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Better Quality Water
On Tap In Yarraman
June 22, 2010 - Work completed recently on Yarraman's treatment plant should improve the quality of the local water supply but Toowoomba Regional Council admits it "is not going to be perfect".

Cr Paul Antonio said staff had reviewed the operations of the plant and renewed the water filter.

"The new filter media are an improvement in quality and are more effective in removing manganese and iron from the water," he said.

"This has led to much better quality water coming out of the plant. However the water is not going to be perfect. We still have to undertake a program of mains cleaning which will be instigated early in the next financial year.

"This will help remove the residues of manganese and iron in the mains and further improve water quality."

Yarraman draws its water from the Ted Pukallus Weir, (above), which has had a long history of high manganese and iron levels, particularly after runoff from rainfall.

* * *

And a quick reminder from solicitor Paul Laurentiussen about the JA Carroll & Son Charity Golf Day in Kingaroy this Saturday. There will be a shotgun start at 11am and all funds raised will assist with the refurbishment of the birthing suites at Kingaroy Hospital.
Gumnut opening ceremonySupporters Rally to Make Laundry Service a Reality
June 21, 2010 - The Gumnut Place's new industrial laundry service was officially opened last week in Murgon after local companies and funding bodies rallied together to support the project.

The Gumnut Place, which is operated by South Burnett CTC, provides meaningful employment opportunities for people with disabilities together with support, encouragement and an opportunity to socialise. As well as the laundry service, the centre also produces trophies and woodwork, does engraving, and provides catering, gardening and maintenance services.

The Tarong Energy Community Partnership Fund, the Thiess - Tarong Coal Project, Murgon Leather and the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs all assisted CTC in getting the laundry service off the ground.

Tarong Energy Community Relations Manager Mr Tim Loth said he was proud of the support Tarong Energy was giving to community projects such as The Gumnut Place.

"We know that the Community Partnership Fund is making a difference, and we take pride in seeing each project come to fruition," he said.

"Established less than two years ago, it has already supported projects like re-establishing the Palliative Care Unit in Murgon, equipping CareFlight chopper pilots with night vision goggles, and building new play forts at Nanango State School."

ABOVE RIGHT: Warren Issac (Murgon Leather), Dave Barram (Tarong Energy) and South Burnett Mayor David Carter at The Gumnut Place opening ceremony

* * *

Barbara Wittmann, from the Eduardstrete Medical Centre in Kingaroy, has launched a petition in a bid to get the doctor's surgery re-opened, (see stories May 21 and May 28).

She told SBBiz today she would be sending the petition to both the State and Federal Health Ministers next Friday. Copies are available at the surgery, in Edward Street.
Hi-Tech Chair Donated
To Nanango Hospital
June 18, 2010 - A golf day and fundraising raffle organised by the Burnett Business Centre and the Nanango Hospital Auxiliary has raised almost $8000 for equipment at Nanango Hospital.

Nanango Hospital Director of Nursing Nyrie Roos said a Carendo chair, (similar to the one pictured, at right), had been purchased which would help with the showering of frail, elderly and disabled patients.

The choice of the high-tech chair was based on consultation with staff.

"The Nanango Hospital Auxiliary and hospital staff rolled up their sleeves to raise the remainder of funds with a monster Christmas raffle and sale of jam and mango chutney," Ms Roos said.

"We greatly appreciate these funds have been raised as it involves hard work and a committed effort. This chair will make a real difference to the patients."
New Faces At The Tinny Hotel
June 17, 2010 - New owners took over the Tingoora Hotel last Friday ... and they have some exciting plans in store for this iconic South Burnett pub, (pictured at right during the 1950s).

Bruce and Jenny Jones formerly owned "the highest pub in Australia", the Hotel Tully Falls in North Queensland, while Barbara Camp was manager.

The trio has now gone into partnership together at the Tinny.

"I've been in the hospitality industry for 32 years and now I actually own something!" Barb told SBBiz.

All the regular pub events will remain the same including live entertainment on Friday nights, but the new owners hope to also slowly add some new features.

"One thing we will be looking into is providing some accommodation, maybe putting in some motel units. A lot of people have made enquiries about it," Barb said.

The partners have also taken over the adjoining Liquor Barn, the Wondai Bottleshop and are planning on re-opening the old Ham & Coy General Store, (pictured left in 1928), to cater for Tingoora residents.
Livestock Transport
Rules Are Changing
June 16, 2010 - The Queensland Government is warning livestock transporters that they will soon need to comply with nationally endorsed standards and guidelines.

Current "model codes of practice" will be replaced by Australian standards (ie requirements that must be met) and guidelines (recommended practices to achieve desirable animal welfare outcomes).

Queensland's Animal Care and Protection Regulation 2002 is being amended this year to implement the national standards for transport of livestock by road, rail and sea. It will cover alpacas, buffalo, cattle, camels, deer, emus and ostriches, goats, horses, pigs, poultry and sheep.

The standards impose a duty of care which is shared and transferred down the line, including transport company managers (including Queensland Rail managers), owners, livestock handlers, saleyards, livestock processing plants, drivers, agents, depots and feedlots.

For more information, visit the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation's website
Golf Day To Help
Kingaroy Hospital
Raise $8000
June 15, 2010 - Kingaroy solicitors J.A. Carroll & Son are hosting a golf day at Kingaroy Golf Club on Saturday, June 26 with the aim of raising $8000 to help upgrade the maternity ward at Kingaroy Hospital.

Solicitor Paul Laurentiussen said the money raised would cover the refurbishment of the birthing suites and allow the hospital to refresh paintwork and install new curtains.

He is seeking support from local businesses to help sponsor the event, either in the form of cash donations or suitable goods / gift vouchers to use as prizes for raffles and to present to winning players.

All funds raised will go directly to Kingaroy Hospital.

For more information about taking part in the Golf Day - or if you can help with sponsorship - please contact Paul on (07) 4162-1533 or by email
Not Swickers ... Sunpork!
June 14, 2010 - On June 3 SouthBurnett.Biz asked company officials if Swickers was the secret purchaser of the Pittsworth and Killarney abattoirs and the answer was clear from two sources: definitely not.

What they failed to mention, though, was that a closely related company Sunpork WAS the purchaser.

Sunpork - also owned by the CHM Alliance - confirmed yesterday that the Pittsworth plant was under contract with settlement due on June 28.

Sunpork Processing spokesman Brian McLean told the Warwick Daily News that the Pittsworth abattoir would act "as a backup pork processing site for Swickers when required".
Bendigo Bank Asks Nanango Residents For Feedback
June 11, 2010: Bendigo Bank is asking Nanango residents to complete and return a short, confidential survey by July 9th, 2010 to determine whether a proposal to open a Community Bank in the town is feasible.

Bendigo currently operate Community Banks in 250 communities around Australia, bringing modern banking services to towns deserted by the "Big Four" banks and sharing the profits equally with the communities in which the banks operate.

The short survey form has been distributed to all households in the Nanango area and the bank is urging residents to take a few minutes to complete the confidential forms and return them in a supplied pre-paid envelope before the deadline.

If you live in Nananago and for any reason haven't received a form, you can contact the project's local steering committee on (07) 4163-3333, (07) 4163-2266 or (07) 4163-1370 to arrange another copy to be sent to you.
Barambah Cellar Door
Re-Opens Friday June 11th
June 10, 2010: Barambah Wines' cellar door at Redgate will re-open to the public tomorrow after being closed for three months.

The cellar door will be managed by well-known South Burnett wine identity Nick Pseudovs, whose parents Wally and Cathy manage the nearby Clovely Estate cellar door, Clovely Cottage B&B and very popular Old Dairy Restaurant.

Nick - who until recently worked with Clovely Estate's chief winemaker Luke Fitzpatrick - said he thought the new position was challenging but exciting, and says he has several ideas he wants to try once he's found his feet in the new role (which will also include assisting Barambah Wines' consultant winemaker and Queensland's second Master of Wine Peter Scudamore-Smith).

One of them could include opening the cellar door on Friday and Saturday nights as a tapas wine bar.

"I think my social life will be just about zero from now on," Nick told SouthBurnett.Biz, "so the idea of having the social life come to me is pretty appealing. And nothing like this exists in the South Burnett right now. So I'm hopeful that there'll be people who wouldn't mind seeing a new and completely different entertainment option opening up in the area".

The cellar door is located at 79 Goschnicks Road in Redgate and will be open to the public from 10:00am to 4:00pm Thursdays to Sundays and public holidays.
Small Businesses Urged
To Sign Up For New
Super Clearing House
June 9, 2010: South Burnett small businesses interested in cutting the time and paperwork associated with their employees' superannuation are being urged to register for the Australian Government's free Small Business Superannuation Clearing House.

The new clearing house will go live on July 1, 2010 and will be operated by Medicare Australia, which already processes around 500 million transactions and $30 billion in payments annually through multiple delivery channels.

Any business with fewer than 20 staff can register for the clearing house, which will make it easier for small businesses to meet their superannuation obligations.

Through it, small business can pay their employees' super into a single location with just one simple electronic transaction. The clearing house will then send the contributions to the appropriate superannuation fund on behalf of the employer, and employers can also access a record of their contribution history whenever it's needed.

To take part in the new system, eligible small businesses simply need to sign up online at
Workshop To Help
Businesses Do It Better
June 8, 2010 - The Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation (DEEDI) is holding a Managing For Profits workshop tomorrow in Kingaroy.

The workshop has been designed to give participants an awareness of the financial elements involved in running a successful business. Other topics to be covered include financial terminology, basic financial ratios and understanding financial statements.

The workshop will be held on from 1:00pm-4:00pm at the Kingaroy RSL Club. Cost is $44 and registrations are essential.

For more information and to book, phone DEEDI's Maryborough Business Assistance office on (07) 4121-1780.
Tarong Energy and Thiess
Help Make Murgon's
Gumnut Place Sustainable
June 7, 2010: The Gumnut Place - an Australian Disability Enterprise in Murgon run by South Burnett CTC that provides meaningful employment for 20 people - has been made more sustainable thanks to a grant from the Tarong Energy Community Partnership Fund and a cleaning contract from Thiess.

The premises already operate a timber workshop (which makes fumigated hardwood pallets for Murgon Leather); a trophy making and engraving service; and a commercial kitchen and catering business. All sections have been operating successfully for many years but fluctuations in demand have left the sustainability of employment for the centre's workers in doubt at times.

However the Tarong Energy grant has paid for the installation of a new commercial laundry at the premises. And with the laundry in place, Thiess have awarded the group a contract to clean the uniforms of staff working at Tarong Mine. Both things have greatly improved future employment prospects for workers at the centre.

The Gumnut Place will be holding a special Open Day on Thursday 17 June at 11:00am to formally launch the new Gumnut Place Laundry and to thank Tarong Energy, Thiess, Murgon Leather and all the centre's other loyal customers and suppliers. And members of the public are invited along too.

The Gumnut Place is located at 22 Gore Street in Murgon. There'll be an oppotunity to see all the centre's different sections in action, meet the employees and enjoy a light lunch prepared in the Gumnut Kitchen afterwards. To assist with catering, though, an RSVP on (07) 4162-9000 would be appreciated prior to June 15th.
Thief Threatens ANZ Staff During Robbery
June 5, 2010 - An unarmed man escaped with an undisclosed sum of money after threatening staff at the ANZ Bank in Alford Street, Kingaroy, yesterday afternoon (Friday).

The robber entered the bank shortly before 3pm and acted in an aggressive manner before fleeing on foot.

Witnesses described the man as being caucasian, about 163cm tall, of average build with brown hair. He was wearing a white T-shirt, 3/4 length beige shorts, a blue and grey hooded jumper and white shoes.

Anyone with information is asked to call CrimeStoppers on 1800-333-000
Pittsworth abattoirSwickers Refutes
Abattoir Purchase
June 3, 2010 - Ken Cameron, from CHM Alliance, has categorically denied reports that Swickers Kingaroy is about to purchase either the Pittsworth, (right), or Killarney abattoirs.

The Darling Downs abattoirs, owned by the Leitch Pastoral Group, closed suddenly in February with the loss of more than 200 jobs.

Yesterday's Warwick Daily News reported rumours that Swickers had purchased the Pittsworth operation.

A contract for the sale has reportedly been signed, due to be settled on June 28.

But Mr Cameron told SBBiz this morning this buyer was definitely not Swickers.
US Corporation Snaps
Up Kingaroy Business
June 2, 2010 - US-based ESCO Corporation has purchased the service/engineering and mining product divisions of the Swift Group, including Swift Engineering in Kingaroy.

ESCO is an international provider of parts and attachments for the mining and construction industry.

In a media release, ESCO's Asia Pacific Managing Director Jeff Kershaw said the Australian expansion was an exciting step for the company.

ESCO anticipates the purchase will be finalised within weeks. Once this occurs, Swift Group will change its name to ESCOSupply. It will continue to provide site services, as well as fabrication and refurbishment services, via its facilities in Kingaroy and Mackay.

Plans are also underway to establish new ESCOSupply locations and independent distributors in other parts of Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea.

Swift Engineering, in Stolzenberg Road, Kingaroy, was formerly known as Ashcroft & Swift Engineering.
ACICC Funding
Helps Local Projects
June 1, 2010 - Everything from helping a youngster to represent his country in an international rugby union tour to assisting the Nurunderi TAFE to provide a Certificate II in Hairdressing ... these are just some of the projects funded over the past 12 months by Tarong Energy's Aboriginal Community Interest Consultative Committee.

The ACICC has been operating since 2005. Over the past year it has committed $190,510 to a variety of projects and initiatives.

As well as providing funding for one-off events such as health camps, it has also assisted local students by awarding a High School Scholarship and Tertiary Scholarship.

Other applications funded included projects at Kingaroy and Murgon high schools, St Joseph's Murgon, Wondai P-10 and Wooroolin and Tingoora State Schools.
$114,000 Boost For
Local Community Groups
May 31, 2010 - Kingaroy RSPCA, the Wondai Country Club, Kingaroy SES and the Queensland Dairy and Heritage Museum at Murgon will all benefit from the latest round of funding from the Tarong Energy Community Partnership Fund.

Kingaroy RSPCA has been given $20,000 to expand and improve its animal shelter near Kingaroy Airport.

The Dairy Museum will receive $20,000 to re-establish the slab kitchen adjacent to the 1893 slab house.

Wondai Country Club will receive $39,000 to purchase lawn maintenance equipment for the local golf and bowls club and adjacent sporting grounds.

Kingaroy SES will receive $35,000 to replace their training tower in Glendon Street to ensure members are using the safest possible equipment.
Anna Bligh and Paul LucasIt's Up To Medical Board
Says Qld Health Minister
May 28, 2010 - Queensland Deputy Premier and Minister for Health Paul Lucas has commented on last Friday's SBBiz story ("Red Tape Forces Kingaroy GP To Stop Seeing Patients") by emphasising the Medical Board of Queensland, not the State Government, will determine the case of Dr Kamal Banerjee.

Mr Lucas, (pictured at right with Premier Anna Bligh), said there was a need to keep a balance between maintaining the highest professional standards and coping with the "extreme" doctor shortage in rural and regional Australia.

"The specific decisions about (an) individual doctor's registration is for the independent Medical Board of Queensland," Mr Lucas said.

"The shortage of GPs in rural and regional Australia is a major concern.

"The Howard Government made the decision many years ago to freeze the number of university medical places. To meet this shortfall, the Queensland Government stepped in and committed funding for extra university medical places because we knew that we need to train more doctors if we are going to meet the health care needs of Australia's growing and ageing population.

"The Rudd Government has recognised the importance of building up our medical workforce, and have committed to training more medical students which will ultimately mean more specialists and in particular GPs for our rural and regional areas.

"The State Government has played an important role in increasing the number of doctors coming through the system. Doctors, when they graduate, proceed with an internship with Queensland Health. Since 2005 we have more than doubled intern positions from 250 interns in Queensland to 556 interns this year, increasing to 644 in 2011."
Learn How To Market
Your Business Online
In Kingaroy Next Week
May 27, 2010: Want to learn more about social marketing and how to open up an online presence for your business? If so, then you may want to attend one of two introductory seminars for the Bush Business Online programme that will be held at Kingaroy RSL next Tuesday and Wednesday, June 1st and 2nd.

The Bush Business Online programme is an Australian Government funded initiative under the Small Business Online program. It's aimed at helping small and home-based South Burnett businesses acquire the skills and knowledge they need to develop an easy and effective marketing strategy through a simple web presence using popular social media such as Facebook and Twitter.

The complete $120 course consists of 12 individual 3 hour workshops delivered over 12 months. The workshops will also be available over the Internet and will be supported by online discussions, Q&A's and regular hints and tips from a panel of specialists in the field of social media.

The free introductory sessions will be held at the Kingaroy RSL from 6:30pm to 8:30pm next Tuesday and Wednesday nights. You can obtain more details and/or register for the full course online at There's no need to register for the information session, though.

You can also download a 4-page PDF outline of the full course by clicking here (260K).
$100,000 Grants Program
For Green Projects
May 26, 2010 - South Burnett community groups have been invited to apply for funding from a $100,000 grants program from Ergon Energy.

Ergon spokesman Paul Jordon said the Envirofund program could give a kickstart to innovative projects that benefit the environment. It is open to not-for-profit community groups and organisations to undertake environmental initiatives in their local communities.

Grants from as little as $200 up to $10,000 are available.

Last year, four Wide Bay-Burnett organisations were successful in obtaining grants and Mr Jordon is hopeful more local groups will be successful this year.

Projects that could attract funding include those that reduce energy consumption, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, educate and encourage behavioural change around energy use, use or promote renewable energy alternatives (solar, wind, hydro and biomass), protect, maintain or re-establish natural environments in community spaces, or protect wildlife.