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Hitch Halts Gas Production at Coolabunia
April 27, 2010 - Cougar Energy announced today that gas production at its Coolabunia test site will recommence in four to six weeks after a blockage temporarily forced it to halt production.

"After the successful initial gas production phase, restrictions to air and product gas flows were observed, and the gasification process was temporarily discontinued to allow for well inspection," a press statement said.

"This revealed blockage to the inner casing of both P1 and P4 (wells) caused by thermal expansion, and work is now under way to assess their potential for recovery and future use ... The installation of two new process wells, which were scheduled for later this year, will now be brought forward so that the gas production program for the next 12 months can be continued."

Production of syngas began at Coolabunia on March 16 this year and Cougar says initial results indicated high quality gas had been produced, confirming the suitability of this coal deposit for underground coal gasification (UCG) technology.

  • Listen to Cougar Managing Director Dr Len Walker explain the glitch on Boardroom Radio. Dr Walker also announces Cougar has been given approval to develop the pilot plant at Coolabunia up to 30MW generating capacity.
UCG Consultative Committee Seeks Members
April 23, 2010 - The Underground Coal Gasification Project Kingaroy Community Consultative Committee (KCCC) is seeking two new members to join its ranks.

The current committee of nine includes a mix of community and Cougar Energy representatives but this group believes it needs to obtain a broader cross-section of people attending to increase the number involved in the consultation process.

People interested in nominating for the committee should contact chairman Mayor David Carter by email or on 0429-999-029 for more information.

Download the KCCC's April newsletter (772kb PDF)
Have Your Say On Daylight Saving!
April 22, 2010 - The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland is inviting all Queensland businesspeople to have a say on the proposed daylight saving trial in Queensland.

This is a quick snap poll by the CCIQ and to be counted you must have your say by the close of business tomorrow.

The CCIQ will circulate the results of the poll to all Queensland MPs to allow them to consider the business perspective on this issue.

To complete the poll, click here
Go Stargazing At Maidenwell
April 21, 2010 - James Barclay will be holding a 12-hour Astronomy Course for budding stargazers at his Maidenwell Astronomical Observatory on August 14.

The day will start at 9am in the Star Theatre with theory sessions. At 7pm, the focus will shift to the Observatory for a four-hour session covering star maps and using telescopes.

Cost is $300 and bookings must be made by August 7.

For more information, contact James on (07) 4164-6194 or 0427-961-391.
April Newsletter From BIEDO
April 20, 2010 - The Burnett Inland Economic Development Organisation (BIEDO) has circulated the latest version of their regular electronic newsletter.

The April 2010 edition contains details of BIEDO's Funky Futures festival in Wondai in June, the Family Footprints Challenge (encouraging a low-carbon lifestyle) and current grants.

If you'd like to join BIEDO's mailing list, contact Belinda on (07) 4169-7851 or via email.

Download the April newsletter (339kb pdf)
Workshop Targets Profits
April 19, 2010 - The Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation will be holding a Managing For Profits Workshop in Kingaroy in June.

The workshop is designed to give business owners an awareness of the financial elements involved in running a successful business and an opportunity to calculate critical financial ratios to monitor business performance.

Other topics to be covered include:
  • Financial terminology and its application
  • Basic financial ratios
  • Understanding financial statements
  • How to do business better.
The workshop will be held at the Kingaroy RSL on Wednesday June 9 from 1pm to 4pm. Cost is $44.

For more information contact DEEDI's Maryborough Centre on (07) 4121-1780.
Nanango VIC Wins Award
April 16, 2010 - The South Burnett Energy Centre / Nanango Visitor Information Centre has won a major tourism award at the Queensland Information Centre Association conference in Townsville.

The centre took out the award for "Best New or Refurbished Visitor Information Centre".

South Burnett Regional Council Director of Lifestyle and Culture Eleanor Sharpe, who oversaw the development of the new centre, said the award was an excellent outcome for not just the Energy Centre, but also the community.

"An incredible number of people and organisations were involved in this project, driving it from the planning stage to a reality, and recognition from the state body is reward for their efforts," she said.
$1.1m Boost For South Burnett Council
April 15, 2010 - Financial sustainability "remains a significant issue" for both the South Burnett and North Burnett Regional Councils, according to an independant Queensland Treasury Corporation report released today.

The QTC was called in to examine 25 submissions from local Councils seeking extra funding to cover the costs of amalgamation.

The report also identifies the Southern Downs Regional Council, Toowoomba Regional Council and Whitsunday Regional Council has having "weak forecast operating positions".

The State Government announced today that based on the QTC findings, six councils would receive top-up funding:
  • South Burnett Regional Council: $1.127 million;
  • North Burnett Regional Council: $348,524;
  • Southern Downs Regional Council: $2.38 million;
  • Scenic Rim Regional Council: $2.79 million;
  • Isaac Regional Council: $4.06 million; and
  • Torres Strait Island Regional Council - $7.58 million.
Toowoomba and Whitsunday Regional Councils were not successful in gaining extra funding as "both of these local governments have already received a considerable financial boost", ie the Toowoomba Pipeline project and airport and sewage upgrades in the Whitsundays.

Download the State Government's press release (14kb PDF)
Solar Bonus Scheme Puts The Sun To Work For You
April 14, 2010 - Local businessman Martin Stern is urging South Burnett residents to take advantage of the State Government's Solar Bonus Scheme and investigate installing a solar electricity system.

Martin recently launched Kingaroy Solar Centre and can arrange installation of Edwards solar hot water systems as well free-standing and grid-connected solar power systems throughout the South Burnett.

Martin told SBBiz that the Solar Bonus Scheme pays customers 44 cents per kilowatt-hour for all surplus electricity generated by their roof-top solar panels.

The State Government said yesterday there were currently more than 22,400 electricity customers being paid by the scheme throughout Queensland.

Kingaroy Solar Centre can be contacted on (07) 4168-0221 or by email
Cougar Appoints Executive Team
April 13, 2010 - Cougar Energy has appointed a new executive team who will report directly to founder and managing director Dr Len Walker on the development of its underground coal gasification (UCG) project near Kingaroy.

The executive team will "lead the company through an increasingly active period of project development and commercialisation of the UCG process", according to a Cougar press release.

The team are John Henderson (General Manager - Projects), Andrew Brown (General Manager - Technology), Brad Glynne (General Manager - Corporate Finance and Investor Relations), Valeri Melik (General Manager - Project Services), Rodney Watson (Company Secretary) and Rajeev Chandra (Financial Controller).

Peter South will take over the role as Site Manager - Kingaroy Project. Mr South has already spent five months in the role of Operations Manager at the Coolabunia site.

Cougar Energy also announced that it was continuing to evaluate the performance of its UCG wells and gas processing plant near Kingaroy and will start publishing periodic updates soon.
A Funky Future in June For Wondai
April 12, 2010 - A funky festival which last occurred in 2008 will be re-launched in the South Burnett in June with a green theme and an emphasis on arts, food, wine and music.

The Funky Futures festival on June 11-12 in Wondai is being organised by the Burnett Inland Economic Development Organisation (BIEDO) with sponsorship from Tarong Energy, the State Government and the South Burnett Regional Council.

Organisers say it will be "seven festivals rolled into one" ... an Ed Fest, EnviroFest, FoodFest, FilmFest, ArtFest, MusicFest and PamperFest!

June 11 is Schools Day and will be hosted at Wondai State School. It's open to students, parents and teachers; June 12 is Community Day at the Wondai Sportsgrounds and is open to everyone.

For more information, visit the Funky Futures website
Big Weekend of Things To Do!
April 9, 2010 - One of the South Burnett's major tourist drawcards, the annual Kilkivan Great Horse Ride will be held this weekend in Kilkivan.

Although there's plenty to see and do, the highlight will mostly likely be
the grand parade along the main street of Kilkivan from 4:00pm tomorrow.

At the southern end of the region, the 101st annual Nanango Show will be drawing crowds to the Nanango Showgrounds from 7:00am.

There'll be a Grand Parade, bobcat challenge, monster trucks, a ute muster, rodeo, live entertainment and fireworks in the evening!
Meet Stanley the Soil Sample
(and his embarrassing fungal problem)
April 8, 2010 - South Burnett farmers ... if you want to learn more about Stanley (and soil samples like him), South East Burnett Landcare is holding a Biological Farming seminar on May 5 at Booubyjan.

The day, which will begin at Booubyjan Hall at 9:00am, will focus on the practical implementation of improved land management practices.

Learn how Stanley started to feel better when he got his microbes in balance!

Guest speaker will be agronomist Dr Maarten Strapper, a former senior scientist at the CSIRO and international expert on farming systems.

There will also be trade presentations and on-site inspections of biological farming techniques. Cost is $10 which includes morning tea, lunch and transport to the demonstration sites by bus. For more information and to book, contact Penny Kennedy on (07) 4168-6179 or Belinda Pennell on (07) 4168-6064.
Gordonbrook Dam May Re-Open On 12-Month Trial
April 7, 2010 - The South Burnett Regional Council will be considering at today's meeting a proposal to reopen Gordonbrook Dam on a trial basis for some boating activities, including recreational fishing, canoes or kayaks.

The dam is currently open to fishing off the banks but no boating is allowed because of risks associated with the fluctuating levels of blue-green algae in the the dam.

Today's meeting will consider reopening the dam to limited boating for 12 months subject to the levels of Cyanobacteria remaining less than a total cell count of 100,000.

Council has received legal advice that to manage the risk the dam will have to be closed when levels are too high. This would mean it could stay closed for considerable periods, especially during warmer months.

The meeting will also consider setting aside $30,000 in the 2010/11 budget to install signs, barrier fences and buoys and to undertake an education and awareness program with the community.

UPDATE April 8: Yesterday's Council meeting voted to accept the above proposal. The dam will officially re-open on April 19 and the trial will run until 30 June, 2011.
BGA Agri Expands To Toogoolawah
April 6, 2010 - Kingaroy-based BGA AgriServices will be opening a branch in Toogoolawah following the purchase of Rural Merchandising Supplies (RMS) in Toogoolawah.

BGA AgriServices CEO Tim Rees said the changeover would take place on May 4.

"This acquisition will provide BGA with further geographic and market diversification and will be a valuable addition to our South Burnett and Wide Bay businesses," he said.

"We are happy to advise that all key staff presently employed by RMS will transfer to BGA, which will allow ongoing continuity of the strong relationship that RMS has developed with its customer base."

BGA Agriservices also has branches at Kumbia, Murgon, Goomeri, Childers, Bundaberg and Oakwood.
poi danceBelltower Fires up For Easter
April 1, 2010 - The Belltower Restaurant on the Booie Range near Kingaroy will be hosting a special "live entertainment spectacular" this Easter weekend.

The Fire Twirling Nights on Friday and Saturday nights from 6pm will feature amazing fire "poi" twirling, (right), and other fire displays.

The Belltower's Karen Bradwell said it should be a great family night out with kids meals (up to age 12) just $5. There is also a playground and nursery area.

For $50 a head, adults will enjoy a three-course meal including entree, main and dessert and a free cocktail on arrival. There will also be a licensed bar.
Go Green Moves Into CBD
March 31, 2010 - Solar energy installers Go Green Generation (Solar South Burnett) have shifted from King Street closer to the Kingaroy CBD at 27 Alford Street (near Loot Homewares).

All contact details for owners Greg and Kelly Taffe remain the same. They can be contacted on (07) 4162-8336 or by email

Go Green Generation offers solar electric system installations as well as energy-efficient home rewiring and conduct home and business energy audits.
Ergon Donates Safety Gear To Silver Lining
Bahun Jal Mono

ABOVE: From left, Silver Lining General Manager Danny Hoogstraten,
Troy Fisher, Liam Cameron, Corey Williams and Ergon Energy Acting
Area Operations Manager for Wide Bay South Al Slater

March 30, 2010 - Ergon Energy has donated safety gloves and eyewear to Murgon's Silver Lining Bahun Jal Mono centre for use in its training programs for indigenous youth.

Silver Lining General Manager Danny Hoogstraten said the equipment would be invaluable.

"Unfortunately, we have been in a situation where the indigenous people we employ were asking us for more work but we couldn't always provide it because we did not have the necessary equipment," he said.

"The eye protection and gloves supplied by Ergon Energy are particularly important because we need to ensure our workers' safety in any work or training situation."
KCCICongratulations to
Kingaroy Plumbing Works!
March 29, 2010 - Congratulations to Kingaroy Plumbing Works who has been named the Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce and Industry's 2009-10 Business of the Year.

The annual KCCI Heritage Kingaroy Business Excellence Awards were announced at a gala dinner at Kingaroy Town Hall on on Saturday night.

The Business of the Year is selected from the various category winners:
  • Tourism and Hospitality - Bethany Cottages; highly commended Mulanah Gardens (sponsored by South Burnett Regional Council)

  • Education and Training - Southern Queensland Institute of TAFE (sponsored by Summit View Premier Acreage Estate)

  • Health and Well-Being - Pharmacy Essentials (sponsored by SupaIGA)

  • Professional Services - South Burnett Job Match (sponsored by Tarong Energy)

  • Business Retail Service Award - Kingaroy Plumbing Works; highly commended Pharmacy Essentials (sponsored by South Burnett Times)

  • Small Business Award (less than four employees) - Earthtones Beauty Therapy (sponsored by CFM)

  • Outstanding New / Improved or Expanded Business - Peppertree Cabins; highly commended Kingaroy Car and Dog Wash (sponsored by PRD Nationwide)

  • Outstanding Apprentice - Rebecca Moss from Linard Floral and Bridal Centre (sponsored by MRAEL Group)

  • Outstanding Trainee - Bonnie Sandbach from SBRC Art and Heritage Precinct; highly commended Mia Forsyte from Kingaroy Xray (sponsored by MRAEL Group)

  • Employee of the Year - Penny Tones-Allery from Sunny Ridge Gardens (sponsored by Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce and Industry)

  • Customer Service of the Year - Sonya Champney from Markwell Medical; highly commended Tyrone Saul from You First Personal Training (sponsored by Barry and Leanne Krosch)

  • Building and Construction - K&P Homes (sponsored by South Burnett Building Approvals)

  • Manufacturing and Engineering - RBM Industrial Bags (sponsored by Tarong Energy)

  • Tradesperson of the Year - Russell Rogerson (sponsored by Freeman Estates)
Growers Invited To Peanut Update
March 26, 2010 - South Burnett peanut growers are invited to attend the annual two-day Peanut Update which will be held on Monday and Tuesday (March 29-30) in Bundaberg.

The program on Day 1 will include presentations by speakers from the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation (formerly the QDPI&F), PCA and consulting agronomist Peter Hatfield at the Old Bundy Tavern (20 Quay Street).

Peanut growers and their partners and peanut industry personnel are also invited to attend dinner at the Old Bundy Tavern. Guest speaker will be PCA Managing Director Craig Mills.

Day 2 will include inspections of trials at the Kalkie Research Station and in the Farnsfield region.

For more information, visit the PCA website