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Foodies Flocking To Kingaroy!
February 9, 2009 - This year's South Burnett Wine and Food in the Park Festival (in Kingaroy on Saturday March 14) will again feature a great line-up of celebrity chefs in the Peanut Company of Australia marquee.

David Pugh, from Restaurant Two in Brisbane and South Burnett chefs Jason Ford and Brent Shorter will be preparing dishes on stage with commentary from one of Australia' top foodies, Peter Howard.

Courier-Mail writer David Costello, well-known for his Fossicking column about unique foodstuffs, will also be on hand to provide interesting snippets of information.

Also to be unveiled on the day will be PCA's new corporate mascot, a fully-restored 1934 KC30 Dodge truck, similar to the many farm trucks that hauled peanuts to the Kingaroy silos for so many years.

REMINDER: There will be a Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce Meet'n'Greet tonight from 5:30pm at Ergon Energy's office (entry via Edward Street). Cost is $10 which includes drinks and nibbles. RSVP to Polly Birchall on (07) 4162-8466.
Developer Seeks Tenants For Rogers Drive
February 6, 2009 - The DGS Property Group is looking for retailers interested in setting up in Rogers Drive, Kingaroy, opposite Mitre 10, the almost-complete Harvey Norman building and the recently opened Kingaroy Car & Dog Wash.

DGS owns 6400sq m of land incorporating five lots and has lodged a Development Application for a Bulky Goods Centre with the South Burnett Regional Council. The application also seeks approval for a 2500sq m retail showroom and cafe.

There are spaces available ranging from 200sq m to 800sq m for the showrooms and 85sq m for the cafe, including an outdoor dining area. DGS believes a range of retailers could be interested in the site.

For more information, contact Kieran Gartshore on 0438-889-580 or by email
Artistic Opportunity For Young Picassos
February 5, 2009 - South Burnett artist Romaine Undery is now holding regular painting and collage lessons every Wednesday for children at Kingaroy's Mayo Vale Gallery.

The Arty Party lessons start at noon at the gallery, which is part of The Artists Cottage complex opposite Kingaroy Airport.

The primary school teacher is well-known for her depictions of nature, especially butterflies, and also accepts commissions. Romaine can be contacted on (07) 4163-6803 or by email.
Deadline Looms For Swickers
February 4, 2009 - The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is expected to hand down its ruling on the proposed purchase of Hans Smallgoods by George Weston Foods and P&M Quality Smallgoods (Primo) on February 12.

Hans, owners of Swickers Kingaroy Bacon, went into voluntary administration on November 28 last year. Since then receivers KordaMentha have been looking for parties interested in purchasing all or part of the company's assets.

The George Weston Foods bid is for all Hans' assets while the Primo bid specifically excludes the Swickers facility.
Are You A Platypus or a Python?
February 3, 2009 - The latest range of gifts available at the South Burnett Visitor Information Centre in Haly Street, Kingaroy, will have traditional astrologers scratching their heads ... but if Aussies can have an Easter Bilby, why not?

The Australian Birth Sign bookmarks, (right), are made in Goondiwindi and feature Aboriginal designs. They're just $3 and would make a quirky birthday present. So whether you're a wombat or an eagle, there's one just for you!
UAV 2009UAVs Will Be Back In September
February 2, 2009 - It's on again! The 3rd annual Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Outback Challenge will be held over three days at Kingaroy Airport from September 28 this year.

The competition, organised by the State Government and the Australian Research Centre for Aerospace Automation, will again have excellent prize money on offer for any UAV that can rescue "Outback Joe".

Past competitors have entered from the United States and Europe as well as from all over Australia so the standard will be high. Prize money in theSearch And Rescue Open category totals $50,000; high school students in the Airborne Delivery Challenge will be competing for $10,000 and the Documentary Category has prizes of $8000 and $2000.
Blood Gives Life, Give Blood!
January 30, 2009 - C'mon Kingaroy!! Only 36 people have so far registered in the Kingaroy Apex Club's Challenge To The Community To Give Blood. In comparison, the Murgon Apex Club has filled its books with reserves on hand!

The Australian Red Cross Blood Service Donormobile will be visiting Kingaroy on February 6 and Murgon on February 7. Since early 2008, the Murgon Apex Club has managed to recruit and retain enough blood donors for the Donormobile to make regular three-monthly visits to Murgon.

The Kingaroy Apex Club would like to kick off 2009 by recruiting sufficient donors so that regular Donormobile visits to Kingaroy will also be possible.
This however, cannot be achieved without the support of the Kingaroy community.

Donating blood takes less than an hour. If possible, it is recommended that anyone interested in donating call to book an appointment. The Donormobile will be parked in the Kingaroy RSL car park.

To check your eligibility to donate, visit To make an appointment, call Kendall Siddans in Kingaroy on 0418-981-526 or Cheralea Ardrey in Murgon on (07) 4168-2631.
Reprieve For Kingaroy Garbos
January 29, 2009 - The South Burnett Regional Council has voted to continue using council employees to collect waste in Kingaroy, the only major town in the area still serviced by council garbos rather than private contractors.

At its meeting last week, councillors voted unanimously to continue with the current practice "until the current contract collection arrangements for the Nanango, Murgon and Wondai areas of the South Burnett Regional Council come up for review/renewal and that a further review of all waste collection operations be undertaken prior to entering into any new arrangements for the provision of waste collection services".

NB. Council employees' jobs have been protected by the State Government until March 15, 2011 under the Local Government Reform Staff Support Package. This provides certainty to council staff about jobs, job changes and employment security.
Memories Worth Keeping
January 28, 2009 - Nanango resident Jennifer Swan has cast aside any cares of the global financial crisis by establishing a unique business which will help local residents preserve their precious memories.

Everlasting Casting, at 39 Lanes Road, Nanango, offers 3D body, hand and feet life casting for babies, children and adults (including pregnant women). Jennifer said family group hand castings were very popular and could be mounted in a shadow box for display. Dog and cat paw prints could also be cast.

An associated business, Everlasting Framing, frames photographs, certificates and sports memorabilia.

Jennifer can be contacted on (07) 4163-2553 or by email
Former Kingaroy Woman On Jobs Squad
January 27, 2009 - Kingaroy-born Jill Lang has been appointed to the State Government's elite "Jobs Squad" of 16 outside experts tasked to protect jobs in Queensland.

Jill has been Director of the Queensland Council of Social Services since May 2005 and has worked in the Department of Communities. She is a trained town planner whose career has focused mainly on social policy and human services planning.

Premier Anna Bligh says she has placed Queensland on a "war footing" . She says the "Jobs Squad" will:

  • Provide "insider" information on the economy

  • Provide expert advice on how to protect jobs

  • Think "outside the square" to inform Government policy over the next six months
Congratulations Doug Farmer OAM!
Doug Farmer

January 26, 2009 -

Well-known Kingaroy resident Doug Farmer, (above), has been awarded an Order of Australia Medal in today's Australia Day Honours for his service to war veterans and their families, and to the community of Kingaroy.

The retired Q-Rail employee served in the RAAF during World War II and has been an RSL member since 1944. He is the only Life Member of the Kingaroy-Memerambi Sub-Branch.

For more than 20 years Doug regularly set up a street stall to sell Anzac Day badges, Remembrance Day poppies and Legacy badges. He only retired from this task last year when he set up his stall for the last time in Kingaroy Street on November 10. Doug was also the South Burnett's skinniest Santa Claus for many years handing out lollies at the Kingaroy Christmas Carnival!

"Doug has made an incredible contribution to Kingaroy," said Sub-Branch Secretary Barry Krosch last last year. "Most people probably do not realise how much he does for this community and I can assure you the selling of the poppies is but one area where he has worked tirelessly for the needy."
Reg McCallumFormer Mayor Reg Named
Regional Citizen of the Year
January 23, 2009 - Congratulations to the inaugural winners of the South Burnett Australia Day Awards announced last night in a ceremony at Kingaroy Town Hall.

For the first time awards for all South Burnett towns were announced in the one ceremony, replacing the individual town ceremonies held prior to the amalgamation of Kingaroy, Murgon, Nanango and Wondai shires.

  • South Burnett Citizen of the Year - former Nanango Shire Council mayor Reg McCallum, (right)

  • South Burnett Young Citizen of the Year - David Birch

  • Kingaroy Citizen of the Year - Peter Mortimer

  • Nanango Citizen of the Year - Denny Smith

  • Murgon Citizen of the Year - Cynthia Hatchett

  • Wondai Citizen of the Year - Carol Francis

  • Kingaroy Young Citizen of the Year - Tara Ballin

  • Nanango Young Citizen of the Year - Sofia Cabrera

  • Murgon Young Citizen of the Year - Emma Patton

  • Wondai Young Citizen of the Year - No nominations

  • South Burnett Cultural Award - Joanne Kennedy

  • South Burnett Junior Sports Award - Matthew Hume

  • South Burnett Senior Sports Award - Damian Nicholson

  • South Burnett Sports Administrator Award - Darren Geiger

    [Information courtesy South Burnett Times]
  • Chopper To Track Down Cause Of Blackouts
    January 22, 2009 - Ergon Energy will send up a helicopter tomorrow morning to look for a fault that caused blackouts in northern parts of the South Burnett this afternoon.

    Almost 1000 people in the Murgon, Boondooma, Durong, Hivesville, Mondure, Proston and Speedwell areas lost power at 2.17pm for about 30 minutes when a circuit breaker tripped in the Murgon substation.

    Manager Regional Services Craig Harris said today's outage followed a similar incident last Saturday which also occurred after rainfall.

    "We sent a fixed-wing aircraft to inspect the incoming line to Murgon on Sunday but were unable to identify a fault," Mr Harris said. "We will send up a chopper tomorrow morning to carry out a more detailed inspection. It may be something simple like a cracked insulator or a tree branch that is rubbing on the lines during wet weather but is not easy to find."
    Carroll CottageBusy Day Ahead
    For Councillors
    January 21, 2009 - Public interest in today's meeting of the South Burnett Regional Council should be high with several important issues under consideration:

    • A vote on suggested payrises for the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillors. The proposed new rates are Mayor $104,412pa; Deputy Mayor $66,444pa and Councillors $56,952pa (plus an amalgamation loading);

    • A decision on how Council plans to spend its $1.2 million windfall from the Federal Government under the Regional & Local Community Infrastructure Program (proposals include $100,000 for the Nanango Energy Centre and $341,000 for the construction of footpaths and bikeways);

    • Consideration of a confidential report on the future of Kingaroy's oldest building, the historic Carroll Cottage, (above right), in Edward Street;

    • A confidential review of future garbage collection options in Kingaroy (contractors rather than council staff currently fulfil this task in Nanango, Murgon and Wondai)

    Download the full Council Agenda here (1.4MB PDF)
    Country Flavour To Hand-Made Biscuits
    January 20, 2009 - A Nanango woman has cooked up a tasty business idea using uniquely Australian ingredients.

    Donna Ryan's Butterfly Country Kitchen range of wholesale and retail biscuits is made using native seeds and spices including wattle seed and lemon myrtle. She also has gluten-free products and can make cakes to order.

    The hand-made biscuits include everything from Roast Wattleseed Kisses to Lemon Myrtle and Macadamia Shortbreads and are available at local markets, the Kingaroy Visitor Information Centre and can be ordered on her website. She can be contacted on 0458-645-769 or by email
    Barb Named As Finalist
    January 19, 2009 - Barb Madden, co-owner of the Smithfield Feedlot near Proston, is one of four Queensland finalists vying for the prestigious 2009 Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation's Rural Women's Award.

    Other finalists are sheep and cattle producer Wendy Agar from Charleville, cattle producer and photographer Carly Burnham from Monto and Isis Canegrowers' rural water-use efficiency extension officer Sandra Webb.

    The winner, who will be announced at an awards ceremony at the Stamford Plaza in Brisbane on March 3, will receive a $10,000 bursary designed to assist them in developing their skills and leadership potential in primary industries. She will then compete with other State and territory winners for the honour of being named Australian Rural Woman of the Year.
    Free Training For Childcare Students
    January 16, 2009 - Kingaroy TAFE is participating in a state-wide initiative to offer free training for Diploma and Advanced Diploma students in childcare.

    The initiative is the result of an agreement between the State Government and the Federal Government to remove TAFE tuition fees for the Diploma and Advanced Diploma of Children's Services courses.

    In a media release, recently appointed Southern Queensland Institute of TAFE Director Paul Murphy said the fee removal would go a long way to helping train the 14,000 extra workers needed in the Queensland childcare industry by 2010.

    "This is a wonderful opportunity for childcare workers in the South Burnett to upgrade qualifications and prospective new workers to enter the industry," he said."
    Silver Lining Bid To
    Use Ficks Crossing
    January 15, 2009 - The Silver Lining Foundation, operators of the Bahun Jal Mono project for indigenous youth and the Iron Bark Ridge Conference and Catering Centre near Wondai, has its eyes on the former Ficks Crossing Outdoor Recreation Centre.

    The centre was closed by the Department of Sport and Recreation in March last year and was later handed over to the South Burnett Regional Council which has been considering its future uses.

    The ABC has reported the Silver Lining Foundation hopes to receive the rights to set up an educational tourism business which could employ up to 20 people.
    January 30 Deadline For Habitat Grants
    January 14, 2009 - South Burnett landowners who have a Nature Refuge or Land for Wildlife area on their property - or are think about registering for one - may be eligible for grants of up to $5000, but you'd better be quick!

    Round 1 applications for funding under the Healthy Habitats scheme close on January 30. Grants of up to $10,000 are also be available for projects involved with protecting semi-evergreen vine thicket or brigalow-belah ecosystems.

    For more information, visit the Better Burnett website or download the Expression of Interest Word document.
    AGL Snaps Up String Of
    Renewable Energy Projects
    January 13, 2009 - AGL Energy Limited's acquisition in December of the proposed wind farm development project at Coopers Gap, near Kingaroy, is part of a larger strategy by the energy giant to develop a string of renewable energy projects to meet its obligations under the Federal Government's Renewable Energy Target (53kb PDF) (RET) Scheme.

    "This transaction is consistent with our strategy of acquiring a pipeline of projects that will be at the bottom end of the cost curve and benefit from future uplifts in pricing," AGL Managing Director Michael Fraser said.

    As well as the 300MW Coopers Gap project, AGL has purchased a 150MW windfarm project at Crows Nest, near Toowoomba, and seven other projects in NSW, Victoria and South Australia.

    At the same time it has sold its interest in the Hallett 2 wind farm in South Australia to an investment trust managed by ANZ Infrastructure Services but is keeping control of the project's Renewable Energy Certificates and electricity output.