship from Stanwell (Tarong Power Station).

Players and local residents gathered at the Chelmsford Tennis Club recently to celebrate the switching on of the new lights, which were also made possible through assistance from the South Burnett Regional Council.

Club project co-ordinator Ron Mason said it had been "like a breath of fresh Chelmsford morning air" to deal with Stanwell - and Tarong Power Community relations coordinator Nicole Connolly, in particular - after having funding applications through Queensland Sport and Recreation fail.

Ron thanked Stanwell for their professional and positive attitude throughout the funding application process.

The original lights had deteriorated to a state where it was almost impossible to play night tennis.

South Burnett Regional Councillor Kathy Duff said district tennis clubs were vital for the social well-being of small communities such as Chelmsford. She said she also appreciated the assistance Stanwell was providing for community projects throughout the South Burnett.

Tarong Power Station Site Manager Dennis Franklin said the court lighting project fitted perfectly into the guidelines for Stanwell's community sponsorship program.

He said the project also demonstrated the pride Chelmsford people had in their local community. The court is located on the site of the original Chelmsford School which had an ant bed tennis court. Local families have been playing on the court for generations and then worked to have it upgraded to artificial grass.

Dennis said it was important that new lights be installed so the court and the beautifully maintained facilities could be used by the district families and surrounding tennis clubs.

The celebration continued into the evening with games under the new lights and a barbecue.

ABOVE RIGHT: Cr Kathy Duff, Chelmsford Tennis Club President Judy Guse, Project Co-ordinator Ron Mason and Tarong Power Station Manager Dennis Franklin
Local Groups Plan How To Spend Grant Money
February 22, 2012 - Two local projects which received $15,000 in funding from the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation's Blueprint in the Bush "Building Rural Communities Fund" are now planning to maximise the benefits of the funding for the local area.

Hand Made In Country, an initiative of Toowoomba Golden West and South Burnett Tourism and Southern Downs Tourism, will be holding a workshop in Kingaroy on Saturday, March 3, so that local artisans can have their say on what projects should go ahead.

"We want to hear about the priorities that South Burnett artisans have and what they are hoping to get out of the Hand Made in Country project," Regional Tourism Development Officer Julie McMurtrie said.

"Whether they are looking for more master classes, social media workshops or product presentation and marketing workshops, we want to hear what they think will benefit them most.

"It's up to them what the future of the Hand Made in Country will look like in the South Burnett region.

"After receiving $15,000 in funding last week from the Department of Employment Economic Development , we are now calling for artisans to help us spend it."

The workshop will begin at 9:30am at Taste South Burnett in William Street, Kingaroy. To RSVP, contact Julie on 0437-008-712.

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South Burnett Arts also received $15,000 from DEEDI to assist the South Burnett Youth Choir with its "Many Towns, One Voice" project.

The project will help to grow a regional youth choir for the South Burnett by establishing junior feeder choirs and senior ensembles in both Wondai and Kingaroy and establishing a music library so a uniform performance repertoire can be established.

South Burnett Youth Choir founder Jane Iszlaub witnessed the signing of the grant documents in Kingaroy yesterday.

ABOVE RIGHT: DEEDI Senior Regional Development Officer Wendy Bennett with Jane Iszlaub from the South Burnett Youth Choir
Kingaroy Has A Very Polite Night With The Candidates

ABOVE: Australian Christian Lobby Queensland State Director Wendy Francis, John Dalton (Independent), Deb Frecklington (LNP), Carl Rackemann (KAP) and David Thomson (Independent / Queensland Party)

February 21, 2012 - On polling night, election pundits are expected to keep a close eye on the State seat of Nanango to see how Katter's Australian Party will perform.

The interest, though, doesn't seem to be shared by local residents.

At a forum staged in Kingaroy last night - organised by the Australian Christian Lobby - just 38 people showed up, and it was clear from the T-shirts that at least a few came along with the candidates.

Four would-be MPs were there: Deb Frecklington (LNP), John Dalton (Independent), Carl Rackemann (Katter's Australian Party) and David Thomson (Independent / Queensland Party).

Retiring Nanango MP Dorothy Pratt was also there, greeting all the candidates very warmly (including Rackemann, whom she greeted with a quick kiss despite her alleged blow-up with Bob Katter late last year).

Apologies were received from The Greens candidate Grant Newson (who was at the Jondaryan protest, see below) and the ALP's Virginia Clarke, who was ill and had suffered a recent family tragedy.

The forum was moderated by the ACL's Queensland Director Wendy Francis. All candidates were given five minutes to introduce themselves and discuss their background and philosophies. Wendy then asked for questions, which were submitted in writing from the floor.

Predictably for a conservative rural seat, all candidates supported religious instruction in schools and the school chaplaincy program. All were opposed to gay marriage and were pro-life.

All believed in a balance between farming and mining and all thought suicide was a serious problem in rural areas. Equally, none are going to recommend preferences.

The only differences emerged when the candidates were asked "If the Parliament was equally split, which side would you support?" (this was put to the minor parties / Independents only).

Rackemann refused to rule out that KAP could support the ALP. He said the party would return to each electorate to gauge voters' views and then act accordingly to guarantee stable government. Thomson said his position was essentially the same.

Dalton said he would consider what was best for the electorate and would approach each party with "a bucket list" of demands which would have to be met before he would enter into negotiations.

That was about as controversial as it got.

After a few obvious "Dorothy Dixers" from the audience, the Forum wound up as sociably as it began, with a cup of tea.

The Greens candidate Grant Newson at yesterday's "Day of Action" at Jondaryan, protesting against the Stage 3 expansion of the Acland New Hope Coal Mine

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KAP candidate Carl Rackemann said today it was "bull" that a vote for him was a vote for the LNP or ALP.

"Let me be clear, a vote for Carl Rackemann is a vote for Katter's Australian Party, not the LNP or the Labor Party," he said.

"Bob Katter will be here in the Nanango electorate on March 15. If people are concerned that a vote for Katter's Australian Party is a vote for the Labor Party or the LNP, come ask him yourself."