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 Meet'n'Greet On Tonight
November 17, 2008 - The Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce's November Meet'n'Greet will be held from 5:30pm this evening at the award-winning The Old Distillery on the corner of Schellbachs and Haydens Roads, Booie Range. The Old Distillery, run by Bronwyn Bisley, was the winner of the Outstanding New Business award at the 2008 Heritage Kingaroy Business Excellence Awards. There will be presentations by local businesses including The Old Distillery, Promoscope (Keith Gray) and the South Burnett Observer and drinks and nibbles will be served. Cost is $10. For more information, please phone Polly Birchall on (07) 4162-8466.
 Cockatoo Coal To Sell Stake in Kingaroy Gas Project
November 14, 2008 - Cockatoo Coal Limited is in the process of negotiating the sale of its 20 per cent stake in the Underground Coal Gasification joint venture with Cougar Energy at Kingaroy.
In its 2008 Annual Report, Cockatoo Coal said the project does not fit with its core business objectives of coal exploration, development and mining.
Cockatoo Coal has other interests in the South Burnett region. In July 2007 it acquired Metallica Minerals and now controls, through its subsidiary SE Queensland Energy Ltd, a 100 percent interest in Metallica's Kingaroy project (EPC 882). This Taabinga coal deposit has a measured and indicated resource totalling 163.8 tonnes and is adjacent to Tarong Energy's Kunioon deposit. "Potential synergies with Tarong Energy" are being evaluated.
Cockatoo Coal's AGM will be held in Sydney on November 27.
 Leanne Takes Reins At KCCI
November 13, 2008 - Leanne Stallwood, (right), from RealWay Property Consultants was elected 2008-09 President at the Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce and Industry's AGM last night. Others elected for 2008-2009 were: - Vice-President - Karyn Bjelke-Petersen (Bethany Cottages) - re-elected
- Treasurer - John Carey (Tarong Energy) - re-elected
- Secretary - Anne Miller (South Burnett Media Centre) - re-elected
- Executive Members - John Box (Ergon Energy), Keith Zgrajewski (Promoscope), Steve Van Den Bergh (Andersens Carpets - re-elected), Tim Rees (BGA Agriservices), Bill Jackson (South Burnett Counselling re-elected), Nick Munro (South Burnett Observer), Chris Arnold (Freeman Estates) and Gary Collins (SupaIGA)
The Management Committee has a lot of new blood, with six new faces coming on board. Deputy Mayor Keith Campbell remains as the Council representative. The KCCI also expressed its thanks all its retiring members for their hard work, especially Rob Patch (The Peanut Van), Jenny Walters (Argue & Co) and Dave Chadwick (CQ Tec Service) who served in executive roles for many years. Also retiring were Bernadette Upton (Kingaroy Veterinary Surgery), James Bredhauer (Aussie Land & Livestock), Jacqui Irwin (South Burnett Hire & Sales) and Chris Tuffield (National Australia Bank).
 Special Night For Wine Lovers
November 12, 2008 - A recent addition to SBBiz is the South Burnett Wine Appreciation Society which meets at 6:30pm on the last Friday of every month at the old 1913 Kingaroy Council Chambers in Edward Street, Kingaroy. This keen bunch of wine connoisseurs enjoys wine tasting and wine discussions. The cost varies with the type of wine being sampled but all members are also asked to bring along a plate of food to share. For more information, contact Tony Harrington on (07) 4162-7060 or by email.
 Industry Invited To Vineyard Workshop
November 11, 2008 - DPI&F Industry Development Officer Mark Harris, from the Applethorpe Research Station, will be holding a wine industry workshop at Moffatdale Ridge Winery from 2pm next Wednesday. The workshop will include the final report on the Managing Salinity in South Burnett Vineyards project, including a demonstration of pH/electrical conductivity meters. There will also be a demonstration of soil moisture monitoring equipment and Tony Hassall from the DPI&F will give a presentation on the South Burnett wine industry. For more information, contact Mark on (07) 4681-6148 or by email
 Mulanah Gardens Is Our Top Business!
November 10, 2008 - Mulanah Gardens Bed & Breakfast Cottages (pictured right, owners Lindsay and Rhonda Kath with Heritage Building Society manager Craig Jones), was named the Business of the Year at the 2008 Heritage KCCI Kingaroy Business Awards for Excellence held at the Kingaroy Town Hall on Saturday night. Other winners were:- Customer Service of the Year (sponsored by Barry and Leanne Krosch) - Rob Masters (BGA Agriservices, Kingaroy)
- Outstanding Apprentice (sponsored by Wide Bay Group Training) - David Torry (PCA); highly commended Chris Lindsay (Ergon Energy)
- Outstanding Trainee (sponsored by Wide Bay Group Training) - Shannon Heiner (Kingaroy Visitor Information Centre)
- Community Award (sponsored by Dorothy Pratt, MP) - overall winner Kingaroy Hospital Auxiliary
- Not-For-Profit Organisation - Kingaroy Hospital Auxiliary
- Corporate Citizen - Peanut Company of Australia
- Agribusiness & Rural Services (sponsored by The Peanut Van) - Peanut Company of Australia
- Outstanding New, Improved or Expanded Business (sponsored by RealWay Property Consultants) - The Old Distillery
- Tourism & Hospitality (sponsored by South Burnett Regional Council) - Mulanah Gardens Bed & Breakfast Cottages
- Automotive & Transport (sponsored by Ergon Energy) - R & J Car Detailing Service
- Building & Construction & Trades (sponsored by Summit View Premier Acreage Estate) - Overall winner GJ Gardner Homes
- Building & Construction - GJ Gardner Homes
- Trades - Kingaroy Plumbing Works
- Manufacturing & Engineering (sponsored by Tarong Energy) - Dean-Wilson Aviation
- Retail (sponsored by South Burnett Times) - overall winner Turners Mitre 10 Home & Trade, Kingaroy
- Retail (less than eight employees) - South Burnett Garage Doors
- Retail (more than eight employees) - Turners Mitre 10 Home & Trade, Kingaroy
- Business & Professional (sponsored by Tarong Energy - Tarong Coal Project Meandu Mine) - overall winner Markwell Medical
- Education & Training - Southern Queensland Institute of TAFE
 - Health & Well-Being - Christene Nissen Beauty Therapy & Day Spa Centre
- Professional Services - Markwell Medical
- Employee of the Year Award (sponsored by the KCCI) - Wendy Elford (The Peanut Van), (pictured right with Acting KCCI President Karyn Bjelke-Petersen)
 'No Link' With Rural Press
November 7, 2008 - The publishers of the new South Burnett Observer news magazine, (right), which hit local streets yesterday have denied claims they are connected with publishing giant Rural Press.
It had been reported elsewhere that Rural Press and APN, the publishers of the South Burnett Times, were now going head to head in the South Burnett.
However Editor Olav Muurlink said the only connection Rural Press had with the South Burnett Observer was that in Sydney they acted as an agency for handling Federal Government advertising for the Observer's sister publication in Warwick, the Free Times.
"In fact we compete with Rural Press," Olav said.
Disclosure: SBBiz editor Anne Miller is a freelance journalist whose work has appeared in the South Burnett Observer
 Load Limits Lifted On Bridges
November 6, 2008 - Load limits on four bridges along the Kingaroy-Burrandowan Road - the subject of local protests in August - were lifted today following extensive bridge rehabilitation and strengthening works. Main Roads Minister Warren Pitt said the four bridges - Wiedens Crossing, Ironpot Creek, Sandy Creek and Boyne River - were now back to full operation. "Routine inspections identified the need for work to strengthen four bridges along Kingaroy-Burrandowan Road and replace the older timber components," Mr Pitt said in a media statement. "In response to feedback from the community and regular users of these bridges, the rehabilitation works were prioritised and have now been completed in just two months. "The bridges remained open to general traffic in an effort to reduce travel disruption as much as possible."
 $73,000 Funding Boost For Showgrounds
November 5, 2008 - South Burnett showgrounds will receive a total of more than $73,000 in funding under the latest round of the State Government's annual Show Societies Grants (SSG) program: - Blackbutt Agricultural Society - $7084
- Cooyar Agricultural Society - $8733
- Proston Pastoral, Agricultural and Horticultural Society - $6658
- Goomeri and District Show Society - $5899
- Kilkivan Show and Campdraft Association - $5144
- Murgon Pastoral, Agricultural and Horticultural Society - $9435
- Nanango Agricultural and Pastoral Society - $12,024
- The South Burnett National Show Society (Kingaroy) - $11,420
- Wondai Agricultural, Pastoral and Industrial Society - $7405
SSG funding can be used for any purpose necessary to conduct shows or the construction and maintenance of show-related assets. Show societies receive a minimum base funding of $5000 a year, with extra funds based on annual show attendance.
 Local Trainees and Apprentices Scoop Awards
November 4, 2008 - A big congratulations to all the local apprentices and trainees who starred at the 2008 Wide Bay Group Training Awards held in Maryborough last Saturday. Apprentice of the Year was cabinetmaker Rachel Niemann who is employed by Hatchett's Joinery at Murgon. It was a fitting win for Rachel who earlier this year was named Apprentice of the Year at the State Government's Queensland Training Awards. She will compete in Darwin on November 20 for the Australian Apprentice of the Year title. Host Employer of the Year (medium) was the Peanut Company of Australia, based in Kingaroy. Host Employer of the Year (small) was Bill Giles Plumbing from Goomeri. Tarong Energy Corporation was also in the spotlight, with five employees taking home awards: - Kimberley Reynolds (PCA) and Rebekah Dukes (Tarong Energy) tied for the Administration Trainee award.
- Patrick McCallum (Swickers) won the school-based trainee and engineering /automotive trainee awards.
- General Trainee - Kyron Tunstall (Tarong Energy)
- South Burnett Regional Award - Paul Freeman (Tarong Energy)
- Outstanding Apprentice Stage 2 - Caleb Mayne (Tarong Energy)
- Outstanding Apprentice Stage 4 - James Giles (Bill Giles Plumbing)
- ATSI Trainee / Apprentice of the Year - Barbara Stewart (Tarong Energy)
 Mitre 10 Helps Ambos Clean Up
November 3, 2008 - Kingaroy paramedics will be able to spend less time cleaning their vehicles and more time on training and patient care thanks to a recent donation by Kingaroy business Turners Mitre 10.
Col Turner, from Turners Mitre 10, presented a Karcher industrial pressure cleaning unit to the Kingaroy ambulance station after a request from the Kingaroy Local Ambulance Committee.
Officer-in-Charge Brian Long said the Karcher unit would help to cut the time taken to clean the six ambulances based in Kingaroy. The vehicles will be washed with tank water.
ABOVE RIGHT: Wendy Patterson (paramedic), David Bruce (paramedic), Liz Bruce (LAC Member), Brian Long, Col Turner and John Box (Local Ambulance Committee President). [Photo courtesy: South Burnett Observer]
 Milk Producers Urged To Accept Buyout Offer
October 31, 2008 - South Burnett milk producers are being urged to accept a takeover offer by National Foods of $5.65 for every Dairy Farmers share they own. Representatives from Australian Co-operative Foods (Dairy Farmers) and Dairy Farmers Milk Co-operative (DFMC) met with producers in Kingaroy last night as part of a series of roadshow meetings which have been held in NSW, Queensland, Victoria and South Australia. In August, the ACF Board unanimously recommended that shareholders accept the proposal by National Foods, which is owned by Japanese brewing giant Kirin. National Foods already owns the Pura milk brand and has also offered a further $2.57 each for a partial buyout of DFMC shares. The offer requires the support of 75 per cent or more of active members to succeed but is subject to a number of conditions, including that DFMC suppliers enter into revised milk contracts. The Gympie Times reported today that farmers could expect an average payout of $500,000 if they accepted the offers.
 Ergon Wins Customer Service Awards
October 30, 2008 - In a week of congratulations, mention must also be made of local electricity provider Ergon Energy which won two awards at the Australian Service Excellence Awards in Melbourne this week.
Ergon beat contenders from around the country to win the State/Federal Government Category and Ergon's Fraser Power (yes, that is his name!) was named Customer Service Advocate of the Year.
“This is an outstanding result for our people but more importantly, for our 650,000 customers,” said Maryborough-based Customer Service Acting Executive General Manager Paul Jordon.
The State/Federal Government category win was the second in a row for Ergon.
 Wondai Scoops Tourism Awards!
October 29, 2008 - Congratulations to the South Burnett winners at the 2008 Fraser Coast South Burnett Tourism Awards for Excellence which were announced at Hervey Bay last Saturday night. Local winners were:- Moffatdale Ridge - Best Winery
- South Burnett Region Timber Industry Museum (Wondai) - Best Regional Attraction
- Wondai Garden Expo - Regional Festivals and Special Events award
- Kingaroy Information, Art and Heritage Precinct - General Tourism Services.
Captain's Paddock (Kingaroy) was inducted into the Winners' Hall of Fame and a Hidden Tourism Treasure Award was presented to the Wondai Regional Art Gallery.
NB. Congratulations also to Martin Stern from Durong who organised the Guinness World Record-breaking soccer match at the weekend. The game went for 31 hours and 45 minutes and Country Roar Fans defeated City Roar Fans 210 - 193! The event raised funds for Beyond Blue. Donations can be made at www.roarfansagainstdepression.org
 Powerlink Seeks MP's Approval To Clear Route
October 28, 2008 - Powerlink is seeking submissions from the public concerning the Ministerial "designation of land" for the construction of two 115km power transmission lines linking Halys Substation (west of Tarong) to Springdale Substation (north of Gatton). Transmission towers would be constructed in the foothills of the Bunya Mountains near Wengenville through to near Cooyar and Mt Binga and on to Springdale ( Study Corridor map 1.7MB PDF). An Environmental Impact Statement has been prepared and can be viewed on the Powerlink website. The route mostly passes through cleared grazing and cultivated land although the EIS has identified three vulnerable ecosystems which will be impacted. Four houses are also located within 500m of the proposed route. An earlier field survey located 37 significant Aboriginal sites in the study area as well as 30 potential archaeological deposits. Submissions can be sent to Mr Andrew Owen, Powerlink Queensland, PO Box 1193, Virginia, Queensland, 4014, by 5pm on Monday, November 24, 2008.
 Shareholders To Vote On Cougar Funding Strategy
October 27, 2008 - Shareholders at the Cougar Energy annual general meeting on November 27 in Melbourne will vote on resolutions that may ultimately determine if a multi-million dollar underground coal gasification project (1.2MB PDF) in Kingaroy proceeds. In June this year, Cougar entered into a Memo of Understanding with Direct Invest Pte Ltd (the Australasian arm of German financial services institution Direct Invest AG) to raise capital for the development of the 400MW power project. Direct Invest will arrange two tranches of funding, the first of approximately $30 million by the end of this year and the second of approximately $250 million at the end of 2009 in return for a facilitation fee and share options. Cougar shareholders must now approve the prior issue to Direct Invest of 10 million share options and a future issue of a total of 70 million options (all exercisable at 0.25). Cougar shares were trading at 0.068 on Friday, down from a high of 0.24 in June.
 Local Wineries Win Two Gold Medals
October 24, 2008 - Two local wineries have won gold medals at the prestigious 2008 Australian Small Winemakers Show held in Stanthorpe this week. Confirming the South Burnett's reputation for producing fine verdelhos, Tipperary Estate at Moffatdale won gold for its 2008 Verdelho. Moffatdale Ridge won a silver in the same class and Bridgeman Downs, a bronze. Rimfire Vineyards & Winery at Maclagan won a Gold Medal for its 2006 Graciano, a silver for its 2006 Touriga Nacional and five bronze medals. Moffatdale Ridge, Tipperary Estate and Bridgeman Downs also won bronze medals in a number of other classes. Click here for the full results (684kb PDF)
 'Fair Go' Promised For Local Business
October 23, 2008 - Tarong Energy has promised it will give local businesses "a fair go" when tendering for work on the proposed Kunioon Mine (Draft Mine Layout, 1MB PDF). The State Government-owned corporation released its Local Industry Participation Plan recently which covers goods and services ranging from engineering and construction works to transport services, catering and cleaning. "Local businesses deserve a fair go and this plan outlines how we aim to deliver just that," Kunioon Coal Project Communication and Community Relations Manager David Latchford said. Tarong Energy also promised to work closely with "a range of independent business organisations" to ensure local businesses are provided with support when tendering. South Burnett businesses interested in tendering for work at Kunioon should contact Tarong Energy on 1800-206-722 and ask for an information pack.
 Men's Health Expo On Today
October 22, 2008 - A Men's Health, Welfare and Leisure Expo is being held all day today at the Kingaroy RSL Club.
Starting at 10:00am, the day features presentations on prostate issues, depression, diabetes and Veterans Affairs matters in the Anzac Room as well as a showcase of a wide range of men's health, welfare and leisure services in the Tobruk Room.
Visitors will be able to participate in the "Pit Stop" program which includes checks on Body Mass Index, flexibility, blood pressure etc.
The official opening will be held at 2:00pm today by South Burnett Mayor David Carter which will be followed by six 10-minute presentations from health and welfare professionals.
 Nominations Sought For KCCI Executive
October 21, 2008 - The Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce and Industry is calling for nominations for its Management Committee for 2008-09. All positions will be declared vacant at the Annual General Meeting which will be held at the Chamber Office in O'Neill Square, Kingaroy, from 5:30pm on Wednesday November 12. Nominations from financial members on the approved form should be received at the Chamber Office by Wednesday October 29 although names can be taken from the floor of the AGM if insufficient nominations are received. Nomination forms are available from the Chamber Office or download from the KCCI website