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Virgo Funerals Shifts Into New Building
South Burnett Crematorium at Kingaroy

November 30, 2009 - The South Burnett's oldest funeral directors Virgo Funerals shifted into new premises today, (above), adjacent to Kingaroy's Taabinga Cemetery.

The new street address is 24 Pioneer Avenue, just off the Bunya Highway.

The company's phone and fax numbers have also changed. The new landline is (07) 4162-7988 and fax (07) 4162-1529.

The new building incorporates the South Burnett's first crematorium as well as a large chapel and function area.

Party With A Pollie
November 27, 2009 - Deputy Opposition Leader Lawrence Springborg will be the guest at three functions to be held in the South Burnett next month.

Interested South Burnett residents can have:

  • "Dinner with the Deputy" at the Royal Hotel, Yarraman, from 6:30pm on Friday, December 11. Cost is $30 and bookings are essential. Phone the Royal Hotel on (07) 4163-8219.

  • "Breakfast with the Borg" at Ringsfield House, Nanango, from 6:45am on Saturday, December 12. Phone Ringsfield on (07) 4163-3345.

  • "Lunch with Lawrence" at the Maidenwell Tea Gardens, Maidenwell, from noon on Saturday, December 12. Phone the Maidenwell Trading Post on (07) 4164-6166.

Phone Jim Bond on 0419-668-656 for more information about any of the above functions.
Nickel Drilling To Start Soon
November 26, 2009 - Exploratory drilling will start for nickel south of Kilkivan before the end of this year, retiring D'Aguilar Gold chairman Ian Levy told shareholders at the company's recent annual general meeting.

D'Aguilar Gold's nickel exploration subsidiary AusNiCo has agreed to merge with Canadian copper-molybdenum explorer Lions Gate Metals Inc. Investigation of D'Aguilar Gold's Kilkivan tenements will begin as soon as this merger is completed.

Mr Levy withdrew his candidature for re-election at the AGM, citing a decision to pursue other interests after "seven years hard labour" with the D'Aguilar Gold group.
Changes At Shoppingworld
November 25, 2009 - There have been some changes at Kingaroy's Shoppingworld complex with two new businesses opening recently and one undergoing a name change.

The Laubman and Pank optometrist is now part of the OPSM chain and has been renamed.

Key cutting and shoe repairs are now available at the Mr Minit booth that has opened at the top of the travelator. Mr Minit can be contacted on (07) 4162-5888.

A new woman's fashion store, Ice, has opened in Shop 34 (next to the Cellarbrations liquor store). Ice can be contacted on (07) 4163-6341.
Light Up LEDs For Christmas
November 24, 2009 - Ergon Energy is encouraging South Burnett residents to erect energy-efficient displays of Christmas lights by sponsoring a new category in the South Burnett Regional Council's Christmas lights competition.

Ergon Area Operations Manager Tony Bygrave said residents should consider using solar and LED lights rather than traditional incandescent bulbs in their displays.

Entrants in the new category will be required to have a minimum of 20 per cent of their lighting from solar or LED lights.

"This will progressively increase to at least 80 per cent in coming years to give existing entrants with a large stock of incandescent lights the chance to be eligible for this category while gradually switching to energy efficient alternatives," Mr Bygrave said.

"Equally, there is an opportunity for new entrants to be in the running by having a higher concentration of solar and LED lights because the judges will consider both the energy efficiency and the quality of the display in deciding the three prize winners."

Mr Bygrave said there was also another bonus ... power bills would be lower!
Local Businesswoman Launches E-Zine
November 23, 2009 - The South Burnett will have its own "e-zine" (electronic magazine) next month with the launch of the South Burnett E-Zine by Kingaroy businesswoman Renae Mills.

Renae says the newsletter will be mailed free every month to subscribers. To sign up - and get information about advertising rates - visit the JBIT Services website.

Renae is also looking for club and community news to publish. She can be contacted on (07) 4162-4653 or by email
James Cook UniversityMicro-Algae To Be
Harnessed At Tarong
November 20, 2009 - Melbourne-based company MBD Energy will begin construction soon of a commercial algal synthesiser at Tarong Power Station which could eventually halve the station's carbon dioxide emissions.

Algal synthesisers capture waste greenhouse gases at the source and use them to promote the growth of oil-rich micro-algae. These algae produce oils suitable for plastic, fuel and fertiliser production.

All the algae is recycled: 35 per cent as oil and 65 per cent as low-methane stockfeed. The process also produces fresh water and oxygen.

MBD Energy has already built a 5000sq m test plant at James Cook University in Townsville capable of producing 14,000 litres of oil and 25,000kg of algal meal from every 100 tonnes of carbon dioxide.

algal plantIt hopes to have a 1ha pilot plant at Tarong running within six months. The aim is to expand this to an 80ha facility by 2011 which could theoretically produce 11 million litres of oil.

With further expansion over the next five to 10 years, the facility could eventually consume more than half of Tarong's daily carbon dioxide emissions.

MBD Energy has also signed agreements with the Loy Yang power station in Victoria and Eraring Energy in NSW. One of the world's largest mining companies, Anglo American, recently bought a 20 per cent stake in the company.

ABOVE RIGHT: John Cornelius (MBD), Dr Kirsten Heimann (James Cook University) and Regional Development Minister Desley Boyle get close and personal with algae at James Cook University

ABOVE LEFT: An artist's impression of an algal synthesiser plant
A Bauxite Future For Kingaroy?
November 19, 2009 - A report in today's Toowoomba Chronicle has hinted that a bauxite mine and aluminium refinery could form part of the South Burnett's future.

Sydney-based bauxite explorer Volcan Holdings has applied for mineral exploration permits at Kingaroy, Childers, Pittsworth, Ravenshoe and Atherton.

Volcan chairperson Mrs Pnina Feldman told the newspaper they wouldn't have taken up the tenements if they didn't think they were worth it. She said world demand for aluminium was growing and her company had received a lot of investor interest.

In a project report (2Mb PDF), Volcan Group Chief Geoscientist Dr Simon Pecover said extensive deposits had been located previously at Kingaroy.

Exploration almost 10 years ago had located major deposits considered to be suitable for establishing local alumina refineries using the Bayer process.

The Bayer Process involves washing the ore in a very hot solution of caustic soda converting the alumina to aluminium hydroxide and creating a leftover red mud.

Volcan Australia's application area in the South Burnett
Encapsulate Your
Memories With Rotary
November 18, 2009 - The Rotary Club of Kingaroy is celebrating its 60th birthday by preparing a time capsule which will be buried on Australia Day next year.

It has invited all local businesses, corporations and families interested in preserving their history of this time to purchase an envelope from the club to store their memorabilia.

Items to be included should not be affected by future changes in technology ... will anyone know what a CD is in 2048?

Envelope sizes are A3 (corporate - $500), A4 (business - $200) and DL (family - $75).

For more information, contact Time Capsule co-ordinator Ron Roberts on 0429-636-232 or by email
$11,381 To Fix Hall Bungle
November 17, 2009 - The South Burnett Regional Council has to pay the State Government more than $11,000 because of an historic bungle which saw the Cloyna Hall being built partially on a road reserve.

Council recently applied to the Department of Natural Resources and Water (Environment & Resource Management) to close Cloyna West Road permanently to solve the problem.

The Department has agreed to close the Road Reserve and amalgamate it with the adjoining lot to fix the boundary issue. However, the department assessed the value of the land at $10,000 plus GST, lodgement and transfer fees.

At the November Council meeting, held in Nanango last Wednesday, councillors voted unanimously to accept the Department's offer to amalgamate the land for a total of $11,381.25.
Sameway Milk Joins Norco
November 16, 2009 - Sameway Milk has joined the Norco group following the sale of the well-known South Burnett brand by the Calvert family.

Colin and Kim Kay, from Nanango, are now operating the depot at 122 Parsons Road, Nanango.

The product range still includes Sameway Fresh (whole milk); Slender (low fat milk) and Skim plus a large variety of flavoured milks and pure and thickened cream.
Leanne Re-Elected KCCI President
November 13, 2009 - Leanne Stallwood (PRD Nationwide) has been re-elected President of the Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce and Industry at the group's AGM held earlier this week.

New Vice-President is Tony Jaques (South Burnett Building Approvals).

Also re-elected were Treasurer John Carey (Tarong Energy) and Secretary Polly Birchall (K&P Homes).

Executive committee members are Tim Rees (BGA Agriservices), Cathy Goodhew (Struddys Sports) and Mark Reinbott (Subway).

Deputy Mayor Cr Keith Campbell is the South Burnett Regional Council liaison to the KCCI.

New KCCI Project Office Cathy Jaques has started work at the Chamber office in O'Neill Square. Former Project Officer Polly Birchall is assisting Cathy to settle into her new role.

NB. The launch of the KCCI's Heritage Business Excellence Awards competition will be held next Monday (November 16) at 5:30pm at the Heritage Building Society in Kingaroy Shoppingworld. Drinks and nibbles will be served. The awards will be presented at Kingaroy Town Hall on March 27, 2010. For more information, contact the Chamber on (07) 4162-8466.
Apprenticeship Bonus Available For Employers
November 12, 2009 - Frances Ross, from Busy At Work Apprenticeship Services in Kingaroy, is keen to get the message out that there will soon be another bonus available for employers who would like to put on an apprentice.

The Federal Government announced recently that there will be an extra $3350 Apprentice Kickstart Bonus available - but only for applications between December 1, 2009 and February 28, 2010 - to employers who take on a young person aged 19 and under into a traditional trade Australian Apprenticeship.

The Kickstart Bonus is part of the Federal Government's incentive schemes designed to counteract the impact of the global recession.
Kingaroy DPI&F Station 'Won't Be Sold': MP
November 11, 2009 - Member for Nanango Dorothy Pratt has told ABC Radio today that she has received assurances from the State Government that Kingaroy's Bjelke-Petersen DPI&F Research Station will not be sold.

Mrs Pratt told the ABC the DPI&F's Redvale property would be sold but the station itself was safe.

On October 2, SBBiz reported the Research Station would be downgraded and stripped of assets under the State Government proposal and rebadged as an "Agribusiness Service Centre".

Mrs Pratt's office emphasised to SBBiz that they were still trying to discover what other assets belonging to the Research Station were to be sold.

Interesting New Websites To Explore
November 10, 2009 - There have been a string of new (or updated) websites added to SBBiz over the past week.

Here's some great new websites (and products) to explore:

Interested In a Career in Retailing?
November 9, 2009 - The Kingaroy TAFE college is holding a Retailing For The Future information session at the campus this Wednesday (November 11) from 10:00am.

Members of the community and representatives from local businesses have been invited to attend to provide feedback to the College on training needs in the retail sector.

There will also be information about current training courses available - including Certificates in Retail, Retail Management and Franchising - and advice on how existing skills can be turned into qualifications.

For more information and to RSVP contact Kingaroy Campus Business Co-Ordinator Rhonda McDade tomorrow (Tuesday) on (07) 4160-4409.
Bad News For Toowoomba Is Good News For Swickers
November 6, 2009 - Swickers Kingaroy Bacon Factory will pick up extra work following the decision by George Weston Foods to close its Don KRC (Don Smallgoods / KR Castlemaine) plant in Toowoomba on November 27.

A spokesman for Don KRC Fresh, Mr Todd Menegola told ABC Radio yesterday the move to shut the Toowoomba smallgoods processing facility was "purely a commercial decision".

"Basically the site has lost $5 million already this year," he said.

Mr Menegola said Swickers would now be used to kill and bone its pigs.

George Weston Foods acquired KR Castlemaine Foods, including the Toowoomba abattoir, in April 2008. The closure will cost 190 jobs. Don KRC is currently spending more than $150 million expanding its smallgoods manufacturing plant at Castlemaine in Victoria.
Your Skills Can Be Formally Recognised
November 5, 2009 - Skilling Solutions Queensland - in conjunction with the Southern Queensland Institute of TAFE - is helping workers get their skills formally recognised.

The free service is based on the concept of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). RPL is the process that is used to recognise skills and knowledge that have been acquired through life and work experience (paid or unpaid) and matches them to part of, or a complete, nationally recognised qualification.

The Skilling Solutions service is suitable for employees who do not have a formal qualification, people who would like to gain a new qualification to start or change a career, are heading back to work after a break, or who have been retrenched or made redundant.

For more information, contact Donna McMah on (07) 4131-5622 or by email
Farmers Criticise EPA Over UCG Project
November 4, 2009 - Coolabunia residents have complained that the Environmental Protection Agency has approved Cougar Energy's underground coal gasification pilot project near Kingaroy "without visiting the site".

Farmer Damien O'Sullivan told the Courier-Mail newspaper on Monday that local primary producers had not been consulted by the State Government and no Environmental Impact Study had been required.

The residents, who have formed a protest group, fear the project will contaminate groundwater and could cause subsidence on prime farming land. They are also concerned how the underground coal fires will be extinguished and how poisonous fumes will be controlled.

Mr O'Sullivan told the Courier-Mail his grazing and cropping property was just 300m from where it was proposed to burn 20,000 tonnes of coal.

He said the first time EPA staff had visited the area was when he complained about a mess left after test drilling was conducted on his property.

"They didn't even know about the springs down the road that are used as drinking water," he said.
BSA Urges Us To Build Smarter
November 3, 2009 - If you're thinking of building or renovating, the Building Services Authority (the State Government body that regulates the building industry) is urging you to attend a free seminar that will be held in Kingaroy on Thursday November 12.

The Smart Building and Renovating Presentation includes information on how to choose a contractor, contracts, and how to finance your project.

Although the seminar is free, bookings are essential. For more information, contact the BSA on 1300-272-272 or by email.

Bookings can also be made using the BSA's Fax Back Form. Just fill it out and fax to (07) 3225-2889.

Footnote: BSA is also holding an Education Seminar in Kingaroy next Thursday for building contractors. The interactive education event will be held at Kingaroy RSL from 3:00pm-6:00pm. For more information, use the contact details above.