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 New Weekly Newspaper Ready To Challenge South Burnett Times
October 20, 2008 - SCOOP! The South Burnett is about to get a new free weekly newspaper ... the South Burnett Observer will hit the streets for the first time on Thursday November 6.
Co-owner Dr Olav Muurlink, (right), told SBBiz today the full-gloss, full-colour publication would have a strong emphasis on news. He has recruited experienced journalists to the team and has hired advertising representatives to cover the region.
Olav has experience in running rural newspapers. He started the Southern Free Times in Warwick in 1999 with his late wife Susan. Together they developed a weekly newspaper which now successfully competes against the APN-owned Warwick Daily News.
"The Free Times has grown to be the dominant product in Warwick in terms of locally booked advertising," Olav said.
Managing owner of the new publication is Wondai resident Nick Munro who will be based at a new office which opened today at Shop 3, 26 King Street, Kingaroy. He can be contacted on (07) 4162-3336.
The South Burnett Observer will be published on the company's own heatset web press which Olav says is the only independently owned one in country Australia.
 2008 Mike Storrien Memorial Award Winner
October 20, 2008 - If you've had a phone call lately from SBBiz to update your listing, there's a good chance that the voice on the end of the line belongs to Heather McCallum.
The former South Burnett Times and Kingaroy Mail journalist has been helping to check through listings as part of a final Tarong Coal Community Benefit Fund project.
Now we're proud to announce that Heather, (pictured at right with school principal David Ballin), is an award-winning journalist!
Heather was presented with the Mike Storrien Memorial Award at the Kingaroy High School Speech night last Thursday. The award honours service to schools through local media. Previous winners have been John Cross, Dave Nugent, Jeanette Morrison, Robert Gellatly and Pauline Peters.
Congratulations Heather!
 Martin Roars Against Depression
October 17, 2008 - Durong businessman Martin Stern's bid to use soccer to raise awareness of depression and raise funds for Beyond Blue seems to have struck a chord with the Queensland media. Not only has the campaign been featured on the back page of the South Burnett Times newspaper recently, but it has now spread to Brisbane media with ABC radio, commercial stations and TV picking up the story. "Depression has touched the lives of many people including myself. I recently have had friends that have committed suicide and its prompted me to do something about it," Martin, (pictured below), said. The target for the fund-raising is $10,000 plus which will be raised through donations and sponsorship.  The first event is an attempt to break the Guinness World Record for the world's longest football match (currently set at 30 hours and 10 minutes). This record-breaking attempt will occur on October 25-26 in Brisbane at Richlands Stadium, Pine Road, Richlands with City Roar Fans v Country Roar Fans. Kick-off is 6:00am. Donations can be made on the Roar Fans Against Depression website by credit card, direct bank transfer or PayPal. Donations over $2 are tax deductible. For more information, contact Martin on (07) 4168-0273 or by email
 Shoppingworld Butchery Makes Lenard's History
October 16, 2008 - Chicken meat retailer Lenard's has 180 franchises throughout Australia... but their new Kingaroy store which opened recently is extra special.
The franchise has been integrated into an existing business for the first time: Tony Ralph's Shoppingworld Butchery.
Lenard's founder Lenard Poulter said he was excited by the potential of the new concept.
"Any butcher looking to take back market share should consider this concept to piggyback off the national strength and popularity of the Lenard's brand," he said.
Lenard's sells an amazing 13 million chickens per year in Australia.
 APN Releases Free South Burnett Newspaper
October 15, 2008 - Keen observers could be excused for thinking a mini media war has broken out in the South Burnett with the release this week of the South Burnett Mail, (right). The free fortnightly news-pictorial, published by multinational APN Australian Publishing, has grown from the popular, (if at one time controversial), Kingaroy Mail. It has a claimed circulation of 7500 copies across a similar distribution area as its sister publication, the bi-weekly South Burnett Times which has a cover price of $1. Late last month the independent Country Focus community newspaper, based in Nanango and published free fortnightly, announced plans to soon expand its coverage to the whole South Burnett. Publisher Ross Towell told SBBiz: "Our aim is ... if you get a mail delivery, you will get a free Country Focus! Watch this space."
 Difficult Task For Local Emergency Crews
October 14, 2008 - The scene ... a semi-trailer is overturned in the former Kingaroy Council yards in Pound Street. An old model Commodore is pinned underneath. The two occupants of the car are trapped and injured. Similar scenarios have become frighteningly common but fortunately this time it was only an exercise. On Saturday, a total of 32 fire brigade officers from Kingaroy and surrounding South Burnett towns had the luxury of being able to spend time discussing what were the best ways of tackling the "rescue" and weighing up their options. They were guided by three instructors from Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast. North Coast Region Area Director Inspector Kevin Lucas said the exercise had also allowed the teams to familiarise themselves with new gear including PowerShore equipment to lift and stabilise heavy vehicles and improved hydraulic cutters which can cut through the tougher metals found in trucks and new generation passenger cars. This new equipment has been issued to the Kingaroy Fire Service, and along with a new computer-aided despatch program, will allow teams to respond quickly to truck incidents throughout the South Burnett. PS. The two car crash victims were safely extracted and the experience gained by the firies will probably one day save a life. Thank you everyone!
 John B-P Throws Hat Into The Ring For LNP
October 13, 2008 - Well-known local businessman John Bjelke-Petersen, (right), is expected to be ratified tomorrow as the LNP candidate for the seat of Nanango at the next State election. The LNP was formed earlier this year by the merger of the Queensland Nationals and the Queensland Liberals. John, who is president of the South Burnett Tourism Association and operates Bethany Cottages, stood for the seat as a National at the 2006 election and polled just 826 primary votes fewer than sitting MP, former One Nation member Dorothy Pratt. Since then, the boundaries of the seat have been extended to include Crows Nest, Goombungee and Meringanden West from the former seat of Darling Downs. When LNP nominations closed last week, John's nomination was uncontested. It has now been endorsed locally and is expected to be confirmed by the party's candidate review committee tomorrow.
 Beef Summit At Durong Hall
October 10, 2008 - Beef producers from throughout the South Burnett are expected to gather in Durong on Monday for the Durong 2020 Beef Summit. The Durong AgForce Branch is celebrating 50 years of industry representation in the Durong / Boondooma district at the Durong Community Hall. Keynote speaker will be Iain Mars, chief executive officer of JBS Swift Australia. Other guest speakers will include Drew Wagner (AgForce), Rod Knight (KLR Marketing), Diana Leemon (DPI&F), Isobel Knight (proAGtive), David Thomason (MLA) and former Test cricketer Carl Rackemann. For more information, phone Georgie Somerset on (07) 4168-0246 or contact her by email
 Last Chance To Nominate Your Favourite Business!
October 9, 2008 - Nominations close tomorrow for the 2008 Heritage Kingaroy Business Excellence Awards. Coupon to nominate your favourite business have appeared in the South Burnett Times newspaper and can be downloaded from the KCCI website. Just by nominating a business or employee for an award, you could win one of five $50 Heritage accounts.Three independent judges will assess the entries and trophies will be awarded in a number of categories. The overall winner will be presented with the Business of the Year Award at a gala dinner in Kingaroy Town Hall on Saturday November 8. For more information about the Business Awards Dinner, phone Polly Birchall at the KCCI on (07) 4162-8466.
 Uncommon Variety at Nanango Shop
October 8, 2008 - The Uncommon Variety Shop at 38 Fitzroy Street, Nanango, has a little bit of everything ... from gifts and crafts to sarongs and a book exchange.
Owner Rose Hookailo took over the former Discount Den seven months ago. As well as changing the name, she greatly extended the range of items available, creating a "country craft" atmosphere which includes porcelain dolls, children's lamps, wicker and country kitchenware and painted ponies and cows.
Rose and her husband were formerly in the resort management business. They chose Nanango to be their home four years ago and built a house two years ago. When the Discount Den came on the market, Rose snapped it up.
The Uncommon Variety Shop is open seven days and Rose can be contacted on (07) 4171-0299.
 New Chapter Begins For Union Bank Building
October 7, 2008 - Chris Cross Hair Studio has re-opened at its new premises ... the historic former Union Bank building, ( right), at 194 Kingaroy Street, Kingaroy. The freshly repainted two-storey building - known to many local residents as Harbison's surgery - has been a focal point in Kingaroy Street since about 1909. In 1987 it was identified as a significant historic site in the "Survey of Historic Sites: Shire of Kingaroy" by Heathwood, Cardillo and Wilson and was included in the "Register of Significant Twentieth Century Architecture" report by Fiona Gardiner in 1988. It was entered onto the Register of the National Estate by the Australian Heritage Council in December 1997. The building ceased to be a bank in 1972 when ANZ relocated to new premises. More recently it housed Mission Australia and was the National Party campaign office during the last State Election campaign.
 Push For 100-Bed Hospital in Kingaroy
October 6, 2008 - ABC Radio is reporting today that the South Burnett Community Health Council is recommending that Kingaroy Hospital be upgraded to "base hospital" standard.
The Health Council is about to release a draft of the first evidence-based study of the region's health services.
Health Council chairman and South Burnett Regional Mayor David Carter told the ABC a 100-bed hospital was needed to service the region's growing population.
"One of the big issues we've got is people have to travel out of the region for medical services," he said.
 Meet'n'Greet at Heritage Kingaroy
October 3, 2008 - South Burnett Regional Mayor David Carter will provide an update on parking issues in the Kingaroy CBD at the next Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce and Industry Meet'n'Greet which will be held on October 13. The Meet'n'Greet will be held at the Heritage Building Society branch in Shoppingworld from 5:30pm. As this is a special promotional event for the upcoming Heritage Kingaroy Business Awards For Excellence, there will be no cover charge but RSVPs would be appreciated for catering purposes by October 8. Refreshments will be served. For more information and to RSVP, phone Polly Birchall on (07) 4162-8466.
A Touch of Glass for the South Burnett
October 2, 2008 - The Visitor Information Centre in Kingaroy has unveiled a new South Burnett wineglass to join its selection of quality souvenirs - just in time for the holiday season and Christmas gifts! The new wine glass, ( pictured at centre, right), is available for just $7.95 and joins the shot glasses ($3.25) and water glasses ($6.50) already available. All feature the South Burnett regional logo and would make a great souvenir. On a "lighter" note, the Visitor Information Centre also offers two great examples of "Kingaroy crystal" (ie plastic) wineglasses with stems that include flashing lights. The claret glass or champagne flute would brighten up any party and are available for just $5.95 each.
 David Takes Over At Kingaroy Cheese
October 1, 2008 - David Kemp is the new general manager at Kingaroy Cheese, taking over from the well-known Chris Ganzer who has relocated to the Hunter Valley.
David is already getting into the swing of things and is keen to get Kingaroy Cheese involved in community activities.
Later this month (October 24), David will be hosting the drivers from esCarpade when they pass through Kingaroy as part of a seven-day motoring event which is raising funds for Camp Quality. The esCarpade drivers are travelling from Windsor to Gympie and are raising money along the way for children and their families who are living with cancer.
 New Kitchen For Captain's Paddock
September 30, 2008 - The kitchen at Captain's Paddock Vineyard, Cafe and B&B is undergoing renovations and will be closed for the next five weeks. Owners Maryanne Pidcock and Peter Eaton say there will be no food served at Captain's Paddock for that time however they are keen to remind everyone that there will still be wine tastings, wine sales and tea and coffee available from 10:00am to 5:00pm every day. Captain's Paddock is located at 18 Millers Road, Kingaroy, and can be contacted on (07) 4162-4534.
 Changes At Government-Owned Corps
September 29, 2008 - Queensland Treasurer Andrew Fraser. (right), has released details of new appointments for many of the State's Government-Owned Corporations (GOCs). Forty people were appointed to 13 GOC boards by the Governor-in-Council (26 reappointments and 14 new appointments).
Appointments of interest to the South Burnett include:
Ergon: Former CEO Dr Ralph Craven is replacing Chairman Dr Keith Hilless who is retiring. Ian McLeod, who has been Acting CEO, has been confirmed in the CEO position. Four existing Board members - Terri Hamilton, Helen Stanton, John Bird and Wayne Myers - have been reappointed for staged terms along with new members former Townsville Mayor Tony Mooney and Susan Forrester. Andrew Robertson and Barry Taylor are retiring.
Powerlink: Else Shepherd has been reappointed Chair and Christina Sutherland has been reappointed to the Board. Julie Beeby is a new appointment as an additional Director.
Tarong Energy: Kym Collins has been reappointed to the Tarong Energy Corporation Board.
SunWater: Former National Party Minister Neil Turner and lawyer Kirstin Ferguson join the Board, replacing Julie Boyd and Alan Millhouse.
Show Society Pulls Out Of Sir Joh Project
September 26, 2008 - The proposal to build the Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen Memorial Cultural Centre, ( above), on land at Kingaroy Showground has been scrapped following a decision by the South Burnett National Show Society to withdraw from the project  The proposal, which has been under development for several years, had been to locate the Cultural Centre on Showground land adjacent to Avoca Street. It would have included, ( right), a large show pavilion suitable for conferences, a performance auditorium, rooms for music and drama classes for school students, a kitchen and an "interpretative area" for tourists looking for information about Sir Joh. However the Show Society has declined the offer to be included in the project due to time and financial constraints and the need to replace current pavilions urgently. It has been suggested a smaller project involving an auditorium, music rooms and a small museum space may now be considered for the grounds of Kingaroy High School. PS. Don't forget to tune into Channel 7's The Great South East on Sunday at 5:30pm. It will feature many parts of the South Burnett during the "Bunya To The Bay" feature.
 Towns Push For Community Banks
September 25, 2008 - Two South Burnett towns are currently working towards establishing community banks in their areas.
ABC Local Radio is reporting that a group of Nanango residents is meeting today to form a steering committee to work towards the establishment of a Bendigo Bank in Nanango. This follows the decision by the National Australia Bank to close its branch on the grounds it was no longer viable.
SBBiz understands Blackbutt residents are also interested in establishing a Bendigo Bank in their town and have already begun collecting pledges for its establishment.
There is already a Bendigo Community Bank operating in Yarraman.
 Community Store Moves Up Kingaroy Street
September 24, 2008 - The Kingaroy Community Store, a not-for-profit secondhand shop that supports local charities and projects, has shifted location closer into the Kingaroy CBD.
It is now at 129 Kingaroy Street, in the old Budget Fabrics location.
Steve Ogden Real Estate has reclaimed the Kingaroy Community Store's former home at 99 Kingaroy Street.
The Kingaroy Community Store, which is open 9:30am to 4:00pm Monday to Friday, can be contacted on (07) 4162-1920.
Steve Ogden can be contacted on (07) 4162-1759.